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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
18487Representitive Business Men of Bar Harbor
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Unknown
Double sided advertisment print for Bar Harbor businesses. Date unknown, likely 1900-20 based on bank capitalization and profit numbers included in the advertisements.
18486A Birthday Wish for You
  • Document, Memorabilia, Commemorative, Commemorative Card
  • Hallmark
  • unknown
Birthday Card signed "Mary Frances." Date unknown.
18482Fire Department Ledger, 1947-2011
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Account Book, Ledger
  • Town Hill Fire Department
Record of expenses and receipts ofthe Town Hill Fire Department, 1947-2011.
4044Luders 2003
  • Object, Clothing, Binder
  • Haskins, Sturgis
The binder contains photographs of Luders sailboats in the Mount Desert Island fleets of Southwest and Northeast Harbors, by name of boat. It also contains newspaper articles, race results, members' names and addresses, newsletters, emails, and the like.
4005Luders 2004
  • Object, Clothing, Binder
  • Haskins, Sturgis
The binder contains photographs of Luders sailboats in the Mount Desert Island fleets of Southwest and Northeast Harbors, by name of boat. It also contains newspaper articles, race results, members' names and addresses, newsletters, emails, and the like.
4004The Southwest Harbor Fleet 2005 Season, Racing Records
  • Object, Clothing, Binder
  • Haskins, Sturgis
The binder contains racing records for the Luders 16, Tempest and Bullseyes sailboats for the 2005 season of the Southwest Harbor Fleet. It includes a roster of participants, racing calendar, emails, photographs of members, guests, and their boats; and newspaper articles.
4003Mount Desert Island: Assorted Marine-Related Photographs, 2005
  • Object, Clothing, Binder
  • Haskins, Sturgis
The binder contains photographs of the Downeast Senior College sailing class, various local and summer people, Winter Harbor Yacht Club, Sorrento Yacht Club, many Luders sailboats, model boats at the Northeast Harbor Maritime Museum
4002Mount Desert Island Croquet Club and Woodlawn Croquet Club 2005 Records
  • Object, Writing, Notebook
  • 10/16/06
This notebook is volume I of the 2005 records of the Mount Desert Island Croquet Club and the Woodlawn Croquet Club. Included are lists of players, photographs, emails, and assorted club memos and notes.
3978Rodick House, Hamor Estate
  • Document, Report
Rodick House papers; Hamor estate papers including court case of property to Mrs. Hamor, sale of store and lot by Edwin G. Desisle; Letter from Fountain Rodick to Mrs. Griswold; Accounts/ledgers re payments from Hamor estate (1873); Account from R.H. Kitteredge store, East Eden/Bar Harbor (1875).
3763Exhibits 2007-2010
  • Document, Program
2007-2008: Lost and Found, found object art April 2008: Art and Soles: celebrating shoes, footprints, feet and soles/souls Summer/fall 2008: Get the Inside Story: 200 Years of Lifestyles & Homes on MDI. Items from "Ravenscleft," "Cedar Cliff," 2008: Somesville Museum 2008-2009, Selectmen's Building, The Cobbler's Tools 2009, April 8-May 16, The Big and the Small, work from Island artists in variety of media. 2009: Traveling in Style on Mount Desert Island, 1860-1920, June 19-July 25, Photos and Objects from the Raymond Strout Collection, curated by Susan Lerner. 2009: Three Centuries of Hooking: Hooked Rugs from Private Collections. 2010: Folk Art from MDI Collections, Aug. 1-Sept 4, 2010, Judith Burger-Gossart, curator; old School House & Museum. 2010, May and June: Don't Say Cheese 2010: Home Front & Battle Front: Stories, Photos, Letters, Posters, Other Unusual Articacts, Old School House. Photo Detectives [show more]
