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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
9360Letters from readers praising articles
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Beech Hill
  • Other, Seal Cove
Letters from readers of Bar Harbor Times praising her articles, Ruth S Masterman (2p) scanned, 2 letters from Bertha M. Blanchard, 1 4 pages, other 3 pages. All hand written. Letter from Blanchard discusses Beech Hill cemetery. She believes there is a cemetery with Carters in it on Beech Hill. Homes of Mrs. Virginia Richardson, Miss Williams. Related to John Gilley, Grandmother Mason Another Mrs. Blanchard spent honeymoon at Atherton Place. Has an aunt who married Delonius Atherton; Letter from Fank O Alley (handwritten) asking how spots got their names Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.023.21, **1305, **1308, **1312 [show more]
9359Letter to Coast and Geodetic Survey
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Coast Guard
  • Other, Geodetic survey
  • 1961
Letter requesting to spend time with a geodetic survey crew to create an article Previously archived as 012.FIC.023.22, **1314,
4095Jacob Lurvey Geneaology
  • Publication, Literary, Article
  • Other, Genealogy
  • Spiker, LaRue
  • nd
“Jacob Lurvey” by LaRue Spiker. 2 pages. PReviously archived as object Id 012.FIC.052.2
9356request assistance publishing
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Family trees
  • Other, Publishers
Mildred Masterman is requesting LaRue Spiker's assistance in getting a book published, the Power of Mountains. Spiker indicates she'd be happy to read but the Bar Harbor Times doesn't publish excerpts of books (not scanned). Masterman tells Lurvey history Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.042.01
9355Bibles in the School
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bibles
  • 1963?
Letter from Mary Ellen Chase who worked at Smith College protesting loss of reading of the Bible in the public schools. Perhaps Spiker supported the Supreme Court decision eliminating reading Bible in school. Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.02
9354Letter from Hobart Reed
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • 1963
Letter praising Spiker's work (scanned) and response (not scanned) of Spiker thanking him for praising her work. Reed is native, former resident of Tremont. He suggests a column hobartreed.pdf Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.03, **1324
9353Weiss letter
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Freelance writing
  • Other, Writing
  • 1964
Letter to Marvin Weiss. LaRue Spiker's inquiry to do freelance work relating to MDI area. Part of the typed letter is illegible Weissp2.pdf Previously archieved as 012.FIC.042.04, **1323
9352Letters sorry Spiker is resigning
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • Other, Editor
  • Other, Resignation from office
  • 1964
Two letters expressing regret that Spiker is resigning as editor of Bar Harbor Times 1 letter of 2 scanned Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.05, **1330
9351Enjoyed Spiker's writing
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • Other, Writing
  • 1964
2 letters expressing praise for LaRue Spiker's writing, photographs, book reviews. One suggests some errors in book review Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.06, **1333, **1329
9350Stories to be published in newspapers
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Freelance writing
  • Other, Writing
  • 1965
Spiker suggesting possible stories to newspapers and magazine, Portland Press Telegram (stories related to MDI, park, 80 year old woman who works in fish factory, Robert Patteson, Ellsworth, Blue Hill) Pays 30 cents and in for features, $3. a picture, $5 sunday picture; Living Wilderness magazine ("Halfway Land"), Kiwanis Magazine (lobster industry), New Republic (story on Rep Dickey-disrespectful behavior by Congress, reverse side of copy, writes to Sen Hathaway) Only 1 page scanned wantstories.pdf Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.042.07, **1335, **1336, **1337, **1338, **1339, **1340 [show more]
9349Selling pics
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Downeast Animal Welfare, Inc
Correspondence with AP regarding selling pictures of five generations of Somes and one of Miss Washburn working on the Friendship sloop. One letter Spiker is asking for payment she has not yet recieved. Two pages are halfsheets. Reverse side of letter to AP requesting payment for the negatives. Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.08, **1332, **1334
9347Women's Suffrage in Maine
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Automobiles, antique
  • Other, Cars, antique
  • Other, Clam digger
  • Other, Jonesport
  • Other, League of Women Voters
  • Other, Maine Association Opposed to Suffrage of Women
  • Other, Maine Digest
  • Other, Rockland
  • Other, Suffrage
  • Other, Voting
  • Other, Woman Suffrage Association
  • Other, Women's rights
  • 1969
Correspondence with Tim Wetterlow of the Maine Digest. One appears to be a letter regarding writing pieces on a Jonesport clam digger, William Alley; Phillips Lord; Dick Payne. The other letter is regarding her manuscript that is attached on women's suffrage. Correspondence indicates she is looking for relevant pictures. Manuscript uses Maine Woman Suffrage Association. Should it be Women's. Discusses key figures in suffrage movement but no mention of individuals on MDI Previously archived as object id 012.FIC.042.10, **1343 [show more]
9346Letter from Phil in support of Spiker re communism
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Communism
  • Other, Vietnam
  • 1969
Hand written letter, 18 Jul 1969. Supports Spiker as writing the facts in articles that have been labeled as helping Communists . Identifies a letter to the editor (?) "Spiker's Letter Would Just Help the Commies." Identifies Hyten and Higginbotham as being against her opinions, facts. Writer was in Vietnam in the Army. States he? had an article in the Bar Harbor Times (anti-Vietnam?) Mentions an article in Times by Robert Ho. Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.042.11, **1344 [show more]
9345Regarding will and bequests of LaRue Spiker
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Estates
  • Other, Long Pond
  • Other, Nature Conservancy
  • Other, Trust (estate)
  • Other, Wills
  • 1979
Letter to Executive Director of Nature Conservancy re a bequest of land where LaRue Spiker lives on Long Pond to Nature Conservancy for its use to sell after death of a friend who shall hold title during the friend's lifetime. Describes property. Letter from her lawyers explaining what Douglas Chapman did to revise the will. Advises setting up a trust. The will is not attached to this letter. Previously archived as object id 012.Fic.042.12, **1348, **1349 [show more]
9344Writer's Digest Award
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Writing
  • 1971
Letter from Writer's Digest awarding prize for manuscript, "Hang Him Higher than Human" Prizes not attached Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.13, **1345
9343Southern environmental reporting trip1
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • Other, Cajuns
  • Other, Reporting
  • Other, Writing
  • 1985 ?
