Description: Color slide of a bird on a rock or piling getting ready to dive into the water. Notation on slide reads: Little green (last word unreadable do to handwritting.) P.C. From folder: "Various", originally stored in orange box. Some of these slides are numbered and may have at one time been part of a slide show and then were collected together into a box of stock photos.
Description: Color slide of a bird sitting on a nest of two eggs. Notation on slide reads: American Bittern, ANP From folder: "Various", originally stored in orange box. Some of these slides are numbered and may have at one time been part of a slide show and then were collected together into a box of stock photos.
Description: Color slide of teal takin flight across the water. Marsh grasses behind the bird. Notation on slide reads: Teal- NE, ANP From folder: "Various", originally stored in orange box. Some of these slides are numbered and may have at one time been part of a slide show and then were collected together into a box of stock photos.
Description: Color slide of a spiderweb. From folder: "Various", originally stored in orange box. Some of these slides are numbered and may have at one time been part of a slide show and then were collected together into a box of stock photos.
Description: Color slide of feeding muskrat. Notation on slide reads: muskrat feeding, ANP From folder: "Various", originally stored in orange box. Some of these slides are numbered and may have at one time been part of a slide show and then were collected together into a box of stock photos.
Description: Color slide of semipalmated plover standing on the rocks next to the water. Notation on slide reads: semipalmated plover, D.c. From folder: "Various", originally stored in orange box. Some of these slides are numbered and may have at one time been part of a slide show and then were collected together into a box of stock photos.
Description: Color slide of a greater yellowlegs bird with its head tucked in the sleeping or preening position standing in water. The bird is reflected in the water below. Notation on slide reads: greater yellowlegs, D.C. From folder: "Various", originally stored in orange box. Some of these slides are numbered and may have at one time been part of a slide show and then were collected together into a box of stock photos.
Description: Color slide of a lesser yellowlegs bird with standing in the water. Notation on slide reads: lesser yellowlegs, ANP From folder: "Various", originally stored in orange box. Some of these slides are numbered and may have at one time been part of a slide show and then were collected together into a box of stock photos.
Description: Color slide of a black crowned night heron sitting in some dense brush or tree branches. Notation on slide reads: Bl. Crowned Night Heron, DC. From folder: "Various", originally stored in orange box. Some of these slides are numbered and may have at one time been part of a slide show and then were collected together into a box of stock photos.
Description: Color slide of the waterway in Bar Harbor Marsh in summer and winter. LaRue had these slides together in groups of two the slide box. Some have notes on F-stops and exposure length.
Description: Color slide of a serries of water control doors in the water suronded by shrubs. Notation on slide reads: Grt. Works. Str. and exposure notes.
Description: Head shot of a lady with black hair and black eyebrows, a round earring and wearing a necklace with a v-neck top From the LaRue Spiker Family,Friends and Personal
Description: Color slide of two boats with an oil boom between them. There is an oil tanker in the background. This is the origional slide there is a duplicate slide in the Sierra Club slide show titled, Oil and The Maine Coast. Notation on the slide reads: Oil Spill, Chris Ayres From folder: Birds, Industry, Landscapes
Description: Color slide of oil barge going up river in Boston Harbor. This is the origional side a duplicate appears in the Sierra Club slide show titled Oil and the Maine Coast. Notation on slide reads: Oil barge, Boston Harbor From folder: Oil Spill loose slides
Description: Color slide of a tidepool full of dead animals. Dead Sand eeels, Fundulus, cancer-Crab, various species of polychaetes-still alive. Notation on the slide reads: Sept 19, 1969 This is an orgional slide. A duplicate slide appears in other Sierra Club slide shows in the LaRue Spiker Collection. From folder: Sierra Club Oil Show, Do not separate.
Description: Color slide of an oil covered beach and wave. Notation on the slide reads: Taken from under Eas Garden Jetty looking Eastward, 2/16/69 This is an orgional slide. A duplicate slide appears in other Sierra Club slide shows in the LaRue Spiker Collection. From folder: Sierra Club Oil Show, Do not separate.