1 - 25 of 27 results
You searched for: Object ID: is not emptyPlace: [blank]Subject: OtherType: PublicationType: BookType: Journal
Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
122761868 Woman's diary and account book
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, Diary
  • 1868
1868 diary and account book in green leather case with foldover tab. Diarist not identified. Typed note inside: "This diary is the property of Joan Jones of Pretty Marsh. She found it, a few years ago, in the house in Northeast Harbor where she and her family then lived. The house is now owned by Lydia Lyman. Sept. 30, 1983. The diary is on loan by Joan to the MDI Historical Society. " Mentions Harding, Nash, Wallace, Somes families; refers to frequent Lodge activities, sleighing, euchre. Typed transcription of diary available. [show more]
4454Marian Lawrence Peabody Diary, July 1989 to Dec 30, 1899
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, Diary
  • 1899
Marian Lawrence Peabody Diary, July 1889 to Dec 30, 1899 Typed on onion skin
17490Somesville Junior Endeavor Society Journal
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Other, Churches
  • Other, History - Somesville
  • People
  • 12/10/1907
Black Ledger with red binding includes Lists of members and participation of juniors from the Somesville Union Meeting House U.C.C. (Congregational Church) from 12/10/1907 - 4/13/1916
17482My Trip Abroad
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, Tourism
  • Other, Transportation - land
  • Other, Transportation - water
leather bound travel log dated June 16th - August 2nd 1937includes color plates of ocean liner flags, itinerary, daily log, 3 post cards which have been stored with photographs in postcard album
17476Downeast Ancestry Volume IV, V, VI printed:1980-83
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Other, Genealogy
  • Other, History - Maine
  • People
Blue Binder:Copies of Downeast Ancestry Vol. IV numbers 1-6 Volume V Numbers 1-6 Volume VI Numbers 1-6
17475Downeast Ancestry Volume I, II, III printed:1977-1982
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Other, Genealogy
  • Other, History - Maine
  • People
Blue Binder:Copies of Downeast Ancestry Vol. I numbers 1-6 Volume II Number 6 Volume III Numbers 1, 2 and 4-6
16776Somesville Blacksmith Journal
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Nature, Animals
  • Other, History - Somesville
  • Other, Industry
Small Blacksmith journal 1837-1845
13862Travel Diary of John Goldthwait
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Other, Diary
  • Other, Travel
  • 1937
Travel Diary of John Goldthwait? of trip to Great Britain or was this donated by John Goldthwait
13707Record of Official Visits by Eugene S. Robbins
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • 3/21/1952
Journal of official visits made by Eugene S. Robbins as Grand Senior Warden (1951-1952) and Grand HIgh Priest (1952-1953) for Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Includes meeting locations, mileage, attendence, and notes. Last entry 3/23/1953.
13706Record book for traveling crooks, Watson Robbins
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • 10/18/1963
Small journal kept by Watson Robbins containing records of his traveling crooks including dates, locations, mileage, and new members. Last emtry 4/28/1964.
13645Willing Workers Record Book
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • 3/2/1953
Record book started by Constance Robbins, secretary for the Willing Workers Club, formed on 3/2/1953 to raise money for “the mortgage and carpet”. A group of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs comprised the club membership. The record book contains minutes from various meetings, loose reciepts, bank statements, and notes. Last entry made 12/30/1970.
13503The Social Service Review
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Other, Miscellaneous
  • 1941
Volume XV of the Social Service Review, in which LaRue Spiker has written an article titled "Rural Housing Conditions in an Illinois Township".
13502The Garden Journal
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Other, Biology
  • 1956
Magazine containing an article by LaRue Spiker, titled "Green Factories", about the food-making processes of plants.
13501The Commonwealth
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Other, Civil Rights
  • 1957
Article by LaRue Spiker, about the attempts of a mother to send her two black children to a white school in Kentucky, shortly after this was legalised. Describes the antagonism of the local people, including the police.
13496The Nation
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Other, Business
  • Other, Fisheries
  • 1958
Journal containing article by LaRue Spiker titled "Farmers of the Sea." About the falling price of lobsters, and the fate of lobstermen.
