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13634Madeira House, Manset
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Boats
  • Other, Building
  • Places, Landscape
  • George Daniell
The Madeira’s House on the Manset Shore road taken from floats at Manset Dock. Asian style architecture. Man working on lawn at the left side of house. Stone pier in front of house. Ramp extending from pier. In foreground, lobster boat at float. Small punt overturned on float. Ramp to the left. Gift of George Daniell. Originally built by Carroll Tyson of Philadelphia (per Roc Caivano, 2013/ AB)
12384Hall Quarry, Granite Quarry
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • Places, Landscape
Hall Quarry, quarry in winter. Looking across Somes Sound. Pieces of granite scattered about. Rail for tram covered with snow runs through center of photo. Various buildings in the middle ground. Derrricks in the foreground.
12360View of Hall Quarry
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • Places, Landscape
Modern black and white print from negative made from original print. "Hall Quarry" written on back. Image shows Hall Quarry in operation; two large derricks in middle ground; rails in center of picture. Scene includes at least 15 men working in quarry; one pair of horses pulling wagon; various buildings in middle ground; large blocks of granite. Photograph taken from high vantage point, looking across Somes Sound.
5454Main Street, Somesville
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • Places, Landscape
Main Street Somesville. Somes Cove on left. Trees line street. Board sidewalk visible on right near picket fenced yards. Fernald’s Store (later Port-in-a-Storm bookstore) hidden by trees. Lumber mill to left. Two masts of schooner rise up over trees. 8x10 This is also a slide (97-691-861) which was used in the Somesville Bicentenial and can be found on Row 2 Unit 2 Shelf 4 Slide Box 1
14562Somes Brook and Bridge
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • Places, Landscape
Somes Brook, trees on banks, reeds in lower right corner. Two women crossing bridge, wearing white dresses and hats, may be pushing baby carriage. Lumber Mill in background.
12244Mount Desert House, Somesville, Maine
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
Historic Mount Desert Tavern, also known as the Mount Desert House. Tall sign post on front lawn. Mount Desert House sign partially cut out of picture. Lattice work fence leads to front door. Shutters on front windows shut. Two men standing near front door. Two men in front of lattice work. Several men and boys stand around large wagon with horse. Shadow visible in foreground. (Sometimes erroneously referred to as the Mount Desert Inn.)
12485Somesville Lumber Mill
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • Places, Landscape
Lumber mill on mill pond in Somesville. Somes Cove and mountains in background. Rocks in foreground; logs on far bank.
12345Grist Mill, Somesville
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • Places, Landscape
Old Grist Mill on Somes Brook in winter. Trees lining banks hide two story shingled building.
14584Somes House Inn, Somesville
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • Places, Landscape
Somes House Inn, Somesville. Road in foreground. Trees line drive to cottage. Two connected three-story white clapboard buildings. On left - wrap around porch with lattice work and steps going down the left side. Two dormers and one chimney. On right - Porch on front with lattice work. Two chimneys. Horse and buggy in front of steps. Person on porch. No date. Duplicate: 997-315-480, Photo Album #1, p.10
12299Selectmen's Building
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
Mount Desert Island Historical Society’s Historic Selectmen’s Building. Mount Desert Museum sign on sign holder on corner of building. Shutters open, flowers in box under front window. Large granite step on ground at center of building. Street in foreground. Marked, “Mount Desert Island Historical Society [----] old building.” No date.
12300Selectmen's Building, Mount Desert Museum.
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
Street view of exterior of selectmen's building in Somesville; large shade trees on either side, "Mount Desert Museum" sign on upper right corner of building. Hand-written across bottom, "Mount Desert Island Historical Society [illegible] old building."
14262Old Store converted to Cottage, Mount Desert
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
Two and one-half story cottage in Mt. Desert. White clapboard with no shutters. Covered porch wraps around two sides. One large tree on lawn shades house. Walk runs through middle of lawn to the porch steps. Road visible in foreground. Marked on front, “Old Store, Garmie converted into cottage. Judge Smith tore it down. Marked on back, “Be it ever so humble.” and “old store gammie converted into a summer cottage. Judge Smith tore it down 1920-22.” It was located between Historic Abraham Somes III house and Historic Mount Desert Tavern. [show more]
12484Somesville Lumber Mill
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • Places, Landscape
Lumber mill on mill pond in Somesville. Somes Cove and mountains in background. Rocks in foreground; logs on far bank.
14603Somes House Inn
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Nature, Animals
  • Other, Building
  • People
Somes House Inn, Somesville. Road in foreground. Trees line drive to cottage. Two connected three-story white clapboard buildings. On left, wrap-around porch with lattice work and steps going down the left side. Two dormers and one chimney. On right - Porch on front with lattice work. Two chimneys. Horse and buggy in front of steps. Person on porch. No date.