3759Exhibit Files: 1997, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2006
  • Publication, Catalog
1997: Charles W. Eliot and John Gilley: Good Hope for Our Country. Plan of exhibit, list of artifacts & photographs, bibliography, "John Gilley and Charles W. Eliot: Good Hope for Our Country," by Jaylene B. Roths (ms.), "The Gilley Family of Mt. Desert," by William Otis Sawtelle, (ms), and other notes. 1997: From Boarding House to Grand Hotel: The Origins of Tourism on Mount Desert Island. Background notes for exhibit, list of photographs and other items. 2000: Victorian Dining on Mount Desert Island. Photographs of exhibit; artifact list; background notes. Many items loaned for exhibit; excerpts from rules of dining, how to set tables, cookbooks, etc. 2001: Stitch in Time," at Somesville Museum: Weaving, Woolen Mill, Spinning, Sewing, Quilting, 2002: "I Came to this Place: The Story of the Village of Somesville." A new permanent exhibit at the Somesville Museum. 2004: Somesville Museum. Many of same objects and info. as in 2002 exhibit, above. 2005: Somesville Museum, "Arrival of Rusticators in 1855, Their Adventures, and Stories of the Local Residents They Met." Tracy Party, poem by Theodore Winthrop. 2006: Handicrafts Exhibit, notes from Smallidge. Also notes about Winter Industries, Getting By in Winter or Hard Times, What's Here to do After Summer People go home? [show more]
3758Somesville Exhibit Folders 1-5, 10
  • Document, Document File
Paper in front indicates what should be in each folder; many items missing, as noted. Photos and background info. about items, exhibits in Somesville Museum. Folder 1 (2006?): Articles on spinning, skating; photo. of homesteads on Sutton Island; unknown photo. of sailboat in lake. Discarded: mounted copies of archival items. Folder 2: Honor roll of Somesville men who lost lives to their country, 2 sketches from Somes House register.- Discarded: mounted copies of archival items. Folder 3: Mounted photos: menu.- Discarded Folder 4: Mounted photos.- Discarded Folder 5: Mounted photos: Grindles- Discarded Folder 10: Notes on boat-building on MDI. Brief biographies of Jarvis Newman, Farnham Butler, Ralph Stanley, Lee Wilbur; Hinckley Co., Morris Yachts. Folder 10 retained, refiled as Box 104, folder 2: Institutional records. Photos in folders 3-5 discarded- printed/mounted copies of photos from the collection. [show more]
3736Town Hill Fire Dept. Records
  • Document, Correspondence
Includes l1/27/11 letter from Vicki Salsbury to David Rockefeller Fund notifiying that the Fire Co. is disbanding and that it will combine efforts with the Bar Harbor Fire Dept. Same letter to Collier House and Jordan-Fernald Funeral Home. Also includes lists of firefighters, newspaper clippings
3640Union Church of Northeast Harbor
  • Document, List
Documents confirming that Fred L. Savage drew the working drawings for the Northeast Harbor Union Church and supervised the construction. Includes list of summer and winter residents who contributed to the founding of the church. Donor found these papers among those of his mother.
