Description: Working the weir. Man inside pen hauling net into dory. Man observes from edge of pen. This is a slide version of a photo in the collection
Description: Bluenose Ferry at terminal in Bar Harbor. Bar Island to left. Bar Harbor village to right. Road and ganite blocks in foreground. Women seated on far right looking over harbor.
Description: New Harbor Maine from Southwest Harbor side. Lobster traps piled on pier. Lobster boat, Margaret, tied to pier. Fishing boats at moorings in the harbor. Negative in possesion of donor. Ballard #1040
Description: August 1955. Large pieces of cut granite in two piles . Small sail boat in the distance. Row boat with oars in forground. Gift of M.L. Hughs. Identified at May 2011 "Mystery Photographs" exhibit as Somes Sound near landing in Somesville looking SSE. (AB)
Description: Carrie Mabel Moore age 90. Seated in upholstered chair with wood arms. Window with venetian blinds. Mantel to the right. She wears polka dot dress, short sleeve which buttons up front. Marked on back, “Born Carrie Mabel Moore 11-18-1864, Sea Wall - Maine, Tremont Maine. Father - Joshua S. Moore, Tremont. Mother Caroline Frances Somes Somesville, Mt. Desert, Maine. Mrs. Frank W. Cadwell, Mabel Carrie Moore Cadwell Died Nov. 29, 1954. Daniel Somes branch. Photo taken age 80 years 1954, age 90 years.” (Although the inscription on the back indicates both 80 years old and 90, the birth date given is 1864 and the death date as 1954. [AB]) [show more]
Description: This is an 8 by 10 inch photograph of the "Venturer" being launched at H. R. Hinckley & Co. on May 14, 1956. This is similar to photos of the Venturer in the Paul Stubing collection of Ballard photos.
Description: There are two A boats moored with crews on board. Each has a rowboat tied to them and the crews are working with the sails. The Northeast Harbor Fleet dock and clubhouse are visible in the background. Ralph Stanley said the boat in the background is grounded out. Ralph thinks that is the "Nevis" and his father is on board. He thinks there is a close-up of the photograph. Maine Maritime Museum at Bath has a copy of that picture and Ralph has a copy hanging on the wall at his home. [show more]
Description: Paul Stubing said this is a photograph of a Rhodes 19 sailboat named "Black Pearl". This photo appears to have been taken from the Manset shore because the cape on Greenings Island is in the background. The Rhodes 19 has her sails up and she is alongside a float. Her sail # is 1012. There is a whaler tied to the head of the float and there are several rowboats overturned on the float. Moving towards the foreground, you see two bullseyes tied to the float. Each bullseye has its sails on but lowered. There is a male standing in the stern of one, looking at the Rhodes. This docking area seems to be what is now called Manset Yacht Service, formerly known as The Boathouse. Hinckley's dock is in the background. [show more]
Description: Paul Stubing said Ballard used a telephoto lense on a 4x5 Kodak and added he didn't use telephoto again. The schooner "Rhode Island" is closest to Beal's. Then there are at least 13 large fishing boats, sardine carriers, tied up to the floats and/or rafted together. There is some type of harbor buoy in the foreground which looks like a "bell" buoy. In the background there are wharves and docks. Ralph Stanley said the scow by the lookout for Beal's had a house on it which is where Lawrence Newman stored his salt pollock. They would sell the pollock to the stores in town. [show more]
Description: This is the sixth photo in the series depicting the practice of beaching boats for routine maintenance. There are nine boats on shore. This is another perspective on the group as they work. There are three men on the port side of the vessel closest to the center of the picture. On the left side of the picture are evergreen trees slightly blocking the lobster car and punt mentioned in the previous photos from the series (104-109).
