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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
3722A. K. Chase application to GAR post
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1885
Application for membership in James M. Parker Post GAR by A.K. Chase who served as a private in the 9th Maine Regiment.
3717Edmund Pendleton, Application for Membership
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1898
Application for membership in James M. Parker post, GAR, by Edmund Pendleton. He was a 2nd Lt. in Co. "E" 4th Regiment, New Jersey (?) Heavy Artillery. He resigned, because he had not received a promised commission in the regular artillery as promised by Secretary of War Stanton and was honorably discharged. He also served as aid [sic] de camp to General DeRussy.
3716Joseph E. Young, Application for Membership
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1897
Application for memberhip to James Parker Post, GAR. Joseph Young was a private in Co. "E", 26th Maine Regiment
3715Anson P. Cunningham
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1896
Application for membership in James Parker Post, GAR. Cunningham was a privet [sic] and current occupation was a teamster.
3714Patrick Murphy GAR Applications
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1884
Application for membership in James M. Parker Post, GAR. There may be two applications for Patrick Murphy. He was born in St. John, New Brunswick and was with the field artillery. Two applications, on e1884, another 1895
3712George B. Mitchell, James M. Parker GAR Post
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1886
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR. Appear to be two applications and indications that he was not discharged; he notes sickness and neglect and absent without leaf [sic] on one of the applications.
3713Thomas Martin GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
Application for membership in James Parker Post, GAR. Date of application unclear. Martin was born in St. John's, Newfoundland, and was a sailor.
3711Wellington McFarland, James M. Parker GAR Post
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1894
Application for membership, James Parker Post GAR. He was with the 18th Maine Volunteers.
3710Benjamin Cousins, James M. Parker GAR Post
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1895
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR. Cousins was born in England and was discharged by reason of disability.
3709James George, James M. Parker GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1894
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR. George was born in Ireland.
3708Edgar L. Roberts, James M. Parker GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1883
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR.
3707W.H. Davis James M. Parker GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1894
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR.
3706John A. Rodick, James M. Parker GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1894 (?)
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR. "Discharged by reason of disability in battle before Petersburg, June 18, 1864."
3704Richard H. Paine, James M. Parker GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1894
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR.
3705William Rogers James M. Parker GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1894
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR.
3703John Higgins, James M. Parker GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1893
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR.
3702John H. Thomas, James M. Parker GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
Application (date unknown) for membership, James Parker Post, GAR. Thomas was discharged on 13 December 1863 "by reason of gunshot would in the right forearm."
3701Asa F. Smith, James M. Parker GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1894
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR.
3700Henry C. Moore, James M. Parker GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1885
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR.
3699Delorian A. Higgins, James M. Parker GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1884
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR. First name may be spelled Delorraine.
3698Charles Pray, James M. Parker GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
Application (undated) for membership, James Parker Post, GAR.
3697Isaac C. Dow, GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1884
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR. Dow was discharged in 1863 by reason of a gunshot wound to the face
3696Edwin H. Cunningham GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1884
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR.
3695John M. Pierce, GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1884
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR.
3694Maurice R. Rich, GAR Post application
  • Document, Form, Application, Membership Application
  • 1884
Application for membership, James Parker Post, GAR.