Description: Woman in red jacket and red, white and blue cap turns her back to show many stickers. MDI LWV president Pat Bousfield did a voters service bit at the Funcapade on 1/27/76, winding through the audience like a pitchman with stickers bearing the names of candidates on the back of her jacket.
Description: Two women standing on either side of a podium. Dolores Vail and Jan Krofta at the State Council of Maine League of Women Voters in Orono on 5/28/76.
Description: Two women kneeling at a small table in front of a map of MDI, looking at scrapbooks. Gail Meier and Marguerite Bernstein at the State Council of LWV in Orono on 5/28/76.Page 001-127.1 p.16
Description: Two men from the back and a third partially hidden person working with a long pole. A game booth is being set up for the MDI LWV at the Bar Harbor athletic field in line with the July 4th celebration.
Description: People standing near League of Women Voters banner outdoors. A game booth is set up at the Bar Harbor 4th of July celebration on the athletic field.
Description: People standing near a League of Women Voters banner outdoors. A game booth is set up at the Bar Harbor 4th of July celebration on the athletic field.
Description: Red and white booth near League of Women Voters banner outdoors. This is a game booth set up for the Bar Harbor 4th of July celebration at the athletic field.
Description: Four women and two men at a buffet dinner. Jean Holstein cuts her bread, Hans Meier, Dolores Vail, Doris Riley, Marguerite’s back at a potluck supper for MDI League members and friends in honor of Dolores Vail, President of the Maine League. The event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Meier of Somesville on October 20, 1976
Description: Two women seated on a couch. Joan Beard (advisor) and Dolores Vail (State League of Women Voters President) are honored at a potluck supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Meier of Somesville on October 20, 1976.
Description: Two men and a woman standing in front of a fireplace; others seated. John Letcher, Hans Meier, Patti Ketcher, Seldon Bernstein at potluck supper for Dolores Vail, President of the Maine LWV, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Meier of Somesville on October 20, 1976
Description: Women serving themselves at a potluck table. Hollis, Piett, Doris Riley, Geneve Penley at dinner honoring Dolores Vail, President of the Maine League of Women Voters at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Meier of Somesville on Oct.20, 1976.
Description: A man and a woman seated with meal on laps. Rosylyn Strong and Neil Bousfield at potluck supper for Dolores Vail, President of the Maine LWV, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Meier of Somesville on October 20, 1976.
Description: Blue Dodge van with MDI LWV posters, viewed from behind. Parade viewers standing on street corners; half timber house in background. Van took part in Bar Harbor 4th of July parade, 1974, with Mary Booher driving her “bus".
Description: Many guests seated at potluck supper for Dolores Vail, President of the Maine LWV, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Meier of Somesville on October 20, 1976.
Description: Blue Dodge van with MDI LWV posters, viewed from the front. Van took part in Bar Harbor 4th of July parade, 1974, with Mary Booher driving her bus, Jackie Russell rode with her.
Description: League of Women Voters panel and table set up outdoors. When completed, display will give people a yes or no choice for oil refineries on the coast, nuclear energy plants, and returnable bottles. Patrons vote by throwing darts at balloons hanging below the yesses or noes. Booth was part of July 4, 1975 Bar Harbor Rotary Club annual lobster feed. Two Copies
Description: Woman in rain hat with paper bags. Jean Holstein is delivering food to a potluck supper for MDI League members and friends in honor of Dolores Vail, President of the Maine League. The event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Meier (seen in background) of Somesville on October 20, 1976.
Description: Display of painting and two photos. A Chinese brush painting by Mona Coman of Bar Harbor and two photos by LaRue Spiker of Southwest Harbor are on sale as a fundraiser for MDI League of Women Voters at Don’s Shop and Save on Cec. 4, 1976.
Description: Seated woman in print dress conversing. Un-named woman is participant at the Maine League of Women Voters state convention in West Bath in May of 1977.