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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
19168Old Farmer’s Almanac
  • Publication, Almanac
  • Other, Agriculture
  • Other, History - Bar Harbor
  • 1852
Old Farmer’s Almanac 1865 tied together with string, yellow cover Previously archived as object id 013.FIC.31.08
2290Advertising brochure for the Continental Tobacco Company
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Other, Advertising
  • 1900
Advertising brochure for the “Continental Tobacco Company”. Explains items one can obtain by collecting tags from their various tobacco products. The offer expired November 30, 1900 Previously archived as 016.001.2.B, old accession # 1534
9192Advertisment card for Ayer’s Pills
  • Document, Advertising, Advertising Card
  • Other, Advertising
  • Other, Medicine
Advertisment card for “Ayer’s Pills.” A color picture on the front depicts a soldier on a white horse slaying his adversary with a sword in his right hand (although he has a rifle on his hip), while valiantly holding high the red, white, and blue “Ayer’s Pills” flag in his left. Two fallen warriors lie on the ground. The gold helmet and body army, and spear, scattered about are reminiscent of medievil knights. They contrast the revolutionary uniforms of the soldiers. The flag looks french, but the pole sports a golden eagle. Below is written, “The Fight for the Standard.” On the back is a description of the pills and a list of the various illnesses they cure. Previously archived as 016.FIC.001.3.c, Old accession # **1541 [show more]
9193New Year’s card from Morey Churchill & Morey of Boston, “Crockery, Lamps, Gas Fixtures.”
  • Document, Advertising, Advertising Card
  • Other, Advertising
  • 1888
New Year’s card from “Morey Churchill & Morey” of Boston, “Crockery, Lamps, Gas Fixtures.” It includes a monthly calendar on the back, “in convenient form”, for January, 1888. On the front is a color picture of a big snow-covered log cabin with smoking chimneys, a frozen pond, and a man and a woman outside near a wagon. It says, “With the Seasons Compliments; Wishing You a Prosperous New Year; We Subscribe Ourselves: yours to Command. Morey, Churchill and Morey.” Previously archived as object id 016.FIC.001.3.b, old accession number **1540 [show more]
19167Newsclipping: Bar Harbor Times “One of MDI’s Oldest Roads Fading from Sight and Memory” July 21, 1962.
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Roads
Newsclipping: Bar Harbor Times “One of MDI’s Oldest Roads Fading from Sight and Memory” July 21, 1962. Two copies of this article are in Box 9 Previousluy accessioned as 012.FIC.07.01
19134Seal Cove Auto Museum
  • Publication, Literary, Article
  • Object, Art
  • Other, Artists
  • People
  • Spiker, LaRue
Five page typed and annotated draft of an article on the Seal Cove Auto Museum written for an unknown publication and unknown date. Previously archived as object Id 013.FIC.30.7
17433Lewisville Sewage Facilities Under Construction
  • Publication, Newsletter
  • Other, Environment
  • Other, Industry
  • 5/1/1957
Long article by LaRue Spiker, reporting on $6,000,000 sewage plant construction taking place in Louisville, Kentucky. Previously accessioned as **1770, object Id **1770 and 012.FIC.061.1
2622State Charges Vahsling With New Pollution Count
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Environment
  • 2/19/1969
Article describes how Vahsling Inc. have been charged with creating a public nuisance by allowing effluence to contaminate the Prestile Stream. Previously accessioned as **1774, object Id **1774, 012.FIC.061.1
19129Rich Farmers on Relief
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Economic policy
  • Other, Environment
  • Other, Environmental policy
  • Various Newspapers and Publications and LaRue Spiker
Collection of articles and notes on environmental topics used by journalist LaRue Spiker. Clipping titled Rich Farmers on Relief about Federal Farm substities to California. Previously archived as 012.FIC.061.1
19128Note on Oil tankers in Maine
  • Document, Note
  • Other, Economic policy
  • Other, Environment
  • Other, Environmental policy
  • Various Newspapers and Publications and LaRue Spiker