Description: This is the fifth photograph in a series of six depicting the practice of beaching boats for maintenance in a group. Paul Stubing indicated that this group was a "big Club" which you had to be invited into or born into. In this picture the boat with hull id# 1K140 is visible. There is a man painting the bow. He is holding a paint brush and a can of paint. Ralph Stanley thinks that this boat is Paul Faulkingham's and he is the person painting the bow. [show more]
Description: Paul Stubing indicated that this practice of beaching boats in a group is a "big club" which one had to be invited into or born into. This is the fourth in the series of six photos dealing with the subject of beached boats. In this picture there are six boats visible. There is a lobster car in the foreground. The hull id on the boat to the far right is #1K140. To the left of that boat is a man working on hull #1M570 which is the only boat with a canvas "cuddy". [show more]
Description: This photograph is the third in this series of six pictures depicting the beached boats in the Southwest Harbor cove near what is now called the Western Way Condominiums. In this picture there are seven men visible holding or pushing hull # 1M468. All the men have hip boots on. In an interview with Ralph Stanley, he told A. Welles that he thought this boat belonged to Paul Faulkingham. The said the boat on the far right with hull # 1R401 belonged to Roger Rich. Moving from the left side of the photo to the right, Ralph believes that the first man is Paul Faulkingham and that the third man is Charlie Gilley. Ralph Stanley suggested that Sunny Stanley would be helpful in adding details. [show more]
Description: Paul Stubing indicated that the Beached Boat group in this series (104-109) was a "big club" and you were only accepted into it after a period of time or born into it. This picture shows one of the beached boats with ten men standing on her port side. The Addison Packing Plant (sardine factory) is in the background. In an interview with Ralph Stanley, he told A. Welles that he thought this boat belonged to Roger Rich who was probably one of the men standing in the photo. Moving from the left side of the photograph to the right, Ralph thought the first person was Charlie Gilley, the third person, Harold Alley, and the fifth person, Paul Faulkingham. He thought the sixth might be Roger Rich. Sunny Stanley's head is just visible, second from the right. Ralph Stanley is going to try to bring Sunny Stanley in to add details. [show more]
Description: Paul Stubing indicated that this begins a series of six pictures depicting boats up on the shore in a Southwest Harbor cove. This looks like the cove at the head of the harbor by the Western Way condominiums. There is part of a house visible in the upper right hand corner. Another house is seen in the woods above the stabilizing stern sail in the second boat from the left of the photograph. There are seven vessels beached for cleaning. Two people are visible working on the hull of the first boat from the left. There is a punt beached off the bow of the same vessel. There is another man visible walking towards the bow of the fourth vessel from the left. Ralph Stanley indicated in an interview with A. L. Welles that hull # 1L148 belonged to Carleton Gilley and was built by Paul Patton in Ellsworth. Charles Gilley owned and worked for Mrs. Lyman on Sutton's. He believes the punt is a Farley punt. Hull #1M551 (third boat from the left) is the first boat Ralph Stanley built (1951) and it was this boat that was owned by Charles Gilley. [show more]
Description: Paul Stubing indicated that this is a photograph of a graveyard for boats. Charlotte Singleton thinks this is located near Bill Baker's house in Tremont, across from Tremont Elementary. The caption on the back of the picture reads," Bass Harbor (Bernard side), Maine" and is dated June 1958. Under the picture, written in ink, appear the following words...MEL WEBBER' PAL and what looks like "Pal Vinalhaven" ... Stonington to Bass Harbor. There are three boats in a state of decay in this photo. The one closest to the right has a tire hung from its rigging. [show more]
Description: Paul Stubing indicated that this picture is of Bass Harbor after 1950 because the water towers in the background were wooden prior to that date and the metal on these towers looks new. The photo is taken from the Bernard side of the harbor. There are five punts tied to a float in the foreground. There are two men on the float. There are several lobsterboats in the harbor and one is tied to the float.
Description: Color photograph of Mill Pond looking towards Main Street, Somesville Library on right. Three boys swimming in pond; "Old Homestead" on Oak Hill Rd. on left. 3x5
Description: 14 black and white photos by W. H. Ballard of launching day for "Venturer" at Henry Hinckley Co., May 14, 1956. Mounted on cardboard with hand lettering. Venturer was launched for Harry Haskell, Jr. E. Wesley Reed is listed as Master. Back: Anchor Light Studio, W.H. Ballard, Southwest Harbor, Maine