Description: Growth of Bar Harbor banking services to include communities farther "down east". Gives history of banking in Maine and relationship to Boston banking, beginning in 1887.
Description: Almost 150 native species of birds reside on Mount Desert and surrounding Islands; this book is a guide to those birds here from June to August of the year. It indicates good places to view these birds
Description: Gives information about the more than 400 families living in Maine in 1790, according to that year's census. At that time the District of Maine had just five counties and was part of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Members of the various Indian tribes were not inclded in this census.
Description: As the author says in the preamble, " This is the story...of the first permanent settlement on Mount Desert Island..." ?At one time Somesville had seven mills, five shipyards, four blacksmith shops, two stores, and ...serv[ed] the entire area and outlying islands."
Description: According to the dust jacket, this is a "novel of manners and ...mystery" centering around a Boston family who summers on the "backside" of Mount Desert Island. (The author bought the Criterion Theater in Bar Harbor in 1969.)
Description: A historical account of St. Mary's-by-the-Sea, a gothic church in Northeast Harbor. Begins with preface written by the Reverend Douglas M. Morrill and in the main text covers the history of the church beginning in 1879 and continuing through to 1981. The book also includes an appendix with sections listing gifts to the church and St. Jude's Church, visiting clergy, memorial windows, gifts, and plaques, the vestry, and centennial committee. [show more]