Description: Color slide of oil pollution on a beach. Notation on the slide reads: Oil pollution Arroyo Burro Beach, Feb. 1969 This is an orgional slide. A duplicate appears in other Sierra Club slide shows in the LaRue Spiker Collection. From folder: Sierra Club Oil Show, Do not separate.
Description: Color slide of a white and red boat anchored in a river of surronded by marsh. There is a small row boat pulled up on land. Notation on slide reads Col. Falls
Description: Color slide of bunch of buildings built on piling over the water. There an opening in between the buildings where you can pull up a boat. Notation on slide reads: Stonington
Description: Glass plate negative: deteriorating. Glass plate found in F. Wiggin House, Town Hill, July 1958. No date of photograph. Hanscom Horse Shoeing building in Hull's Cove; shows man in front in boxing pose. Man wears white t-shirt, dark trousers and belt. Photographic print located in Photo Album #1, p. 46.
Description: Grist mill on Somes Brook. High bushes cover most of building. Shingled roof, with weathered shingled siding. Large stones line bank of brook. Another small clapboard building to right in background.