Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of LaRue's dog, Perken, playing with what appears to be a white rag. Perkins is a black sheperd mix puppy. He's standing on a hard wood floor. Stated on back of photo: Born ca 4-10-77; Here 5-30-77; June '77, 2nd week.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of LaRue's dog, Perken, standing over a newspaper . Two of his legs are on the newspaper and two are touching the hardwood floor. The newspaper is showing an advertisement for a carpet sale, 20% off. Stated on back of photo: Born ca 4-10-77; Here 5-30-77; Perken, 8 weeks, June 1977.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of small black puppy dog sniffing around a slipper with a pineapple on slipper. Back of photograph is marked: "June 77. 2nd week."
Description: Woman in a red jacket bends down to use a telephone. She is to the right to the bulliten board with the League of Womens Voters banner and display. Notation on back reads: Dorothy Miller, President, lends space at The Unicorn for membership drive. Spet 18-24, 1974
Description: Internal Revenue Service certificate showing employer identification number for MDI Historical Society (August 21, 1975) with letter of transmission from attorney Nathaniel Fenton
Description: Conservation Easment on property of LaRue Spiker on Long Pond Road in Southwest Harbor. (1979). 4 pages. 2 Copies Previously accessioned as **1406, Object Id **1406, 011.FIC.30.20
Description: Newsletter of Mount Desert High School (1977) sent to Stuart Smith. Mentions their 1977 reunion, as well as the results of a questionnaire sent out to old alumni members (as far back as 1907).