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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
9222Conservation Bulletin
  • Publication, Newsletter
  • Other, Aluminum industry
  • Other, Natural Resources Council of Maine
  • Other, TEPCO
  • Natural Resources Council of Maine
  • 12/ 1968
Six page newsletter of the Natural Resources Council of Maine which includes an article on p.3 regarding proposed aluminum smelter on the Maine coast near Ellsworth. This proposal eventually became associated with the company TEPCO. Previously archived as 012.FIC.055.9
2937Statement made at Trenton Meeting regarding TEPCO
  • Publication, Literary, Essay
  • Other, Aluminum industry
  • Other, Environment
  • Other, Nuclear power plants
  • Other, Trenton
  • Maine Department of Economic Development Commissioner James K. Keefe
  • 1/21/1969
Letter from Kenneth P. MacLeod to LaRue Spiker about the volume of letters recieved in connection with the new environmental bills enacted in the State of Maine. Statements of Governor Kenneth Curtis and Economic Development Commissioner James Keefe made at meeting in Trenton. The meeting was to discuss the possible development of an atomic power plant and aluminum reduction facility by TEPCO ans its environmental implications. Transmittal letter is also included. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection. Previously archived as 012.FIC.055.1 Letter from Kenneth P. MCleod previously accessioned as **1671, object ID **1671 [show more]
9220Certificate of Organizatin of a Corporation under the General Law
  • Document, Legal, Deed
  • Other, Incorporation
  • Other, TEPCO
  • State of Maine, Secretary of State
  • 6/16/1967
Six page photocopy of certificate of incorporation of Maine company, TEPCO. This established TEPCO as an industrial company with the purpose of manufacturing and power generation and distribution. Copy of this deed is of poor quality. Previously archived as 012.FIC.055.10
3504Report of the Committee to the League of Women Voters re. TEPCO Development in Trenton
  • Document, Report, Technical Report
  • Other, Aluminum industry
  • Other, Industrial facilities
  • Other, Nuclear power plants
  • Other, Pollution
  • Other, TEPCO
  • Other, Trenton
  • Hancock County Technical Action Panel, Pollution Committee
  • 1/15/1969
Copy of the Report of the Pollution Committee and related correspondence pertaining to industrial development in Trenton by TEPCO of atomic power plant and aluminum reduction facility. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection. Previously archived as object id 012.FIC.055.2
2729Announcement is Possible Monday on Aluminum Plant
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Aluminum industry
  • Other, TEPCO
  • Other, Trenton
  • Joe Brooks writing for Bangor Daily News
  • 1/24/1968
Article on two pages quoting Trenton selectman than an announcement was planned as to industrial development on the Union River. The proposed development was construction of aluminum plant. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.055.3
2728Opposition Forms to TEPCO; Area Residents Want Information, Select Walker as Spokesman
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Aluminum industry
  • Other, Nuclear power plants
  • Other, TEPCO
  • Other, Trenton
  • Ellsworth American
  • 1/15/1969
Article on two pages reporting on a meeting of citizens to discuss the proposed industrial development by TEPCO in Trenton. Photos of Doug Smith and Frank Walker included. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as 012.FIC.055.4
2727Articles, Editorials, Letters and Advertisements regarding TEPCO
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Aluminum industry
  • Other, Nuclear power plants
  • Other, TEPCO
  • Other, Trenton
  • Various Newspapers
  • 1969
Multiple newspaper articles, editorials, letters to the editor and advertisements regarding TEPCO proposed industrial development in Trenton. Development was to include a nuclear power plant and an aluminum reduction plant. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as 012.FIC.055.5 WDEA Replays Entire Hearing previously accessioned as **1690, object id **1690
9224Meeting Notes regarding TEPCO
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Other, Aluminum industry
  • Other, Nuclear power plants
  • Other, TEPCO
  • Other, Trenton
  • LaRue Spiker
  • 1968
Handwritten notes taken by journalist, LaRue Spiker, at five meetings pertaining to possible industrial development in Trenton by TEPCO. Proposed development included a nuclear power plant and an aluminum reduction plant. 28 pages of hand written notes on 8.5x11 inch paper Previously archived as 012.FIC.055.6
9223Rough Notes on TEPCO Issue
