Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of unknown children watching Story King caulk seams of an upturned row boat on float. Trees and house in back ground.
Description: Large yellow banner over street (Bar Harbor?) stating “Join LWV Sept 24.” League of Women Voters membership drive, 1974. Page 001-127.1 p.2
Description: Bar Harbor Banking and Trust Company window display showing poster “Your vote makes a difference” with woman posing at left. Display of ballots for ‘74 election designed by Mary Booher for League of Women Voters membership drive, Sept. 18-24, 1974. Person posing in front of display is Mary Booher
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of puppy Perken in car, with paws on window and head looking out, ears are slightly perked up. Perken is 8 weeks old, June 1977. Toyota written backwards on car dash board slightly above his right ear.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of dog holding something in it's mouth and walking in tall grass. The dog is facing to the right. Note on back :"June '77, 2nd week". Dark colored dog with light coloring on cheeks and above eyes. Tail is curled up and is holding object in mouth, right paw is up in air. Slightly out of focus.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of puppy Perken, 8 weeks, June ‘77’. Dark colored dog with light coloring on cheeks and above eyes. Dog is standing with front legs on couch cushion, head is turned to face camera, body faces couch. Standing on hardwood floor, doorway on left side behind dog. Note on back: June ‘77, 2nd week.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of puppy Perken, 8 weeks, June 1977. Dark colored dog with light coloring on cheeks and above eyes. Lying on couch cushion with head on paws. Tail curled under hind leg. Plaid fabric behind dog.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of a black dog sitting on granite rock with tall grass behind him. Head turned to the right and he is wearing braided collar. His tail is out to the left.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of a black dog with light coloring standing up right in grass and leaves. Ears are perked up and tail is up. Dog faces to the left. Note on back: July 17, 77 age about 15 weeks.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of a dark colored puppy with lighter areas above eyes and on nose. His right foot is lifted up and held under chin, Tail is up and head is pointed down toward ground. Ears are perked up a bit. Gravel on ground, Tall grass in background. Writting on back, “Perken 8 weeks Jun ‘77.”
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of a woman sitting on rock surrounded by six spaniel puppies. Puppies are black and white and have spots on nose and back. Woman is sitting in left of photo wearing a white turtle neck and gold locket, dark shirt and loose fitting pants. One of her hands is around a dog on her left side. She is smiling or laughing and her eyes appear closed. Trees are behind. Writting on back, “ Young things in groups.” [show more]
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of beagle in midground walking on sidewalk, facing ahead, to the right of the picture walking in front of old white house, two stories with windows opened. Dark couch on lawn, telephone pole to left of dog. Lilac bush to the right of house. Note on back, "Lubec."
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of a dark colored dog with light colorings on legs and chest and above eyes. ‘Perken’ May have belonged to LaRue Spiker. Wearing Braided collar and standing on granite rock facing to the right. Tall grass behind.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of a bench made out of iron that is situated on wooden supports. Bench is in perspective with widest part near bottom left corner of photo. Grass all around bench. Writting on back, ‘Ingot, An old iron ingot’
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of a round stone building with no windows, small vent openings around bottom of building in two rows. Domed roof with plants growing on it. Writting on back, “Kiln, Fourteen Beehive.” Probably at Katahdin Iron Works.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of a stone building with two low arched openings on ground. Round cylinder with scaffolding on top of square walls. Writting on back, “Furnace, The Katadin [sp.] Iron Works, item #10.”
Description: 4 X 4 black and white photograph. Grey toned photo of plant with shiny leaves. Leaves have jagged edges, and form stalks. Three blooms coming off of top of plant with two buds. Flowers have white petals and hang toward ground. background is grey and out of focus.
Description: 4 X 4.25 black and white photograph. Three Lady’s Slipper blooms, white against black background. Large leaves of plant cropped at bottom of photo. Flower farthest left most visible, Second bloom is highlighted, stem is in shadow. Third bloom is facing away from viewer. Writing on back, “ 3 pix, 3 late June, pink mocassin, Spiker.”
Description: 4 X 4.5 black and white photograph. Bunchberry (Creeping Dogwood). One single bloom in upper center of photo. Wide leaves in shadow taking up rest of photo frame. Writing on back, “ Bunchberry I, 100% Page 4”
Description: 4 X 4 black and white photograph of single pole laurel plant. Bunch of white blooms in upper center of photo on dark thin stem with narrow leaves. Out of focus grass and other plants in background. Writing on back of photo reads, “ Return to LaRue Spiker P.O. Box 625 Southwest Harbor, Maine 04679; Pole laurel, item (WGA)”
Description: Mrs. Martha Cyr-Genest (approximately age 70-80) at the College of the Atlantic Fair. Wears black veil on head with white blouse and pliad skirt. Seated underneath cedar tree.