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You searched for: Object ID: is not emptySubject: OtherSubject: Bar Harbor TimesType: DocumentType: Correspondence
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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
1501Congratulations to Spiker
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • Other, Gott's Island
  • 1962
5 handwritten letters of congratulations on taking over editorship Letter frorm Nancy Greenough (Mrs. Alfred) congratulating on Bar Harbor Times Previously archived as 012.FIC.023.4, **1317, **1319, **1320, **1321, **1322, **1323
9354Letter from Hobart Reed
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • 1963
Letter praising Spiker's work (scanned) and response (not scanned) of Spiker thanking him for praising her work. Reed is native, former resident of Tremont. He suggests a column hobartreed.pdf Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.03, **1324
9352Letters sorry Spiker is resigning
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • Other, Editor
  • Other, Resignation from office
  • 1964
Two letters expressing regret that Spiker is resigning as editor of Bar Harbor Times 1 letter of 2 scanned Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.05, **1330
9351Enjoyed Spiker's writing
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • Other, Writing
  • 1964
2 letters expressing praise for LaRue Spiker's writing, photographs, book reviews. One suggests some errors in book review Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.06, **1333, **1329
9343Southern environmental reporting trip1
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • Other, Cajuns
  • Other, Reporting
  • Other, Writing
  • 1985 ?
Undated letter to ? Starts letters Dear_ Appears to be in or just been in Kountze, Texas at Big Thicket National Preserve. Discusses Cajun Country. Needs to write a column for the Bar Harbor Times. Going to Rockport, Texas handwrittennote.jpg (2 p) Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.14, **1351
9338Letter of Support for Spiker
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • Other, Letter to the Editor
  • nd
In response to a letter to the Editor criticizing spiker Ruby Cameron writes to support her. The letter to the Editor she is responding to is called Threat and Promise. Cameron was a nurse to well to do people Previoulsy archived as 012.FIC.042.19, **1355
9337Letter to Joe Lyford from LaRue Spiker
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • Other, Books
  • Other, Editor
  • Other, Writing
  • nd
Explains reasons for resignation. Wants to write a novel, stay here. Looking for grants to support her writing. She's done the research on Elijah Lovejoy. Paper wanted to focus mostly on Bar Harbor and not the island. Perhaps wants to start and island weekly. Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.21, **1356