2959Odd Fellows Cadillac Mountain Memorial Services
  • Publication, Literary, Speech, Sermon
Xerox compilation of Services
3570Subscriber Letters, Folder #15
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Northeast Harbor Golf Club
1. Letter from William C. Trimble to Northeast Harbor Golf Club Members about subscriptions for the 2010 season. February, 2010. 2. 2010 Northeast Harbor Golf Club Guest Policy describing rules regulating guest usage of the course. 3. Letter from Phipps Moriarty to members explaining the work that the grounds crew performs during the off-season. Undated but mentions the upcoming 2012 season. 4. Letter from William C. Trimble to Northeast Harbor Golf Club Subscribers about subscriptions for the 2009 season, February 3rd, 2009. 5. Letter from William C. Trimble to Northeast Harbor Golf Club Subscribers about subscriptions for the 2008 season, February 5th, 2008. 6. Letter from William C. Trimble to Northeast Harbor Golf Club Subscribers about subscriptions for the 2007 season, February, 2007. 7. Letter from NEHGC Membership Committee to "All Indiviudal Junior Summer Resident Subscribers" explaining the qualifications for a "Junior Subscriber" membership. February, 2007. 8. Letter from William C. Trimble to Northeast Harbor Golf Club Subscribers about subscriptions for the 2005 season, January 15th, 2005. 9. NEHGC Schedule of Prices listing fees for membership options and rentals. 2005. 10. Letter from William C. Trimble to Northeast Harbor Golf Club Subscribers reminding about subscriptions for the 2005 season, April 11th, 2005. 11. NEHGC Subscription Request form for the 2005 season. 12. Two copies of a letter from William C. Trimble to Northeast Harbor Golf Club Subscribers about subscriptions for the 2004 season, January 20th, 2004. 13. Letter from William C. Trimble and Robert A. Gadner to Members of the Northeast Harbor Golf Club on the subject of increasing the pace of play at the golf club. May 1st, 2002. 14. Letter from John Schafer to Members of the Northeast Harbor Golf Club about the conclusion of the litigation against Nancy Harris, March 3rd, 1999. [show more]
3574Untitled folder 1 Minutes, rosters, insurace, letters ect.
  • Document, List
1. List of Dues Paid, August 2nd, 1990. 2. List of Members, December 1st, 1989. 3. Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Directors, August 27th, 1990. 4. Gifts 1989, list of donators and sum of gifts. 5. Minutes of Board Meeting, August 28th, 1991. 6. Financial record, list of receipts and disbursements from 1990. April 1st, 1991. 7. Acord Certificate of Insurance, for General Liability Insurance. Certificate Holder and Additional Insured listed as Nancy G. Harris, Shepard Harris, and Andrew Harris. May 6th, 1994. 8. Subscription Fees for 1996. 9. 1996 Weekly Greens Fee Form. 10. Letter to Subscribers inviting to subscribe for the 1997 season. February, 1997. 11. Subscription Fees for 1997. 12. Letter from Jonathan T. Harris to Walter L. Foulke on the subject of the properties adjacent to the golf course and the planned subdivision. April 5th, 1999. 13. Fax from Walter L. Foulke to Nancy Harris, April 19th, 1999. 14. Letter from Shepard Harris to Nina Strawbridge about the Smallidge Lot property. November 10th, 1994. 15. Sketch of Smallidge Lot, undated. 16. Letter from Edward McTighe to Douglas Chapman on the subject of Nancy Harris trying to purchase property (McTighe is a lawyer representing one of the Smallidge heirs). May 13th, 1985. 17. Letter from Douglas Chapman to Nancy Harris, cover letter for an enclosed letter from attorney James F. Gettens. May 17th, 1985. 18. Letter from Nancy Harris discussing the Smallidge property, lack of intention to build on it, lawsuit against Harris. "For Bill Black" is handwritten. Undated. 19. Bill from Robert Raynes for survey and plan of Smallidge lot. November 19th, 1994. 20. Letter from Marilyn Sanborne to Nancy Harris on the subject of Harris donating land to the Island Foundation. June 2nd, 1988. 21. Will of Nancy Harris, February 22, 1985. 22. "Statute of Limitations", section of a legal decision. Undated. 