12767Diary 1921
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, History - Bar Harbor
  • Other, History - Mount Desert Island
  • People
  • 1921
small diary: owner unknown- found in the attic of Roths’ home on Indian Pt. Road Names: Numerous names mentioned including Leighton Smith, Fraley, Disston. Only a few dates have activities such as chop wood, go skating. Also has prices of goods
4452Marian Lawrence Peabody Diary, May 30 to Aug 16, 1901
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, Bar Harbor
  • Other, Kebo
  • Structures, Civic, Society
  • 1901
Marian Lawrence Peabody Diary May 30 to Aug 16, 1901 in Boston., Took the train to BH , July 2 According to Mass Historical Society which has a collection of papers, (1875-1974) she was the daughter of Bishop William Lawrence (1850-1941) and Julia Cunningham Lawrence (1853-1927). Known to her family as "Maisie," Spent summer with her family in Nahant, MA and Bar Harbor ME
4451Marian Lawrence Peabody diary, July 14-Dec 21, 1903
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, Jordan Pond
  • Other, Kebo
  • Other, Pot and Kettle Club
  • 1903
Marian Lawrence Peabody July 14-Dec 21, Discusses the sailing ship, the Massachusetts Went to the Cassatt's reception on Tues, Aug 11 Swimming Pool Ball in BH
4450Marian Lawrence Peabody Diary, excerpts from 1914-1017 to creeate a book chapter
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, World War I
Marian Lawrence Peabody, Aug 2, 1914 to April 6. 1917 excerpts from 1914-1017 to create a book chapter has handwritten notes on the side, pasted areas Is this written by Marian Lawrence Peabody or is someone else excerpting her diary. Mass Historical organization states, "she published several articles of historical reminiscences and a volume of excerpts from her diaries in To Be Young Was Very Heaven (1967)," Mentions the Crown Princess entering the harbor (Kronprinzessen Cecile) [show more]
4449Marian Lawrence Peabody diary 1901
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, Diary
  • 1901
Marian Lawrence Peabody diary 1901 A small piece of paper says 1899 to end of century but outside folder says 1901l July 2 to Aug 30 on one type of paper and font. Aug 31 to Sep 19 on another type. At top of second section it says Sep 1901 July 2 "found George Dorr had the seat next to mine. Has page numbers on the second section beginning, p. 18-21
4448Marian Lawrence Peabody diary
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, Casinos
  • Other, Democrats
  • Other, Eastern Yacht Club
  • Other, Pot and Kettle Club
  • Other, Republicans
  • Other, Social aspects
  • Other, Tennis
  • Other, swimming pool dance
  • Structures, Civic, Society
  • 1904
Marian Lawrence Peabody diary, Aug 22 1904 , p. 149 to Sep 23, 1904 p. 170 She missed going to a meeting with Booker Washington, p. 157 Tennis at the Pinchots court, p. 159 Went to the Unitarian church and Sam Eliot preached Went to the Democratic Rally with the Morris' and Pinchot. "Pinchot is a fierce Republican..."
4441Marian L. Peabody typewritten diary May to Dec 1917
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, Diary
  • Other, World War I
  • 1917
Marian L. Peabody Type written diary May to Dec 1917 On more yellowed paper, Dear Papa, from the Hotel Lincoln, Paris, 9 August 1931, 6 pages, parts crossed out In a notebook
4426Marian Lawrence Peabody "War Work" June 11, 1917 to Dec 7, 2017 quoting excerpts from her diary
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, Diary
  • Other, Thrift Stamps
  • Other, War Work Committee
  • Other, World War I
  • Other, YWCA
  • 1917
Someone excerpting Marian Lawrence Peabody diary about "War Work" June 11, 1917 to Dec 7, 2017 quoting excerpts from her diary P. 10 Mentions "the awful disaster in Halifax. A munition ship collided with a Belgian relief ship and exploded, destroying half the city." Someone is quoting Peabody's diary, I presume after World War II since she puts in parentheses that Halifax explosion was the largest human caused explosion before Hiroshima. [show more]
2969Marian Lawrence Peabody, War and Domesticity May 31, 1917 to Dec 31, 1917
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, Diary
  • Other, Servants
  • Other, World War I
  • 1917
Marian Lawrence Peabody, War and Domesticity May 31, 1917 to Dec 31, 1917 Discusses views of servants and Peabody household about the war related to their family heritage
2967Marian Lawrence Peabody War Approaches
  • Publication, Book, Journal, Diary
  • Other, World War I
  • 1917
Marian Lawrence Peabody one cut page War Approaches Another full page, 25 discussing Peabody's diary. "Although attendance fell off badly in the war yuears, MLP held on to her custom of organizing an annual concert