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Other, Aluminum industry
  • Other, Nuclear power plants
  • Other, TEPCO
  • Other, Trenton
  • LaRue Spiker
Eleven handwritten notes by journalist, LaRue Spiker. Notes pertain to proposed industrial development in Trenton by TEPCO. Proposed development was a nuclear power plant and an aluminum reduction plant. Previously archived as 012.FIC.055.8
9221The Oldham Era
  • Publication, Newspaper
  • Other, Newspapers
  • Oldham Era
  • 3/15/1957
Copy of The Oldham Era newspaper from LaGrange, Oldham County, Kentucky. Property of LaRue Spiker. Previously archived as 012.FIC.056
9219Letter to LaRue Spiker from William Cohen
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Political issues
  • William S. Cohen, United States Senator
  • 1/5/1988
Letter (2p.) in response to communication from LaRue Spiker regarding his support of assistance to the Contras in Central America. Reverse of letter includes extensive notes listing names of people and organizations and note "Ad in paper". Previously archived as 012.FIC.057.1
9218Handwritten Notes on Political Topics
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Other, Political issues
  • LaRue Spiker
Three sets of handwritten notes, possibly in preparation for articles. Previously archived as 012.FIC.057.2
9217Multiple Clippings on Various Political Issues
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Political issues
  • Various Publications
  • 1968
Multiple clippings from newspapers and newsletters, all pertaining to various political topics such as highways, taxation, distribution of wealth, etc. Items may have been saved in preparation for articles Spiker was writing. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as 012.FIC.057.3
9210Multiple Newspaper Clippings on Industrial Topics Colllected by LaRue Spiker
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Bath, Maine
  • Other, Ferries
  • Other, Foreign trade
  • Other, Industry
  • Other, Northeast Airlines
  • Other, Portland
  • Other, Ship building
  • Other, Town planning
  • Various Newspapers
Multiple newspaper clippings collected by LaRue Spiker on various topics pertaining to industry in Maine. Clippings were likely collected in preparation for articles to be written by Spiker. Titles : Bridgton Firm Gets Oil Cooler Contracts Ferry Decision Likely This Week NERC Votes $500,000 for Machiasport Will Portland Be Ferry Site? This Week May Tell DED Hopes to Interest Big Buisness: 7 Areas Picked for 'New Towns' NEA Reports Net Loss Less Than Last Year NE Airlines Show Loss in October Airline Subsidies Lowest Since 1955, Says CAB Bath Industries Reports 166 P. C. Income Increase Bath Industries May Merge Its Two Subsidiaries After 37 Years Ways of B.W.I Hold No Ships Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.058.1 [show more]
9209Letter to LaRue Spiker from Congressman William Hathaway and Attached Chart
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Loans
  • Other, State government
  • William D. Hathaway, U.S. Congressman
  • 2/25/1969
Letter from Representative William Hathaway to LaRue Spiker referencing previous correspondence and enclosing requested information. Attached is a chart entitled: "Loans Approved - State of Maine". Data is for years 1964-1968. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.058.2
9208Assorted Notes Related to Topic "Maine on the Grow"
  • Publication, Newsletter
  • Other, Industry
  • Other, Maine
  • LaRue Spiker
  • 1968
Three sets of notes, one typed and two handwritten, pertaining to Maine industry, possibly in preparation for an article Spiker was writing. Notes include 1) reprint of article from the "Wall Street Journal", 2) Notes on Industrial bonds, and 3) Report on Maine industries by Governor Kenneth M. Curtis. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.058.3
9216Governmental Reports and Newspaper Articles on Maine Industry
  • Document, Report
  • Other, Economic policy
  • Other, Industry
  • Other, Maine
  • Government Agencies and Unspecified Newspapers
Reports from government agencies and two clipped newspaper articles from unspecified newspapers. Items included: 1) 11th Annual Report, Fiscal - 1968 of the Maine Industrial Building Authority, 2) FAA Information Newsletter dated April 25, 1968, 3)MIRFAB (Maine Industrial and Recreational Finance Approval Board) 1967 Annual Report, 4) Newspaper clipping regarding financing sources for Maine economic development, and 5) Newspaper clipping regarding industrial loan guarantee for Vahlsing, Inc. Items likely collected in preparation for an article to be written by Spiker. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.058.4 and **1769 [show more]
9215Maine's King Lobster