23. "Laches", section of a legal decision. Undated. 24. Sketch of Portion of N.E. Harbor Golf Club, appears to be signed by Robert Rayner. February, 1984. 25. Sketch of Hadlock Parcel created by Brecher-Hyman Associates. February 6th, 1991. 26. Letter from John Schafer, Secretary of the Board of Directors, on discussion about inadequate fune for club improvements and discussion of placing houses on land owned by Nancy Harris. Undated. 27. Letter from the Board of Directors of the NEHGC for the Planning Board urging the Planning Board to consider the natural environment of Northheast Harbor when considering any subdivision plans. Undated. 28. Note from Nancy Harris to "Sus" on a blue card reading, "Dear Sus, good luck with your lot! Love, Nancy". Undated. 29. Letter from Jonathan Harris to James Haddow on the subject of a settlement proposal between Nancy Harris and the Golf Club about the adjacent properties. February 27th, 1997. 30. Last page of Draft #14 of the settlement agreement, July 1999, in header of the document is the date July 19th, 1999 and says "FROM: FOULKE". 31. Letter from Waldoni on the subjet of the 1999 annual shareholders meeting of the Club. appears to be the last page of a letter because footer says "Page: 3". Footer also contains date June 24th, 1999; unclear if the date of the letter or the date of its access. Undated. 32. Note from Walter Foulke to Nancy Harris, "Nancy - Here are copies of my recent exchange of [unclear] with Jack Schafer - Walter". March 16th, 1999. 33. Letter from Walter Foulke to John Schafer about the decision of the Maine Supreme Court in NEHGC v. Harris. March 2nd, 1999. 34. Letter from John Schafer to Walter Foulke acknowledging the March 2nd letter. March 11th, 1999. 35. Letter from Walter Fouke to Bill [no last name] about draft #9 of the agreement between NEHGC and Harris. March 26th, 1999. 36. Yellow note paper with handwritten notes starting "No further interference from present directors". Undated. 37. "Black to Cameron", handwritten notes which appear to list previous letters related to the NEHGC v. Harris lawsuit. Undated. 38. E-mail from Waldoni to Jonathan and Nancy Harris with attached NEHGC counter proposal. June 23rd, 1999. 39. E-mail from Andy Harris to Nancy Harris about a conversation Andy Harris had with Trimble. May 8th, 1999. 40. E-mail from Jonathan Harris to Nancy Harris with draft #4 of the agreement between the NEHGC and Harris. May 25th, 1999. 41. E-mail from Waldoni to Nancy Harris with draft #5 of the agreement between the NEHGC and Harris. May 25th, 1999. 42. E-mail from Waldoni to Jonathan Harris describing edits made to the previous draft of the agreement to create draft #6. Second copy appears as an attachment to the fax from Walter Foulke to Jonathan Harris. May 26th, 1999. 43. Draft #6 Agreement between Harris and NEHGC. May 26th, 1999. 44. Fax from Walter Foulke to Jonathan Harris, includes Draft #6 of the Agreement. May 26th, 1999. 45. E-mail from Waldoni to Nancy Harris about Draft #3 of the Agreement. May 24th, 1999. 46. E-mail from Waldoni to Nancy Harris subject "More NEHGC" about the agreement between Harris and NEHGC. May 24th, 1999 47. E-mail from Joe [no last name] to Nancy Harris advising about the agreement between Harris and the Golf Club. May 20th, 1999. 48. E-mail from Andy Harris to Nancy Harris on the subject of a message from Waldoni. The Waldoni message is included and is advice for the agreemnent. May 21st, 1999. 49. E-mail from Andy Harris to Nancy Harris on the subject of selling land. May 19th, 1999. 50. E-mail from Andy Harris to Nancy Harris, subject "Re: NEHGC JOE's letter", attached to e-mail from Joe. May 21st, 1999. 51. E-mail from Waldoni to Nancy Harris, subject "Agreement! NEHGC". May 23rd, 1999. 52. Miscellaneous agreement document. Appears to be a fragment of an agreement, doesn't follow the formal conventions or include the informaton of the others. May 24th, 1999. 53. Letter to "Friend of the Golf Course" from Walter Foulke, Nicholas Ludington, and William Wister titled "re: Looking for Compromise", on the subject of the conclusion fo the lawsuit against Nancy Harris and the reorganization fo the NEHGC. Five copies. August, 1999. 