Collection of articles and notes on environmental topics used by journalist LaRue Spiker. Hand written note on a scrap of paper with information about possible oil tankers coming to ports in Maine. Previously archived as 012.FIC.061.1
19127Meadomak River
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Economic policy
  • Other, Environment
  • Other, Environmental policy
  • Various Newspapers and Publications and LaRue Spiker
Collection of articles and notes on environmental topics used by journalist LaRue Spiker. Newspaper clipping entitled "Latest from Medomak" adressing the possible building of a new sewage treatment plant and the discharge of pollutants into the Meadomak River. Previously archived as 012.FIC.061.1
19126No Air Pollution, Urban Sprawl Boost to Economic Development
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Economic policy
  • Other, Environment
  • Other, Environmental policy
  • Various Newspapers and Publications and LaRue Spiker
  • 2/1/1969
Collection of articles and notes on environmental topics used by journalist LaRue Spiker. Newspaper clipping from 2/1/69 entitled "No Air Pollution, Urban Sprawl Boost to Economic Development" about the research being conducted at the University of Maine research station. Talks about current research topic focusing on the environment and urban development and the more traditional research being conducted. Previously archived as object id 012.Fic.061.1 [show more]
19125Social Consequences of Economic Development are Spotlighted
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Economic policy
  • Other, Environment
  • Other, Environmental policy
  • Various Newspapers and Publications and LaRue Spiker
Collection of articles and notes on environmental topics used by journalist LaRue Spiker. Newspaper clipping from "Ellsworth American", 3/3/1988, entitled "Social Consequences of Economic Development are Spotlighted" about the League of Women Voters report about the development trends over the last ten years and the social and economic changes that have resulted. How economic growth has effected Mount Desert Island; young people moving away, older residents being unable to afford their homes, tax increses, environmental impacts, economic boom does not equal higher salary for workers. Previously archived as 012.FIC.061.1 [show more]
17613Advertising flyers, calendars, brochures
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Other, Advertisements
  • Other, Advertising cards
  • Other, Balls (Parties)
  • Other, Calendars
  • Other, Corsets
  • Other, Ferries
  • Other, Hats
  • Other, Islesford
  • Other, Steamboats
1. 1894, 1888 ladies Calendars, 2. Flyer advertising sailing aboard the Rachel B. Jackson 3. "Island Flavors" multi-image slide-sound presentation flyer 4. Invitation to URC Fancy Dress Ball and Domino Party at Hancock Hall, Ellsworth, March 11, 1880. Floor directios: E.K. Hopkins, Wm. P. Joy, M.F. Avery, W. McFarland. Aids [sic]: A.W. Cushman, H.H. Emerson, W.H. Davis, F.A. Macomber. Committee of Arrangements: Mrs. J.D. Hopkins, Mrs. H.H. Emerson, Mrs. A.F. Greely, Mrs. A.M. Hopkins, Wm. O. McDonald. 5. Adv. for 1901 Bankruptcy Sale of the Standard Granite Co., by Fernald and Somes of Mount Desert. 6. Adv. for Green Mountain Carriage Toll Road to summit of Green Mountain, c. 1890. 7. Steamship schedules, Boston to Halifax, Nova Scotia with ports in between. Listing of ships. Two pages. April 2, 1857. 8. Munsey's Magazine-Advertising Section- adv. for W.B. corsets, Gage hats, Resinol soap (no date) 9. 1889 adv. calendar for "The Standard New Model Buckeye" (hay cutter) by Richardson Manufacturing Co., John Somes, agent. 10. Color page from "New York Fashions," published by E. Butterick & Co., Aug. 1872. 11. 1997 Southwest Harbor/Tremont Visitor's Guide. 12. 1958 Islesford Ferry adv. 13. Adv. card for tobacco plugs; photo. of Pearl Revere on front 14. Pamphlet: The Historic Homes of the Town of Tremont...A Perspective in Time (1998). [show more]
3966Bar Harbor
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Other, Bar Harbor