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Lobster industry
  • Other, Maine
  • Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries
43 page booklet with text and black and white photographs describing the Maine lobster industry. This booklet is unstapled. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.058.5
9214Second Annual Report and Financing Assistance for Tourism Attractions
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Maine
  • Recreation
  • Maine Recreation Authority
  • 1968
Single page folded Annual Report of the Maine Recreation Authority and a 16 page booklet, unstapled, explaining the program and legal authority for the organization to fund construction and expansion of recreational facilities in Maine. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as object id 012.FIC.058.6
9213Housing Dilemma Worsens Resort Labor Shortage
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Housing
  • Other, Labor housing
  • Other, Resorts
  • Maine Sunday Telegram, written by Anne Hyde Degan
  • 4/17/1988
Two page article with text and photographs discussing the year-round labor shortage issue on Mt. Desert Island. Problem reportedly resulted from lack of affordable housing. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.058.7
9212Subdivisions blossom in Bar Harbor, 84-Acre Subdivision Approved for Mt. Desert
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Economic policy
  • Other, Environment
  • Other, Environmental policy
  • Various Newspapers and Publications and LaRue Spiker
Collection of articles and notes on environmental topics used by journalist LaRue Spiker. Newspaper clipping from "Bar Harbor Times", 3/24/88, entitled "Subdivisions blossom in Bar Harbor" and "84-acre Subdivision Approved for Mt. Desert" talks about proposed subdivions under discussion by the planning commision, lot restrictions, developers. Previously archived as 012.FIC.061.1
9211Letter and Charts Regarding Grants, Subsidies and Loans from USDA to State of Maine
  • Document, Correspondence
  • Other, Agriculture
  • Other, Financial disclosure
  • Other, Fishing industry
  • Other, Maine
  • John R. McGuire, Acting Chief, USDA Forest Service
  • 2/24/1969
Items collected by LaRue Spiker, probably in preparatin for an article. Items pertain to grants, subsidies and loans made by Dept. of Agriculture to State of Maine for forestry and forest products industries. Included items: 1) Letter from John McGuire to Honorable William D. Hathaway detailing such grants. 2) Chart of fiscal apportionments to Maine under Commercial Fisheries Research and Development Act and the Anadromous Fish Act 3) Chart of producer payments distribution for 1967 from USDA Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service 4) Chart of loans and grants to Maine from 1964 to 1968 from USDA Farmers Home Administration Previously archived as object id 012.FIC.061.2 [show more]
9207Federation of Homemakers Mid-Winter Newsletter
  • Publication, Newsletter
  • Other, Environment
  • Other, Environmental policy
  • Federation of Homemakers
  • 2/1969
Ten page typewritten Federation of Homemakers Mid-winter newsletter dated February, 1969, discussing a variety of environmental and safety issues. 10 typed pages Topics discussed: Hr 1180 legislation ammendment to include a definiton of Food Supliment Bill to establish a National Commission on Public Health Hassards Contribution request to help fund the laywer for the Environmental Defense fund Dr. Richard Welch study on the effects of DDT Bill to ban the use of DDT Thomas Kimball request for the stoppage of persistant pesticides Francis Silver on the hazards of lead in gasoline Ultra-Brite toothpase issues hazards of smoking Permit for organic orange growers in Florida. Previously archived as 012.FIC.061.3 [show more]
9206A Question of Harmony
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Other, Development
  • Other, Economic policy
  • Other, Environment
  • Other, Environmental policy
  • LaRue Spiker
Three typewritten copies of the manuscript to accompany a slide show written by LaRue Spiker for the League of Women Voters. Manuscripts are hand notated with directions for delivery. Copies include one Reader's Copy, 10pp., second Reader's Copy, 11pp. and Projector's Copy, 11 pp. Slide show is archived in the Photo Collection Previously archived as 012.FIC.061.4
9205Charter of the Town of Bar Harbor, Hancock Sounty, Maine
  • Document, Instructional, Instruction Book
  • Other, Bar Harbor
  • Other, Government
  • Bar Harbor Charter Commission
  • 1979
Booklet of 32 pp. detailing powers, responsibilities and governance of the Town of Bar Harbor. Part of LaRue Spiker Collection Previously archived as Object id 012.FIC.062.1