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You searched for: Date: 1940sPlace: Mount Desert Maine
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  • Image
  • Mount Desert Maine
Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
13230Fleet off Hills
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Ballard, W.H.
  • 1941
Photo, printed from a Ballard negative, in digital format. This photo was FIC on a CD. It apparaently was printed from one of the Ballard negatives in the MDIHS collection for an unknown reason in 2008. Northeast Harbor Fleet off the hills led by Homer’s yawl Salmagal II. Ballard Neg # Y-97 Two digital files exist: one is in TIF format in the Large Image folder and the other is a JPG image of suitable size for the standard image folder. Note relation tab for other images of Salmagal. [show more]