54. Letter to Nancy Harris from Jack Schafer on the subject of a proposal from the Board to purcahse the Smallidge and Gilpin properties. Undated. 55. Letter from John Schafer to Club subscribers about the plans for the Golf Club and the continued efforts for preservation. Five copies. August 30th, 1999. 56. Agreement (Draft #14) between Harris and NEHGC. Two copies total, two extra copies of Exhibit A. July 15th, 1999. 57. Letter from Shepard Harris to Jack [Schafer] on the subject of the sale of adjacent properties to the golf course. July 28th, 1999. 58. "PROPOSED SETTLEMENT", divided into two sections of "real estate" and "reconciliation" agreements. Undated. 59. Sketch of Northeast Harbor, appears to be a fragment of a larger image. November 9th, 1995 is handwritten. 60. Sketch of Town of Mount Desert, similar in style to the sketch of Northeast Harbor. Some handwritten notes on some of the plots. Undated. 61. Note with phone numbers small square note with two phone numbers and text that appears to read "Trescher". Undated. 62. Note from Kevit Cook to Nancy Harris in congratulations for the end of the lawsuit. March 7th, 1999. 63. Envelope addressed to Nancy Harris from Dennis. Undated. 64. Envelope addressed to Nancy Harris from Miles Grindle Insurance. Undated. 65. Letter from Michael Dennis to Nancy Harris congratulating Harris after the lawsuit and asking some questions about Harris' plans for construction. Undated. 66. Letter from Miles Grindle to Nancy Harris congratulating Harris for the conclusion of the lawsuit. March 2nd, 1999. 67. Letter from Howard Harrison to Nancy Harris congratulating Harris. May 21st, 1999. 68. Letter from John Schafer to members of the NEHGC explaining the lawsuit against Nancy Harris and its conclusion. March 3rd, 1999. 69. Letter to "Friends of the Golf Club" from John Schafer attached to the subscription form and schedule of fees for the upcoming year. March, 1999. 70. Miscellaneous legal document, attached by paperclip to the subscription letter from 1999. 71. Letter from Joseph Fogg to members of the Board of Directors on the subject of the conclusion of the lawsuit and reorganization of the Golf Club. February 24th, 1999. 72. Letter from Walter Foulke to John Schafer about the end of the litigation. March 2nd, 1999. 73. Letter from John Schafer to Walter Foulke in reply to the March 2nd letter from Foulke. March 11th, 1999. 74. Letter from Joseph Fogg to John Schaffer [Schafer] on the subject of Fogg's sale of share certificates for the Club. March 19th, 1999. 75. Letter from John Schafer to Joseph Fogg in reply to the March 19th letter from Fogg. April 6th, 1999. 76. Transaction Report, recording from January 5th, 1991 through January 4th, 1999. May 24th, 1999. 77. Letter from Walter Foulke to Lindsay Herkness about the Board members' response to the decision of Judge Atwood in the case against Nancy Harris. October 21st, 1994. 78. Letter from Joseph Fogg to Lindsay Herkness about the lawsuit's conclusion and the Club's proceeding actions. October 21st, 1994. 79. Letter from Ronald Diana to Nickolas Ludington in response to Ludington's paraphrase of the Harris case and Schafer's October 19th response. October 25th, 1994. 80. Letter from Cameron Clark to Lindsay Herkness urging the Club's Board of Directors to cease the lawsuit against Nancy Harris. October 25th, 1994. 81. Letter from Cameron Clark to The Directors of Northeast Harbor Golf Club, Inc. titled "MEMORANDUM" on the subject of the club discontinuing the lawsuit against Nancy Harris. August 27th, 1991. 82. Letter from Edith Schafer to Cameron Clark in respons to Clark's correspondence with Schafer and Herkness; in disagreement with Clark's discouragement of the lawsuit. October 29th, 1994. 83. Letter from Richard Garrett to Lindsay Herkness advising the Golf Club on whether or not they should appeal the court's decision in favor of the Harris family. November 4th, 1994. 84. Letter from Nancy Harris to "Northeast Harbor Golfer" in reaction to a letter John Schafer had sent. November 6th, 1994. 