Description: 3.5 X 5 black and white photograph of a man with mustache and glasses reading newspaper in arm chair and doily behind head. Wearing glasses and white shirt, striped belt and pants and socks, no shoes, Feet propped up on something. Man’s right hand on armchair. White lamp post behind to left of chair. Magazine rack to right of chair with ‘POST’ in it. Fern pattern on wallpaper and rug.
Description: 3.25 X 3.25 color photograph of a mother duck and two ducklings on lawn in front of white house with green chair to the side of screened in porch. Brown bush in foreground, and pine trees behind house. Writting on back, “ This is the duck that was exile, she had 2 babies, but she never mingled with other ducks.”
Description: 2.5 X 2.5 black and white photograph of an elderly woman standing in center of photo next to car with opened door on back passenger’s side, Woman is facing camera and has slight smile. Is wearing dark hat, dark dress coat and dark glove on hand which is slightly in her right pocket.
Description: 3.5 X 3.5 black and white photograph of a woman sitting on lawn wearing a dress with hands in lap, facing to the left of the photo. She wears glasses and is holding a newspaper. The bottom half of the photo is black, and the woman’s legs are unable to be seen. There is a car on the right side of the photo. And a small house in the background. ‘1957’ written on back.
Description: 2.5 X 2.5 black and white photograph of a man standing in middle of frame with brimmed hat with band. Wearing white shirt and tie that is blowing to the right of the photo. Man’s left hand is in his pocket. Hedge behind man; man is standing on lawn and looking into camera.
Description: 3.5 X 3.5 black and white photograph of an older woman sitting behind table that is set with Christmas packages and lamp with shade. Table has metal legs and is inside room with screens on walls. Wicker rocker in back corner of room. Woman is wearing flowered dress and glasses, looking at camera. Writting on back, "This is our Xmas table, before opening our packages."
Description: 3.5 X 3.5 black and white photograph of an older woman sitting in chair is wearing a flowered dress and reading a newspaper. Wood panneling behind woman and identical chair on the left. Curtained window in center of photo. Has glasses on. Ceramic Elephant with up raised trunk on shelf in uppermost right corner. Writting on back, “ We had the lamp on , and I think it should not have been.”
Description: 3.5 X 3.5 black and white photograph of a man in middle of picture in walkway, standing with shovel in his right hand. Snow is on ground and two houses on either side of man. Man is wearing brimmed hat and glasses. Black jacket and slacks. ‘1957’ written on back.
Description: 3 X 3 black and white photograph of a beagle sitting in grass in front of tire of vehicle with two front paws supporting body. Facing ahead and to left. (May be pregnant? ) Writing on back, “Species: Qu’est-que c’est que ca. Breed: Little Fright, Name: Little Waif , Source: The god, who sees the sparrow fall and does nothing about it, knows. Future: I’m afraid I’m stuck. Weak minded, 1959-60.” The LaRue Spiker Collection
Description: 8 X 10 black and white photograph of a forest floor with fallen leaves and debris. Tall trees with straight trunks and palm leaves throughout background. Ferns on left and right sides on photo. Paper on back, “ The cover of this section of bay was primarily palmetto and fern with some loblolly bay (a member of the tea family) mixed in.
Description: 8 X 10 black and white photograph of a single stemed fern with five leaves coming off stem in center of photo. Leaves are lighted background is dark with other plants. Back of photo, ‘ December 1959, Frontier’s Zinc H7, 3” wide 2.5” deep.”
Description: 8 X 10 black and white photograph of a large fern in middle with all leaves pointing upwards. Large seed stalks in center of fern. All values of photo are of equall light and shadow.
Description: 8 X 10 black and white photograph of a small spider-like air plant attatched to large tree trunk. Writing on back, “ La Rue Spiker, Route 1, Box 14C, Bar Harbor, Maine.” Paper attatched to back, “ 7. Dark green and graceful, this species is decidedly less comon. Even the experts have difficulty in identifying some specits when they are not in bloom.” Second attatchment, “ Note: the botanist at the Highlands Hammock State Park, Sebring, Florida identified this species for me as T. juncea. Later a botanist friend in Philadelphia questioned this identification. Therefore, I sent a copy of the photo to Mulford Foster at Orlando. He Stated : “Most definately the plant is not T. juncea.....Without the plant showing an inflorescence I would not wish to make any identification....” [show more]
Description: 8 X 10 black and white photograph of a pineapple air plant attatched to base of trunk on tree. Tree in woods surrounded by other trees. Plant has tall stalk of dark flowers. Writing on back of photo, “ Corkscrew, 1958, LaRue Spiker, Route 1, Box 14c, Bar Harbor, Maine. Paper attatched to back, “ 3. A ‘pineapple air plant’ which had bloomed on the trunk of a small cypress tree. This species, Tillandsia utriculata, requires five or six years to mature, blooms but once then dies. It belongs to the same botanical genus as Spanish moss.” [show more]
Description: 8 X 10 black and white photograph of the common air pine (T. fasciculata). Marked on back of photo: "Highland Hammock, 1958, LaRue Spiker, Route 1, Box 14c, Bar Harbor Maine.” Paper attatched to back, “ 5. The "common air pine" (T. fasciculata) in a freak location on the ground. This plant is epiphytic and normaly grows fastened to the trunks or branches of trees by stout woody little roots without absorptive power. The plant manufactures its food from gases and moisture absorbed from the air by its leaves; roots serve only for support and anchorage. Note bud of flower stalk in upper center.” [show more]
Description: 8 X 10 black and white close-up photograph of tree trunk with wiry air plant on side of trunk. Trunk takes up half of frame, grey background. Wrighting on back of photo, “Highland Hommock, 1958, LaRue Spiker, Route 1, Box 14c, Bar Harbor Maine.” Paper attatched to back, “ 6. One of the least spectacular of the Tillandsia, the “ grass air plant” (T. tenuifolia) does resemble a clump of grass with delusions of grandeur regarding its habitat. This species thrives in shady locations. Its deep green leaves are sometimes heavily tinged with dark red; the small blue flowers are borne on a stem six to twelve inches long.” [show more]
Description: 8 X 10 black and white photo of large air plant growing on a tree trunk with other palms behind tree that are highlighted. Paper on back, “ 4. An immature T. utriculata. Water collects at the base of the leaves, and the tiny resevoirs which result sometimes become the home of insects, little green frogs, and small aquatic plants.” Wrighting on back of photo, “ La Rue Spiker, Routel, Box 14C, Bar Harbor, Maine, Feb. 1959 Frontiers.”