12486Lumber Mill, Mill Pond, Somesville
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
Lumber mill and mill pond in Somesville. Somes Cove in background. Shallow pond, some logs on banks. See also 997-304-469, Photo Album #1, p. 7 No date.
5473Masonic Hall, Somesville
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
Two and one-half story Masonic Hall in Somesville. White clapboard with black shutters. Large addition on back. Covered entry to front door.Several evergreens on front lawn. Pile of logs between two houses. House on right also two story white clapboard. Unruly bush in front of buildings. Road visible in foreground. Marked on back, “Masonic Hall Somesville, before it burned and was replaced.” No date. This is aslo a slide (97-705-875) used in the Somesville Bicentenial and can be found on Row 2 Unit 2 Shelf 4 Slide Box 1 [show more]
14587Cottage at Mt. Desert, Maine
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
Two and one-half story cottage in Mt. Desert. White clapboard with no shutters. Covered porch wraps around two sides. One large tree on lawn shades house. Walk runs througn middle of lawn to the porch steps. Road visible in foreground. Marked on back, “Cottage at Mt. Desert Maine (Recently sold). to Judge Allen," the rest illegible. This building no longer standing. It was located between Historic Abraham Somes III house and Historic Mount Desert Tavern. [show more]
12382Main Street, Somesville
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
Main Street Somesville. Marked on back, “John Somes store." Yellow house (in between) first elementary school children met there. First floor was post office (now gone (crossed out) moved). Third house - millinary shop run by two women.” Picture shows three buildi in a row. All buildings similar, 2 1/2 stories, white clapboard capes. First and last have covered porches. First building, sign reads R.H.B. Fernald. Horse with wagon tied to posts on first building. Man sitting on box on porch. Telephone poles run along the street. Board sidewalks stop before the group of houses, and start again after the third. Selectmen’s building in the background. [show more]
9108Southwest Harbor Congregational Church
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • Other, Transportation
  • People
  • Unknown
Southwest Harbor Congregational Church, High Road Southwest Harbor. Congregation gathered in front of church. To the left white horse hitched to buggy. Rail fence in foreground, horse's head to the right. Stains throughout photo.
9132Fair Mount Cottage
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • Unknown
Group of people standing on front porch and in front of Fair Mount Cottage. Location unknown. Three story building with flat roof. Covered porch on front and side. Next door, three story building with sign above entrance, “ --- Cottage” Coverd porch with two stair cases. Man sits on railing next to woman holding a baby. Below, man leans on railing , child stands mext to him. Large group in front of Fairmount Cottage includes sevearl children, boy with bicycle, and dog. Also men and women. Other buildings in the background, laundry hanging on line. Marked on back, “From all to Frank Dec. 25, 1891.” Also marked, “ Given by Eleanor Wiggin, July 1958, unidentified place or people.” Stains throughout image. [show more]
9137View of Hall Quarry
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • Places, Landscape
  • Unknown
Sepia-toned print mounted on black cardboard; 1" X 1/2" tear in upper left corner; print is wrinkled and foxed; shows apparent water damage. "Hall Quarry" written in pencil on back. Image shows Hall Quarry in operation; two large derricks in middle ground; rails in center of picture. Scene includes at least 15 men working in quarry; one pair of horses pulling wagon; various buildings in middle ground; large blocks of granite. Photograph taken from high vantage point, looking across Somes Sound. [show more]
9138John Allen Somes, Mark Somes, Ada Somes, John William Somes, Sarah Somes, Kate Heath
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • Unknown
Group of people standing on lawn of historic Mt. Desert Tavern. White clapboard house with black shutters. Drive on right side of house, barn or shed attached to back of house. Two tall treees shade the hosue. From left to right, John Allen Somes (Allie), wearing dark suit and cap, holding Mark Somes, Ada (Richardson) Somes, wearing white dress, John William Somes, father of John Allen Somes, wearing derby, long coat. long white beard and carrying walking stick, Sarah Somes, sister of John William wearing white apron, blouse with full puffed sleeves and hat, Kate Heath Pray, wife of Lester Pray, wearing black skirt, full puffed blouse and hat. [show more]
9139Saw Mill in Somesville
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • Places, Landscape
  • Unknown
Saw mill in Somesville. View from across mill pond. Logs floating in pond. Lumber piled along banks. Masts of schooner appear in back of lumber. Men standing on banks. Horse with lumber cart on bank. Looking across Somes Cove.
9140W.H.S. Group of high school students
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • Structures, Institutional, School
  • Morrell
Group of high school students on steps of brick school. Predominately female students, group of men to the right. Marked, W.H.S. in lower righthand corner, also marked Mr. Palmer Principal. Morrell Photo Hallowell, Me.
9144Young man on steps of house
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • Unknown
Unknown Man standing on steps of clapboard house with dark shutters and porch. Flower pots on steps. Man has hands in pocket. Hair parted on one side and brushed to the other. Wears dark coat unbuttoned and light colored vest . White shirt with dark bow tie. Dark trousers.