Description: Article surveying services available in the libraries of Mt. Desert Island. Article includes photographs of Bernard Library, library scenes and patrons. Previously archived as object id 012.FIC.043.2
Description: Photograph with description of windmill which had pumped spring water to the village of Southwest Harbor. Photograph was taken around the turn of the 20th century. Previously archived as 012.FIC.046.2
Description: One page article with photographs describing new"self-contained" house in Bar Harbor. Home of Nora and Richard Davis depended on solar and wind power. House designer was Ernest McMullen. Previously archived as 012.FIC.046.4
Description: Two photo essays, each one page long, with photographs and descriptions of estates built during the "Golden Era" of Mt. Desert Island during the last decade of the 19th century. Previously archived as 012.FIC.046.6
Description: One page article with photographs describing the work of the Jordan family of Ellsworth for New England Telephone Company. Family members have cumulatively worked 300 years for this company in a range of positions. Previously archived as 012.Fic.047.11
Description: One page article with photographs profiling David and Audrey Mills and their establishment of an oceanarium in Southwest Harbor. Previously archived as 012.Fic.047.13
Description: One page article with photographs highlighting the craft work in macrame and rug hooking done by retired worker, Earl Carter, of Seal Harbor. His work was being displayed at Cranberry Inn, Northeast Harbor. Previously archived as 012.FIC.047.16
Description: Two copies of one page article with photographs describing the bronze foundry work of Winston Ellis. Ellis established a foundry in West Tremont. Previously archived as 012.FIC.047.17
Description: One page article with photographs describing the sawmill established by Blaine Haynes near Somesville. Haynes worked with sons Steven and Terry milling logs for local customers. Previously archived as object Id 012.fic.047.18
Description: One page article with photograph featuring the poetry writing of Katherine Higgins of Southwest Harbor. When not working with her husband in the fishing industry, she has written and published poetry. One poem of Higgins' accompanies the article. Previously achived as object id 012.Fic.047.20
Description: Single page article with photograph featuring Jay Ramsdell, 13-year-old sports reporter. Jay wrote and edited a bimonthly newsletter on major sports teams and began a New England Patriots fan club. Previously archived as 012.FIC.047.2
Description: Two page article on the life and career of Cherryfield blacksmith, George Ricker, and his successor in the family business, George Brace. Previously archived as 012.FIC.047.3
Description: May 17, 1979 article in Bar Harbor times profiles Wilfred Bunker, owner of Beal and Bunker boat services Also on same page: photograph and caption about "The Game Room" in space formerly used by community theater in McEachern and Hutchins building in Southwest Harbor.
Description: This is a one page excerpt from the June 13, 1974 issue of The Ellsworth American. There is an article by LaRue Spiker covering the Pemetic Reunion Gala which boasted 500 people attending.
Description: Newspaper clipping of pictures of the mansions of Mt. Desert and Bar Harbor, 11 April 1974. Pictures and captions by LaRue Spiker. Images include Redwood, The Turrets, Ullakana, Egonos, LaRochelle, Fabian Cottage, Swiss Chalet, Rosserne, The Breeze, Wadsworth Cottage, Sonogee, Stoneledge.
Description: Ellsworth American “Bar Harbor Times has New Owner” by LaRue Spiker April 26, 1979. Previously accessioned as **0855, Object Id 012.FIC.043.9
Description: Statement by LaRue Spiker, detailing the 1977 plans of the Economic Development Committee of the MDI League of Women Voters, and further adjustments needed.
Description: Color slide of a number red tugboats tied to the edge of a dock waiting. Row of houses line the ridge to the right of a large tree. Notation on slide reads: East Boston From folder: Landscapes
Description: Color slide of a number of houses and buildings along the edge of the water in East Boston. There is a crane in the foreground and distance. Hard to tell what they are doing. The photo was taken from the water. Notation on slide reads: East Boston From folder: Landscapes
Description: Color slide of the view from high vantage looking over the trees towards the water and land on the other side. Snow is on the open areas and tree limbs. From folder: Landscapes
Description: Color slide of a number of piling jutting out of the water holding up noting. In the forground there is the stern of a boat with a docking line coming off the back. In the distance there is a few buildings and a large tower. Notation on slide reads: Bayonne, NJ, Tanker Terminal From folder: Landscapes