1.The Davis Bar Harbor Buckboard Company (c. 1889),copy of news paper article. “The Davis Bar Harbor Buckboard Company - First Manufacturing Concern in Bar Harbor - W.H. Davis, L.B. Decey (Deasy?), C.E. Marcyes”. Company on School Street in Bar Harbor. Circa 1889. 2 "Memories of old Bar Harbor..." Down East Magazine, July 1976, by Cathleen Sherman Clayton. (Author's parents were native to Bar Harbor, who established a hardware business in 1892.) Illustrated with photos. 3. Map, Village of Bar Harbor, Bar Harbor, Town of Eden, Mount Desert, c.1881. 4."The Fire," typwritten ms. by Horace H. Leavitt, Pres,. V.I.A., Nov. 2, 1947. Report on various aspects of fighting the fire with total community support. [show more]
14070Somesville Bicentennial-Historical Notes
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Other, Somesville
1. Program for "Among the Breakers" by George H. Baker (1961) 2. Somesville Bi-Centennial Calendar, Summer 1961 3. MDI Historical Society Bicentennial Notes, Mount Desert Island Historical Society Bicentennial Notes, no writer given. Includes ms. about Dr. Robert Abbe, ferry and steam schedules, G.A.R. monument in Bar Harbor, Somesville Monument to early settlers dedicated 8/31/61, Ladies Sewing Circle, Verrazzano's Voyage to Mt. Desert, May 1524, Navy Coaling Station at Lamoine, Gov. Brewster's visit to Virginia , 1926, Fabbri wireless station at Otter Cliffs in WWI, Statue honoring Maine lobstermen, Prayer at Washington Cathedral honoring Maine, Baymeath, reminiscences of life in Bar Harbor, [by Louise deKaven Bowen]; also reprint from Independent Woman, Feb. 1940 "First Citizen of Chicago" about Mrs. Bowen. References, Notes on history of settlement of Maine, Center, string of houses from Pretty Marsh to Seal Cove. Various military and naval incidents in Maine. 4. Minutes of the Bicentennial Committee. 5. Correspondence regarding publishing of the Bicentennial book. [show more]
14072Mt. Desert Bridge Co.
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bridge construction
  • Other, Mount Desert
  • 1836
Handwritten documents: 1. Contract to build bridge across Mt. Desert Narrows, 1836 2. Survey of Mt. Desert Narrows, 1836 3. Letter complaining about bridge corporation 4. Proposal to build toll house. 5. Bond--contractor to build bridge 6. Other letters related to declaring dividend, concern about tolls by mail carriers, ministers 7. 1850 bill for repair. 8. Dividend Payment for John Somes
12370Mt. Desert Bridge Correspondence
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Bridges
  • Other, Mount Desert Bridge Corporation
  • Other, Mount Desert Island
Proxies for 1900 annual meeting: appointment of K.K. Thompson by A.P. Niswell; Henrietta T. Nickles; J.E. Thompson; Edward Lurvey; D.S. Foster; A.S. Scott; Sarah F. Thompson; Virginia C. Thompson. Letter to Mr. Somes, President of Board of Directors of the Mount Desert Bridge Corp. from E.M. Hamor re record-keeping. Telegram to Mr. John W. Somes from Benjamin Plummer of Main Belting Co. of Philadelphia re sending check. Letter from Whitcomb, Hayes and Co. of Ellsworth accompanying check for damages to bridge by Tug "Little Round Top" Letter from Whitcomb, Hayes and Co. of Ellsworth to John W. Somes regarding descrepancy in amount of check for bridge damage. Letter from Reuben of Trenton to Mr. Somes re shingles and [bord] purchased. Financial statement for Mount Desert Bridge Co. On reverse a list of Board Members: John W. Somes, President; E. M. Hamor, Treasurer; Mrs. A.C. Thompson, Treasurer; C.A. Thompson, agent; T.S. Somes, Mount Desert; John J. Somes, Mt. Desert; E.M. Hamor, West Eden; John L. Thompson, Providence, R.I., Mrs. A.C. Thompson, Trenton. Letter from John A. Peters, lawyer of Ellsworth, to John W. Somes regarding a claim by H.L. Baker of Boston for injury to a yacht on July 19, 1909 having been informed by Mr. Deasy of possible suit. Letter from H.L. Baker to Deasy and Lynam of Bar Harbor re circumstances leading to claim for damages to his boat. Letter from Deasy and Lynam of Bar Harbor to John A. Peters re claim of damage to boat of H.L. Baker. Includes note to Deasy and Lynam from H.L. Baker asking for settlement; notes that case was thrown out of court. Letter from John A. Peters to John W. Somes re H.L. Baker's claim of damage to his boat. Envelope addressed to John W. Somes from C.A. Thompson which contans bill for lumber. Notice to the proprietors of the Mount Desert Bridge Corp. of the annual meeting on second