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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
10093Jackie Russell
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1979
Woman in white shirt standing at a table under a League of Women Voters banner outdoors. Jackie Russell is working at an MDI LWV fundraiser in 1979.
10094Pat Bousfield
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1979
Woman in white shirt standing by car tailgate with plate of food. Pat Bousfield is working at an MDI LWV fundraiser in 1979.
10092Doris Riley
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1979
Woman in dark shirt standing behind a table under a League of Women Voters banner outdoors. Doris Riley is working at an MDI LWV fundraiser in 1979.
10091Helen Douglas, Loiuse Gilbert
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1979
Two women standing at a card table with food. Helen Douglas and Louise Gilbert serve extras for bag lunch meeting of the MDI League of Women Voters in 1979. Discussion of town taxes and League and Town cooperation is led by Southwest Harbor Town Manager Mike Knowles (in background).
10090Board Meeting
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1979
Blonde woman seated on floor with two blonde children; woman seated in chair in background. Helen Douglas presides at a board meeting of the MDI League of Women Voters at Patti Letcher’s house in 1979.
10089Gail and Hans Meier
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1979
Man and woman seated in front of windows. Gail and Hans Meier are attending an MDI League of Women Voters meeting in 1979. Discussion of town taxes and League and Town cooperation is led by Southwest Harbor Town Manager Mike Knowles.
9570LaRue Spiker and Dog
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Nature, Animals, Dogs
  • Other, Pets
  • Unknown
  • 1978, March
3.25 X 3.25 color photograph of LaRue Spiker sitting in blue easy chair with head resting on right hand. Dog on back of chair behind her standing up facing camera. In room with two windows, dark outside. T.V. in center of room on back wall. Photo is slightly out of focus.
9569Dog in Railing
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Nature, Animals, Dogs
  • Other, Pets
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • 1978, March
3.25 X 3.25 color photograph of a black dog sticking head through wooden railings of a balcony inside a house. Wood paneled wall with knots in wood below the dog. Corner of picture on wall cropped by photo.
9568LaRue with Pets
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Nature, Animals, Dogs
  • Other, Pets
  • Unknown
  • 1978
3.5 X 3.5 color photograph of LaRue Spiker wearing green pants and white shirt, bending down toward camera to hold out hands to cat on blue chair and black dog standing on floor.
9264Letter from Ruby Williams to Grace Spiker
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Genealogy
  • Ruby Williams
  • 7/13/1973
Letter with photocopied photograph enclosures. Letter discusses Spiker and Collins family genealogical issues and questions. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection
9039Merlin, Bar Harbor Luders #56
  • Image, Photograph, Color Photograph
  • Other, Luders
  • Sturgis Haskins
  • 1972
Donor information: Merlin Bar Harbor Luders #56, owned here by Norman Mailer, then summering in Sorrento. David Cadigan at the helm, Steve Hensel with hat. Other crew person unknown. Photo probably taken at the annual Bar Harbor regatta. Photo made from slide taken in 1972. Merlin later burned in a fire at Williams Boat yard, Halls Quarry. Boat built by Luders in 1948 for the new Bar Harbor Yacht Club fleet. Original owner was Amos Eno. Boat named Salty . Later owned by Mrs. E.E. Ownes, also of Bar Harbor. [show more]
5294Meeting minutes of Somesville Sewing Circle
  • Document, Minutes
  • 01 October 1970
Minutes from a meeting held on the afternoon of 01 October 1970 at the Parish house. Nine members were present. Mentioned in these notes: Lucy Banker, Bertha Allen, Norma Fernald, Mrs.----- Smith, Mrs. Julia Smith, Mrs. Bonny Smith, Mrs, Georgia Stanely, Jean Fernald, and Helen Fernald. The meeting was held to choose a worthy cause to give money to.