85. Letter from Nick Ludington to Lindsay Herkness about the opinion of Club members as to whether the Club should try to appaeal the judge's decision. November 9th, 1994. 86. Letter to Nick Ludington voicing the opinion that the Board should drop the lawsuit and not appeal the judge's decision. Undated. 87. Letter from Nancy Harris to William Black about a meeting with Lindsay Herkness about repairing relations with the Golf Club if the appeal is dropped. November 14th, 1994. 88. Letter from Richard Garrett to Lindsay Herkness giving legal advice on the choice of the Golf Club to try to appeal the judge's decision in the case against Nancy Harris, continuing to discourage against the appeal. December 13th, 1994. 89. Letter from Walter Foulke to John Schafer about the Club's appeal of the court decision. January 9th, 1995. 90. Greeting card to Nancy Harris congratuling Harris for the conclusion of the lawsuit. Appears to be signed "Deve". February 25th, 1999. 91. Envelope addressed to Nancy Harris, return address in Sherborn, Massachusetts, no name of sender. Undated. 92. Greeting card to Nancy Harris congratulating Harris for the conclusion of the lawsuit. Undated. 93. Note from Don Kennedy to Nancy Harris congratulating Harris for the decision of the Maine Supreme Court. February 22nd, 1999. 94. Greeting card from Jane to Nancy Harris congratulating Harris for the conclusion of the lawsuit. March 3rd, 1999. 95. Note from H.D. Nalle to Nancy Harris congratulating Harris. Undated. 96. Greeting card from Mona and Don to Nancy Harris giving congratulations. Undated. 97. Yellow sticky note from "J" to Nancy Harris congratulating Harris. Undated. 98. Greeting card from Judy and Sam to Nancy Harris giving congratulations. Undated. 99. Letter from Richard Garrett to Nancy Harris giving congratulations to Harris for success in the appeals court. February 25th, 1999. 100. Letter from Lyman Goff to Nancy Harris congratulating Harris on legal success and giving update on plans. February 24th, 1999. [show more]
3582Mount Desert Island Croquet Club 2005, Vol. II, Puzzlers 1-15
  • Object, Writing, Notebook
This notebook is volume II of the 2005 records of the Mount Desert Island Croquet Club. Included are emails with croquet "puzzlers" # 1-15 by Larry Stettner, president of the club.
11152B&W photograph of Louise Gilbert
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Spiker, LaRue
Black and white photograph of Louise Gilbert on a couch holding a black cat next to a Christmas tree. From a packet of photos labeled "Louisville, KY people."
11151B&W photograph of Louise Gilbert
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Spiker, LaRue
Black and white photograph of Louise Gilbert seated in a chair with a dog at her knees and a black cat on the table to her right. From a packet of photos labeled "Louisville, KY people."
11156B&W photograph of LaRue Spiker
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Unknown
Black and white photograph of LaRue Spiker crouched outside by a wood pile with two dogs. From a packet of photos labeled Louisville, KY people
11161B&W photograph of Louise Gilbert
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Spiker, LaRue
Black and white photograph of Louise Golbert standing inside with her hand on a door knob. From a packet of photos labeled Louisville, KY people.
11162B&W photograph of a LaRue Spiker sitting in a chair reading a book
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
  • Unknown
Black and white photograph of LaRue Spiker sitting in casual clothes in a chair reading a book. The arm of another person can be seen sitting on the couch to the left of the woman in the chair. From a packet of photos labeled Louisville, KY people.
18375Skunk cabbage
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Spiker, LaRue
Color slides of a study of skunk cabbage flowers and plant. From box labeled: skunk cabbage
18373Oral history interview of Louise S. Libby
  • Publication, Literary, Reminiscence
First tape of interview of Louise Libby by Leza Colquhoun