Description: Card with double image of Freeman House, Southwest Harbor, Maine, photo of front and elongated wings, with two carriages in front, people, and people also on the roof of the entryway, n.d., Mount Desert Scenery, R.H. Hysom handwritten on back side
Description: Card with double image of Great Head, Bar Harbor, ME, Mount Desert Scenery, B. Bradley, Bar Harbor, ME photographer, n.d., R.H. Hysom written in ink on the back side
Description: Card with double image of wooden dory with six people, four men and 2 women, two men holding large oars, n.d., no location, Photographed by Allen, 6 Temple Place, Boston, Mt. Desert Scenery, R.H. Hysom written in ink on back side
Description: Card with double image of railway tracks and the station at the bottom, Green Mountain Railway, Mt. Desert, Me, n.d., unknown photographer,l #126
Description: Card with double image of view of the railway bed, looking down toward Eagle Lake (?), #175, Green Mount Railway, Mt. Desert, ME, R.H. Hysom written in ink on back side
Description: Card with double image of Head of Otter Creek, Allen, ... Photographer, No 24 Temple Place, Boston, n.d., R.H. Hysom written in ink on back side
Description: Card with double image of railway car ascending Cadillac Mountain, #207, Green Mount Railway, Mt. Desert, Me, R.H. Hysom written in ink on back side
Description: Card with double image of Somes Sound, sailboat in distance, view across Sound, "Dog Mtn." Allen the Photographer, No. 24 Temple Place, Boston, n.d., R.H. Hysom written in ink on the back side
Description: Card with double image of Duck Brook, Rustic Bridge, Bar Harbor, ME, n.d., title handwritten on the back side, R.H. Hysom written in ink on back side, B.Bradley, Bar Harbor, Me, American Scenery
Description: Card with double image of Native Americans with canoes on the shore and sailing yachts in the harbor, Bar Harbor beach shore, pier on the right, one of the Porcupine Islands in the distance, n.d. Photographed and Published by B.W. Kilburn, Littleton, N.H., R.H. Hysom written in ink on the back side
Description: Card with double image of Bar Harbor, as seen from Bar Island, across the water, B. Bradley, Bar Harbor, ME, Mt. Desert Scenery, R.H. Hysom written in ink on the back side
Description: Card with double image of Sea Wall on Otter Creek Road, Mt. Desert, Allen, .. Photogapher, No. 24 Temple Place, Boston, R.H. Hysom written in ink on back side
Description: Card with double photo of man and boy, man seated in chair, young boy with hand on back of man's chair. Names on back of card: John Somes and John A. Somes, n.d., Stereoscopic views publiched by B.G. Joy, Photographer, Ellsworth, Maine, R.H. Hysom written in ink on back side
Description: Card with double image of Seal Cove, Mt. Desert, Me., Photographed and Published by B.W. Kilburn, Littleton, N.H., R.H. Hysom written in ink on the back side
Description: Card with double image of Balance Rock, Mount Desert Island, B.Bradley, Bar Harbor, ME. "Mt. Desert Scenery", R.H. Hysom name on back side
Description: This is the fourth of four bicentennial stamps. It is marked Seal Harbor, Aug. 5, 1989 and at the top has 1789-1989. It has been used by the post office because it is stained with black ink. It measures 2 and one half by 4 inches and has a label on the front edge in white which reads Town of Mount Desert BICENTENNIAL. There is an oval label on the side which says: Granite State Stamps, Manchester, Laconia, 603-669-9322 and 603-524-9172. There is a hint of ink on the edges of the stamp but the bottom still is quite clear indicating that it may have not been used as much as 009.035.1. [show more]
Description: This is the second of four bicentennial stamps. It is marked Northeast Harbor, Aug. 5, 1989 and at the top has 1789-1989. It has been used by the post office because it is stained with black ink. It measures 2 and one half by 4 inches and has a label on the front edge in white which reads Town of Mount Desert BICENTENNIAL. There are oval labels on the bottom and side which say: Granite State Stamps, Manchester, Laconia, 603-669-9322 and 603-524-9172. There is a hint of ink on the edges of the stamp but the bottom still is quite clear indicating that it may have not been used as much as 009.035.1. [show more]
Description: This is the third of four bicentennial stamps. It is marked Otter Creek, Aug. 5, 1989 and at the top has 1789-1989. It has been used by the post office because it is stained with black ink. It measures 2 and one half by 4 inches and has a label on the front edge in white which reads Town of Mount Desert BICENTENNIAL. Attached to this stamp is a note indicating that all four stamps came out of the Mount Desert Post Office. They were earmarked for being thrown away, abandoned by the post office. [show more]
Description: This is the first of four bicentennial stamps. It is marked Mount Desert, 04660, Aug. 5, 1989 and at the top has 1789-1989. It has been used by the post office because it is stained with black ink. It measures 2 and one half by 4 inches and has a label on the front edge in white which reads Town of Mount Desert BICENTENNIAL. There is an oval label on the bottom which says: Granite State Stamps, Manchester, Laconia, 603-669-9322 and 603-524-9172. [show more]
Description: Taff rail used on ship belonging to Captain Edwin Rumill, who died in a mutiny in October 1905. It was not listed in his effects at the time of his death. Rumill was the father of Edna Rummill, mother of Gail Reiber and Joanne Whitney. The taff rail hung off the stern of a vessel and measured the speed of the vessel.
Description: Border of very elegant ball gown or skirt worn by Anne Funderburk's grandmother. Blue silk with tiers of lace. Has been removed from the bottom of the gown.