5293Meeting Minutes October 1970
  • Document, Minutes
  • 15 October 1970
Minutes from a meeting held at 1:30 on 15 October 1970 at the Parish House. Seven members were present. They discussed a purchase of 100 correspondence notes for 65 cents per box totaling $65.00 to Lion-Craft in Portland.
5292Meeting minutes November 1970
  • Document, Minutes
  • 05 November 1970
Minutes from a meeting held on 5 November 1970. Seven members were present. Discusses items made by the members. Goldee Bunker (not present) 18 holders and a little apron. Lucy Borkir a little knitted sweater and 3 pairs of little red mittens.
5291Meeting Minutes November 19, 1970
  • Document, Minutes
  • 19 November 1970
Minutes from a meeting held on 19 November 1970. Six members were present. Discusses what member had made. Goldee Bunker 12 round holders and one apron. Bertha Allen 8 attractive holders, 1 apron, a puppets, and a little felt man. Lucy Banker 1 apron, and 1 pair of mittens. A list of member able to work the fair- 05 December- Bertha Allen, Barbara Parterson, Goldie Buntin. 12 December- Nettie Somes, Lucy Borkis, Jennie (when needed.)
5290Meeting Minutes December 3, 1970
  • Document, Minutes
  • 03 December 1970
Minutes from a meeting held on 03 Decmber 1970. Eight members were present. Listed items made by members. Goldie: 6 dusters, Mrs. Leavitt: 6 dusters, Barbara P.: 3 aprons, Bertha: 3 waist aprons, 2 holders, 1 teddy toy, 1 puppet, 1 stocking, Lucy Borkin 1 pillow cozy, 3 red stockings, 2 pillow, 2 child's mittens, 2 milk weed ------, 3 tiny cushions.
5289Somesville Sewing Circle Reciepts.
  • Document, Financial, Receipt
  • 03 July 1970
An list of reciepts compiled on 30 July 1970 by Helen Fernald.
5288Meeting Minutes January 7, 1971
  • Document, Minutes
  • 07 January 1971
Minutes from a meeting held 7 January 1971. 7 member were present. Discusses items brought by members. Ms. Borkir 3 aprons, Goldie 2 small pillow cases.
5287Meeting Minutes January 21, 1971
  • Document, Minutes
  • 21 January 1971
Minutes from a meeting held 21 January 1971. 6 members were present, Goldie Bunker, Barbara Paterson, Lucy Borkir, Carolyn Grant, and Doris Grant. A donation pf 10 yards of cheese cloth and 5 spools of thread was made by Adelaide Cousins.
5286List of items made by members
  • Document, List, Inventory
  • 21 January 1971
A list of items made by members and added to on 21 January 1971.
5285Meeting minutes February 18, 1971
  • Document, Minutes
  • 18 February 1971
Minutes from a meeting held 18 February 1971. 5 members were present - Goldie Bunker, Carolyn D. Grant, (Goldie Bunker's name is listed twice), and Bertha Allen.
5283Meeting Minutes March 18, 1971
  • Document, Minutes
  • 18 March 1971
Minutes from a meeting held on 18 March 1971. 9 members were present. Includeds list of items made by members.
5282Meeting Minutes April 1, 2019
  • Document, Minutes
  • 01 April 1971
Minutes from a meeting held on 01 April 2019 at the Parish house. 8 members were present. Includes list of items made by members.
5281Meeting Minutes April 15, 1971
  • Document, Minutes
  • 15 April 1971
Minutes from a meeting held on 15 April 1971 at the Parish House at 10:00am. Includes list of items made by members.
5280Meetin Minutes May 20, 1971
  • Document, Minutes
  • 20 May 1971
Minutes from a meeting held on 20 May 1971 at the Parish House. 7 members were present and a guest joined the circle - Goldie Bunker, Lucy Banker, Barbara Paterson, Jennie Grindle, Neta Somes, Doris Grant, Bertha Allen, and guest Mrs. Bueher. Includes list of items made by members.