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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
17502The Causeway Club
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History
  • Unpublished
16892The American Legion an Official History 1919-1989.
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History
  • Ruher, Thomas A.
  • M. Evans and Copmay
  • 1990.
13707Record of Official Visits by Eugene S. Robbins
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • 3/21/1952
Journal of official visits made by Eugene S. Robbins as Grand Senior Warden (1951-1952) and Grand HIgh Priest (1952-1953) for Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Includes meeting locations, mileage, attendence, and notes. Last entry 3/23/1953.
13706Record book for traveling crooks, Watson Robbins
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • 10/18/1963
Small journal kept by Watson Robbins containing records of his traveling crooks including dates, locations, mileage, and new members. Last emtry 4/28/1964.
13645Willing Workers Record Book
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • 3/2/1953
Record book started by Constance Robbins, secretary for the Willing Workers Club, formed on 3/2/1953 to raise money for “the mortgage and carpet”. A group of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs comprised the club membership. The record book contains minutes from various meetings, loose reciepts, bank statements, and notes. Last entry made 12/30/1970.
12894The American Legion: An Official History 1919-1989
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Clubs
  • Rumer, Thomas A.
  • M. Evans
  • 1990
12667The Maine Masonic Text Book
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, Fraternal organizations
  • Other, Maine
  • Drummond, Josiah H.
  • Stephen Berry Co.
  • 1910
"for the use of lodges." Sixth Ed. Contains index.
12666The Odd Fellows Gem
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, Handbook
  • Henry A. Brown
  • 1846
"Sentiments of Friendship, Love, and Truth," edited by a lady.
9303History of Mount Desert Lodge, No. 140, February 14, 1867 - February 14, 1871
  • Publication, Book
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History - Mount Desert
  • 1871
History of Mount Desert Lodge, No.140, or Free and Accepted Masons, Mt. Desert, Maine, February 14, 1867 - February 14, 1871. By E.M. Hamor. Portland 1871. Two Copies Previously archived as object id **1576.a-b, 016.FIC.001.13
9302History of Mount Desert Lodge, No. 140, February 14, 1871 - February 14, 1892
  • Publication, Book
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History - Mount Desert
  • Other, Masonic
History of Mount Desert Lodge, No.140, or Free and Accepted Masons, Mt. Desert, Maine, February 14, 1871 - February 14, 1892. By James E.. Hamor. 1892. Previously archived as object id **1578, 016.FIC.001.13
9301History of Mount Desert Lodge, No. 140, February 14, 1871 - February 14, 1892
  • Publication, Book
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History - Mount Desert
History of Mount Desert Lodge, No.140, or Free and Accepted Masons, Mt. Desert, Maine, February 14, 1871 - February 14, 1892. By James E.. Hamor. 1892. Copy Previously archived as object id **1577, 016.FIC.001.13