Mon. of July by John J. Somes. Letter from F.S. Thompson, President and Manager of Beaver Belting Co. of Chicago to John W. Somes requesting transfer of stock to D. Shephard Thompson in accordance of the will of Josephine Thompson. Balance of letter is friendly remembrance of friends and Mt. Desert childhood. Appointment of J.A. Somes as proxy by Blanche Somes Colwell, and by J.S. Heath. Notice of 1914 annual meeting by Abraham J. Somes, clerk of Boston. Letter to Paul D. Sargeant, Chief Engineer, State Highway Commission, Augusta, Maine, from Chas. L. Shand of Bar Harbor expressing concern about poor condition of bridge at Mt. Desert Narrows and urging actions to replace. Letter to C.H. Gilman from Mt. Desert Bridge Engineer regarding enclosed sketch of lighting for drawbridge. Copy. Letter to L.B. Googins from Mt. Desert Bridge Engineer regarding materials for bridge and using stone from old bridge. Copy. Letter to Attorney Carl H. Gilman from R.D. Ewell of Marine Manufacturing and Supply Co., New Brunswick, NJ, re prices on lamps for steel swing drawbridge. Letter to Carl H. Gilman from Winthrop Slade, general superintendent of the Boston Bridge Works, re installation of Mt. Desert Narrows Bridge. Letter to State Hwy. Commission from Melville Allen, chairman, office of County Commissioners, Hancock Co., requesting information regarding progress on the Mt. Desert Narrows Bridge. Letter to Chas. L. Shand, Chariman, Trustees Mount Desert Districk from Chief Engineer re matters of the bridge which are in hands of attorney general. Letter to/from A.C.T. to Mr. Somes re amount and option to Mr. D.S. Foster. Letter to L.B. Jones, bridge engineer, from Carl H. Gilman, inspector of State Highway Commission re wires crossing bridge. Letter to L.B. Jones, bridge engineer, from Carl H. Gilman, inspector of State highway commission staging progress on material for earth core approaches. Mrs. Annie E. Thompson, owner of the property north of the bridge, agreed to sell fill material. Letter to C.N. Thompson of Cyr Brothers Co. from the bridge inspector re rental property of Annie E. Thompson to the north of the Mt. Desert Bridge. Also discusses hay harvesting rights. [show more]
3965Mt. Desert Bridge Co. Bills & Tolls
  • Object, Clothing, Neckcloth, Stock
  • Other, Ox teams
  • Other, Stock certificates
  • Other, Toll bridges
Stock certificates, bills, toll receipts Hand-written notes on history of bridge
1499Mt. Desert Bridge Co. Accounts
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record
  • Other, Mount Desert Island
  • Other, Toll bridges
Accounts, loans, dividends of Mt. Desert Bridge Company
3964Mt. Desert Bridge, 1900-
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record
  • Other, Toll bridges
Accounts, stockholders Creation of "Proprietors of Mount Desert Bridge" by Maine Legislature (1836) 1917 proxies
3963Mt. Desert Bridge
  • Document, Legal, Agreement, Contract
  • Other, Contracts
  • Other, Toll bridges
Contracts, indentures Small booklet, "The Mount Desert Bridge Corporation"--2 copies--By-laws, Officers Advertisement for "Greatest Event in Hancock County Since the Civil War"--Dedication of the new Mt. Desert Bridge, May 31, 1920; includes "Monster Clam Bake."
3962Mt. Desert Narrows-Bridge
  • Document, Specification
  • Other, Bridges
  • Other, Mount Desert Island
May 1956 plan for reconstructing bridge. 1837 contract and plan of tollhouse. Pencil drawing of bridge and intro. (but not body) of apparent petition by cetisans [sic] and patrons of the post office at West Trenton. 1917 blueprint for bridge, Maine Highway Commission. 1918 plan showing New England T&T Co., Pole and submarine line along south approach to Mt. Desert Bridge-Trenton 1918 plan showing new line of right of way at south end of bridge. 1918 plan showing change in alignment and land taken for new right of way at approach to Mt. Desert Narrows. [show more]
3961Cattle and sheep marks-original
  • Document, Note
  • Other, Cattle
  • Other, Marks (Symbols)
  • Other, Sheep
Hand-written records, by names, of cattle and sheep, 1828.
3960Brookside Cemetery Association
  • Document, Government, Death Record, Burial Record
  • Other, Cemeteries
  • Other, Somesville
Records of plots, payments, etc. for the cemetery.