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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
16908Charles W. Eliot: President of Harvard University 1869-1909
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Eliot, Charles W.
  • Other, Harvard University
  • James, Henry
  • Houghton Mifflin
  • 1930
Biography of Charles W. Eliot
16907The Tracy Log Book: 1855, A Month in Summer, With original sketches and drawings by Frederic Edwin Church
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Biography
  • Other, Church, Frederic Edwin
  • Other, Mount Desert Island
  • Other, Tracy, Charles
  • Mazlish, Anne
  • Acadia Publishing Co.
  • 1997
16906Ensign Ben Bunker, Mount Desert, and the Cranberry Isles
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Bunker family
  • Other, Cranberry Isles
  • Spurling, Theodore L., Sr.
  • 1991
16905William Otis Sawtelle Collection: 1692-1941 (Bulk Dates 1890-1935)
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Islesford
  • Other, Sawtelle, William Otis
  • Karle, Tim J.
  • [2004]
16904Nine Boats & Nine Kids
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Biography
  • Other, Merkel, Jeanne
  • Merkel, Jeanne St. Andre
  • Ledge Books
  • 1984
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Maine
  • Berchum, William
  • Houghton Mifflin Co.
  • 1973
16892The American Legion an Official History 1919-1989.
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History
  • Ruher, Thomas A.
  • M. Evans and Copmay
  • 1990.
16891Seal Cove--Schools
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Other, Schools
  • Other, Seal Cove
  • 1832
16890School Records-accounts
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Account Book, Ledger
  • Other, Schools
16813Letter re pension for Miss Heath
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Other, Pensions
  • Other, Swans Island
  • Other, Teachers
  • Other, Tremont
  • 1939
Clarifies months/years of service for calculating pension.
16810Ships' Accounts
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Other, Schooners
  • Other, Ship accidents
  • Other, Ship captains
  • Other, Shipping
Ships' accounts: handwritten lists of freight ,dates, destinations for Schooners "Amethyst "(Capt. Francis Grindle), Schooner "America", Schooner "Richmond", Schooner "Packet", Brig. "Two Sisters," Brig. "William Heath", Schooner "Valpariso (?) [Capt. Emmons Pray], and typewritten copies of same. Also bill for repairs of damage to Sch. "Packet" by Brig. "Neptune" in Boston Harbor. [show more]
16809Correspondence related to schooners' freight.
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Other, Schooners
  • Other, Ships
Bill from Schooner "Lydia b. Cowperthwaite" to James H. Cox & Co., Ship Brokers & Commission Merchants for Stone Charter Somes Sound to New York (1890). Bill to Emmons Pray for repairs to Sloop "Bloomer." Letter to John Somes from Means & Clark re receipt of order via Capt. Pray of Schooner "Polly." List of supplies for "first trip" and "second trip" (no date or name of vessel).
16808From Capt. Billings
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Sailing ships
  • 1840
Re voyage and freight.
16807From Means & Clark
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Sailing ships
  • 1844
Re Schooner Thames (?): cargo, freight; Capt. Bartlett cleared for Trieste; payments received from Gott and Richardson
16806From Means & Clark
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Customhouses
  • Other, Sailing ships
  • 1849
RE account of Andelene Ring (?) and apparent discrepancies. (Letter is a copy.)
16805From David Bartlett
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Sailing ships
  • 1850
Re Brig. Emma Frances loaded with long lumber bound from Calais for New Haven
16804From David Bartlett
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Sailing ships
  • 1850
Re arrival in Mayaguez; laying by; crew sick.
16803From David Bartlett (copy)
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Sailing ships
  • 1850
Re at anchor in Mayaguez; to sail to Philadelphia; has sensitive plant seeds for Somes' daughters.
16802From Means & Clark
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Insurance
  • Other, Sailing ships
  • 1851
Re insurance on "Emma Francis". Later note at bottom by Virginia Somes Sanderson.
16798From Means & Clark
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Sailing ships
  • Other, Schooners
  • 1852
Concerning amounts received / owed for various ships.
16797From A.E. Milliken
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Sailing ships
  • 1853
Re passage from Boston to Jacksonville, need for new sails, running rigging, painting, rats damaging sails
16796From A.C. Milliken
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Sailing ships
  • 1854
Written from Campeachy re sickness (fever) among men, perhaps from drinking too many "spirits", and delay caused by a "norther."
16795Somesville & Seal Cove ships, masters, owners
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Other, Sailing ships
  • Other, Schooners
  • Other, Somesville
Names of ships, date built, tonnage, owners and masters.
16794Singing School
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Other, Schools
  • Other, Singing
Names and amounts paid for singing school (no date).
16782Names of Soldiers of the American Revolution who applied for State Bounties
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Military personnel
  • Other, Revolutionaries
  • Other, Soldiers
  • House, Charles J., ed.
  • Burleigh and Fly 1893. Augusta, Maine
  • 1893.