Undated letter to ? Starts letters Dear_ Appears to be in or just been in Kountze, Texas at Big Thicket National Preserve. Discusses Cajun Country. Needs to write a column for the Bar Harbor Times. Going to Rockport, Texas handwrittennote.jpg (2 p) Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.14, **1351
9342Launching of Stanley-44
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Computer-aided designs
  • Other, John M. Williams Company
  • Other, Mark Marine Inc
  • Other, Stanley-44
  • Other, magazine article
  • 1977
Letter from John Letcher, Jr about a story the American (magazine) was plannng about the Stanley -44 launching to LaRue Spiker. And copy of letter that Lechter has attached from Lechter to Dave Getchell regarding launching and the design of the boat by Lyford Stanley and Jock (Stanley?) Discusses computerized design. Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.15, **1346, **1347
9341Trip narration letter
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Environment
  • Other, National Wildlife Refuges
  • 1985
This is possibly the beginning letter, 12/4/1985 of her environmental trip from Smithville, NY Discusses going throuhg Mass, NY, Delaware ,VA. Mentions lumbering practices. Going to Dismal Swamp National Wildlife Refuge in Suffolk, Virginia. had been to other national wildlife reguges. Discusses treatment of brown skins and black skins. Mentions a letter from Sam waiting for her, not attached. Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.16, **1350 [show more]
9340Environmental Narration Letter -Tivoli, TX
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Environment
  • Other, Mexico
  • Other, National Wildlife Refuges
  • 1986?
In a trailer park by the Guadalupe.Went to Mexico. Got stopped to be searched Drugs. Returning to Big Thicket Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.17, **1351
9339Environmental narration-Port Isabel, Tx
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Environment
  • 1986
On the gulf. Discussed going to Arnasas National Wildlife Refuge. Wants to go to Mexico Previously Archived as Object id 012.FIC.042.18, **1352
9338Letter of Support for Spiker
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • Other, Letter to the Editor
  • nd
In response to a letter to the Editor criticizing spiker Ruby Cameron writes to support her. The letter to the Editor she is responding to is called Threat and Promise. Cameron was a nurse to well to do people Previoulsy archived as 012.FIC.042.19, **1355
1481Christmas card, note from Grace Frick
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Christmas cards
  • Other, Play
  • Other, Poem
  • nd
Grace discusses Copenhagen . Sends a picture frame and an accompanying poem that she liked by John Marston from What you will. Begins "I was a scholar.." Previously Archived as 012.FIC.042.20, **1354
9337Letter to Joe Lyford from LaRue Spiker
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bar Harbor Times
  • Other, Books
  • Other, Editor
  • Other, Writing
  • nd
Explains reasons for resignation. Wants to write a novel, stay here. Looking for grants to support her writing. She's done the research on Elijah Lovejoy. Paper wanted to focus mostly on Bar Harbor and not the island. Perhaps wants to start and island weekly. Previously archived as 012.FIC.042.21, **1356
4434Diploma and Awards of LaRue Spiker
  • Object, Award, Achievement Certificate, Diploma
  • Other, Awards
  • Other, Diplomas
  • 1933
Bacherlor's and Master's Diplomas of LaRue Spiker Maine Press Association awards for LaRue Spiker and Bar Harbor Times Editorial Previoulsy archived as 012.FIC.052.1.a-d, **1359, **1360
4100Coal Kiln Road
  • Publication, Literary, Article
  • Other, History - Southwest Harbor
  • Other, Roads
  • Spiker, LaRue
“Coal Kiln Road” by LaRue Spiker. 4 pages. Previously archived as object id 012.FIC.052.3.