Description: R.C. Allen “95” Figuring Machines. Tape intact. Hand crank. Black with green key pad. Rubber on cap of tape advance worn. Machine jammed. On bottom, “978582X Model 95”.
Description: "Papers in the Estate of Eben H. Richardson Settled Oct. Term 1891". 8 items. Mainly bills paid by A.C. Fernald, who was appointed administrator after Richardson died intestate. Includes Fernald's full accounting.
Description: Small booklet with glossy plate prints from buildings and sights of Mount Desert Island, c.1893. Brown cover. Similar to 001-99-2352, but pages are uncut.
Description: 4 pages of the March 4, 1893 edition of the Maine Coast Cottager newspaper, published in Bar Harbor. Includes ads, poems, lists of cottagers by home cities. (Boston, New York, etc. )
Description: Bar Harbor Record - “Centennial Souvenir Edition, 1796-1896" July 1896. Includes article and photographs of early Bar Harbor, Sullivan, and other places. Pages are brittle and the cover has come detached.
Description: Republication of Bar Harbor Record news items in Bar Harbor Times. Compiled by Deborah Dyer of the Bar Harbor Historical Society, 8/26/1999. Annual meeting of the Kebo Valley Club. Plans made to build a new golf club. Fred Savage will design it. Article discussing the need for more building sites for summer residences. Community assured that the area is suitable for summer attraction. Review of the Butler’s Ball
Description: Republication of Bar Harbor Record news items in Bar Harbor Times, . Compiled by Deborah Dyer of the Bar Harbor Historical Society, 8/19/1999. Details about the visit of the North Atlantic Squadron and all the social events that occured.
Description: Ellsworth Commercial Writing Books, by The Author of The Ellsworth System of Penmanship and Bookkeeping. New York: Boorum & Pease. July 22, 1879. “Mary A. Somes, Oct. 1891” is written in pencil on the cover. Inside are pages of lines written over and over to practice cursive writing.
Description: Map of Mount Desert Island, Jue 1893 "Completed for the Flora of Mt Desert Island by Edward L. Rand Topography adapted from the United States Coast Survey Figures on hills denote height in feet. Curves of equal elevation are given for every 20 feet diference in level. Nomenclature based on the most trustworthy authorities
Description: Small booklet containing the by-laws etc. for the Pemetic Lodge of Southwest Harbor Instituted May 7, 1895 and this version printed in Portland May 1928
Description: Card game. Copyright 1899 Fireside Game Co,.Cincinnati Game Co., Successors Cincinnati, U.S.A. Easter lilies printed on back of cards. Image attached shows description of the provenance of this deck of cards. Not MDI related.
Gillette, Mrs. F. L. and Hugo Ziemann, Steward of the White House
N.D. Thompson
Description: " Cooking, toilet, and household recipes; menus, dinner-giving, table etiquette; care of the sick, health suggestions; facts worth knowing, etc. etc." "A comprehensive cyclopedia of information for the home" Full-page photographs of Frances Folsom Cleveland and Carrie Scott Harrison in front. Written in pencil on front page: Miss (?) Mary H. Whitmore Inserted with in book are a floral card that reads, "Love, Honour, Hope & JoyFill Every Year of Thine" and a small "affectionate greeting" from Joseph Whitmore. [show more]
Description: More than 200 hymns; most have music, some have just words. Note on title page says, "For Use in Gospel Meetings and other Religious Services." Inscribed EA Whitmore
Description: Contains Old and New Testaments, helps to Bible study, a new concordance, elementary introductions to the Hebrew and Greek languages, and an indexed Bible Atlas. Inscribed W.H. Whitmore, Emma A. Whitmore Paper inserted contains recipe for mock apple pie written on receipt of W.H. Whitmore "dry and fancy goods" store.
Description: Many photographs of 19th century Bar Harbor "cottages" and views. Also includes advertisements and two pages of narrative. No publisher indicated. A reproduction of this book may be found at 008.029.