Description: Bluenose Ferry at terminal in Bar Harbor. Bar Island to left. Bar Harbor village to right. Road and ganite blocks in foreground. Women seated on far right looking over harbor.
Description: New Harbor Maine from Southwest Harbor side. Lobster traps piled on pier. Lobster boat, Margaret, tied to pier. Fishing boats at moorings in the harbor. Negative in possesion of donor. Ballard #1040
Description: Sardine Cannery at Southwest Harbor present sight of Southwest Boat Company off Clark Point Road. Sardine carriers tied to floats. Two men working on float.
Description: The Ocean Drive shore from Otter Cliffs, Acadia National Park. Ballard Neg # 819A Written on back: "The Ocean Drive Shore from Otter Cliffs, Acadia National Park. Mount Desesrt Island."
Description: Addison Packing Company wharf August 1946. Four sardine carriers, Osprey, Surfman, Joyce Marie and Safety , at wharf. Clark Point in the background. Negative property of Paul T. Stubing.
Description: Donor information: Northwind, Bar Harbor Luders #51 (although the boat was carrying sail #52 that day. Eleanor (McCormick) Collier, owner and skipper. Crew unidentified. The occasion was a Sorrento regatta. Picture taken off Hancock Point by Sturgis Haskins in 1971. Northwind was built in 1948 for Minot Milliken. She was later owned by George Strawbridge, also of Bar Harbor (later to summer in NEH). In 1996 Northwind was nearly derelict in a Cherryfield backyard. [show more]
Description: Franz Karban, owner of Echo Vista on Echo Lake. Standing in front of pine tree. Wearing double breasted suit, tie, hands in pockets. Gift of M.L. Hughes.
Description: August 1955. Large pieces of cut granite in two piles . Small sail boat in the distance. Row boat with oars in forground. Gift of M.L. Hughs. Identified at May 2011 "Mystery Photographs" exhibit as Somes Sound near landing in Somesville looking SSE. (AB)
Description: 9.25 X 13.75 black and white photograph of lobsterman Richard Butler taking lobsters from trap off Mt. Desert Island. Gift of George Daniell
Description: 9.25 X 13.75 black and white photograph of lobster boat on mooring off Bar Island. Several traps stacked on stern of boat. Other moorings surround boat.Very few trees on Island. Unidentified structure to far left and in center. Snow covers boat and island. Gift of George Daniell.
Description: Robert La Hotan, artist on Great Cranberry Island, 1984. Lover, life partner, of artist John Heliker. Age 40+ standing next to large still life. Wearing Long sleeve tailored shirt, white shorts and white sneakers. Hold cigarette in hand. Circular staircase to right. Gift of George Daniell.
Description: Artist John Heliker in his studio. Man age 65+ seated in wicker chair in front of large painting of hills and village. Wears glasses, short sleeved plaid shirt unbuttoned at top. Gift of George Daniell. Written on the back of the photo: "John Heliker in his studio on Cranberry Island. 1984"
Description: Art show on Village Green in Bar Harbor. Paintings displayed near sidewalk. Woman walks past paintings. Four people seated in lawn chairs in facing away from paintings. Congregational Church in background. Cars parked along street and in church parking lot. Gift of George Daniell.
Description: Aurelia Brown in Wingspread Gallery, Northeast Harbor. Brown seated in caned chair on left, elbow on table. Wears turtle neck, stretch pants and white sneakers. Woman acroos the table, long hair parted in middle. Man in background with long poney tail walks through curtain into another room. Dog asleep at Brown’s feet. Gift of George Daniell.
Description: Two-masted schooner at wharf in back of Fernald’s Store (later Port-in-a-Storm bookstore, then art gallery). To far right Somes House Inn. To right of store historic Nathan Salisbury House and other houses along Main Street. Marked, “Somes Cove, Me.” in lower right corner.
Description: Quarry workers pose for photograph with three yoke of oxen. Somes Sound in background. Photo shows men with tools of trade near blocks of granite.
Description: Mt. Desert Island Bridge. Narrow bridge with wood side rails. Small pier extends off left side of bridge. Two metal towers at either end of bridge. In foreground, white two and one half story house with white clapboard siding and black trim and covered front porch. Another house behind it. Both sit to right of bridge. Small shack or shed to left. Other buildings across bridge in distance. Marked on bottom “New Mt. Desert Bridge 1A.”
Description: Two views of the interior of MDI Historical Society's Historic Selectmen’s Building, Somesville.. Top photo shows wood stove, hay fork, powder horns, lantern, mail bags, pewter communion set, clothes wringer and other items. Second photo shows Sarah Kittredge portrait, chinaware, bottles, display case, pewter communion set and other items.
Description: Interior of Somesville Meeting House taken from back of church over middle row of pews. Church is decorated with garlands and ferns and other plant material. The words "GOD is LOVE" and "WELCOME" on the wall at the front of the chuch. The organ is to the right.
Description: Advertisement reads, “Slaughter Sale of Bankrupt Stock! of the Standard Granite Co. at -- Stock Consisting of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Tinware. and . General Merchandise. Good Prints 3 c per yard. 10c Ginghams 5c per yard. Boots and Shoes at about half price Men’s Rubber Boots $2.25. A lot of show cases,Scales, Paper Holders, and Store Furnishings will be sold at bargain prices. Don’t miss this opportunity to buy goods at low prices. For furthur information apply to Fernald & Somes, Mount Desert, Maine. Sherman, Printer, Bar Harbor.” Marked 1901 at top. [show more]
Description: Map of Somesville from Colby Atlas. Owners names and lot numbers marked. Includes Hall Quarry. Marked on back, “Photograph by Hylander Mount Desert, Maine 04660." (duplicate of 997-574-743)
Description: Map of Somesville from Colby Atlas. Owners names and lot numbers marked. Marked on back, “Photograph by Hylander Mount Desert, Maine 04660 Duplicate of 999-1-3085
Description: Map of Somesville from Colby Atlas. Owners names and lot numbers marked. Marked on back, “Photograph by Hylander Mount Desert, Maine 04660."