Description: From left to right - Bloomfield Richardson, Ralph Tracy and Jones Tracy at Richardson Homestead (Oakland Farm of Fair Oaks Farm) splitting wood. Object has not been renumbered because as of 1/13/2022 the object could not be located.
Description: Clara and Florence Tracy, daughters of Jones Tracy at Richardson Homestead (Fair Oaks Farm). Girl in background near house. This object has not been renumbered because as of 1/13/2022 the object could not be located
Description: Main Street Somesville.Somes Cove on left. Trees line street. Board sidewalk visible on right near picket fenced yards. Fernald’s Store (art gallery as of 2016 1112 Main St ) hidden by trees. Lumber mill to left. Two masts of schooner rise up over trees.Negative.
Description: Hall Quarry, quarry in winter. Looking across Somes Sound. Pieces of granite scattered about. Rail for tram covered with snow runs through center of photo. Various buildings in the middle ground. Derricks in the foreground.
Description: Man, two women and girl in canoe paddling on the mill pond, American flag on bow. Another canoe in middle ground containing three women, a girl and boy. Crowd gathered on lawn of Somesville Library. Tents pitched on lawn in front of building. Somes House Inn visible on the right. Blacksmith’s shop and Fernald's Store (aka A.J. Whiting store), later Port-in-a-Storm bookstore, on the left. Tall deciduous tree hanging over bank on the left. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS printed but only partially visible at bottom. [show more]
Description: Looking toward Main Street from Somes Cove. Lumber mill on the left, library to right of mill. In center two and one-half story house with porch on front and left side. Further right and on the water is Fernald’s Store (aka A.J. Whiting Store), later Port-In-A-Storm bookstore and now (2016) Gallery at Somes Sound. Historic Nathan Salisbury House to the far right [?].
Description: Ship under construction in Somes Cove. Looking across Somes Cove to Somes meadow and landing. Six men standing on deck looking toward camera. Hull near completion. Lumber scattered around ship. Two masts lie on the ground in sterm of ship. Schooner just visible to the right.
Description: Marked, “Somesville Church 76” in lower left corner. Somesville Church (now Union Meeting House, 2015) built in 1852 (per "Living Past", p. 280) Telephone pole sitting in front of church. Lower shutters open, uppers closed.
Description: Grist mill on Somes Brook. High bushes cover most of building. Shingled roof, with weathered shingled siding. Large stones line bank of stream. Another small clapboard building to right in background. Appears to have been taken from upstream. Negative.
Description: Main Street Somesville. Mount Desert Post Office on right. Two story building with covered porch. Mount Desert Post Office sign mounted on porch roof. Marked on bottom of negative "1905 Old Post Office Eva Jacobson postmistress". John William Somes house, now owned by Keating Pepper with windmill visible over roof of house. Telephone poles line street.
Description: Somesville School House (c. early 1900's), Main Street, Somesville. Few trees around building, evergreens in back. Covered porch in center of building with balcony above. Flag pole in center of balcony. Two chimneys and bell tower on roof. Clapboard siding, 12 unshuttered windows visible.
Description: Somes House, early photo. Young trees cover lawn. No shutters on windows. Barn to far right. Small shed next to house on right. Small addition extends from house on left. Copy from Bradley Stereo Card (this negative is one of two--see related negative). The B. Bradley stereo card does not appear to be in the collection. This photograph appears in "The Living Past" by Virginia Somes Sanderson on page 226 and is captioned, "The Original Abraham Somes Home, later converted into the Somes House, date unknown." [show more]
Description: Somes House, early photo. Young trees cover lawn. No shutters on windows. Barn to far right. Small shed next to house on right. Small addition extends from house on left. This negative is one of two made from a Bradley Stereo Card, which does not appear to be in the collection. This photograph appears in "The Living Past" by Virginia Somes Sanderson, p. 226, and is captioned, "The original Abraham Somes home, later converted into The Somes House, date unknown." [show more]
Description: A black and white photo negative made from a color snapshot of the fireplace in historic Abraham Somes III house (once owned by Richard and Marion Cobb) on the corner of Main Street and Oak Hill Road in Somesville. Fire burning in the fireplace. Large brick fireplace with brick oven. Clock with reverse glass painting on the mantle.
Description: Mt. Desert Island Bridge. Narrow bridge with wood side rails. Small pier extends off left side of bridge. Two metal towers on either end of bridge. In foreground, white two and one half story house with white clapboard siding and black trim and covered front porch. Another house behind it. Both sit to right of bridge. Small shack or shed at left. Other buildings across bridge in distance. Marked on bottom “New Mt. Desert Bridge 1A.”
Description: Clara Emilie Meynell Somes (1842-1920) and Thaddeus Shepley Somes (1839-1913) seated on front step of their home on corner of Oak Hill Road and Main Street. Clara wears hair in large bun on back of head. Striped blouse with full sleeves, black placket down center of bodice, white lace around collar. Decorative white flower plackets descend from shoulders along each side on center. Black skirt with indistinguishable design. Thaddeus wears straw hat, dark suit, white shirt and black tie. This negative was taken from post card 012-57-156 and the image is presented in an oval format. [show more]
Description: Interior of Somesville Meeting House taken from back of church over middle row of pews. Shows front of church letters proclaiming “God is Love”, and “Welcome”. Organ visible on right.