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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
17502The Causeway Club
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History
  • Unpublished
17462Mount Desert Island Non-Profit Organizations
  • Publication, Newspaper
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • 7/15/1999
A newpaper insert that features all the non-profit organizations on the island. Includes pictures and a short history of each organization
17454Times Past
  • Publication, Newspaper
  • Organizations
  • Other, Business
  • Other, Clubs
  • 7/28/1899
Republication of Bar Harbor Record news items in Bar Harbor Times, . Compiled by Deborah Dyer of the Bar Harbor Historical Society, 7/8/1999. Restriction of automobiles in town. History of the Conners Brothers boat livery. Also from July 5, 1899. Announcement of the opening of the Ladies Club for the season.
17453Times Past
  • Publication, Newspaper
  • Organizations
  • Other, Business
  • Other, Clubs
  • 7/28/1899
Republication of Bar Harbor Record news items in Bar Harbor Times, . Compiled by Deborah Dyer of the Bar Harbor Historical Society, 7/8/1999. Restriction of automobiles in town. History of the Conners Brothers boat livery. Also from July 5, 1899. Announcement of the opening of the Ladies Club for the season.
17449Times Past
  • Publication, Newspaper
  • Organizations
  • Other, Business
  • Other, Clubs
  • 10/15/1899
Republication of Bar Harbor Record news items in Bar Harbor Times, . Compiled by Deborah Dyer of the Bar Harbor Historical Society, 10/18/1999. Notices of meetings including the Board of Trade,Bay View Grange and stockholders of thte Bar Harbor Banking and Trust Co. Listing of the new officers ofl the Juvenile Temple
17447Times Past
  • Publication, Newspaper
  • Organizations
  • Other, Architecture
  • Other, Clubs
  • 6/14/1899
Republication of Bar Harbor Record news items in Bar Harbor Times, . Compiled by Deborah Dyer of the Bar Harbor Historical Society, 6/10/1999. Detailed description of the history and geography of Kebo Golf Club.
17434Times Past
  • Publication, Newspaper
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, Hotels
  • 12/20/1899
Republication of Bar Harbor Record news items in Bar Harbor Times, . Compiled by Deborah Dyer of the Bar Harbor Historical Society, 12/23/1999. Hisotry of the hotels up to 1899. Names some of the old hotels: Agamont, Birch Tree Inn, Exchange. Alpheus Hardy built the first non-resident cottage in Bar Harbor. Includes an anecdote about J. Montgomery Sears. Article also includes a line about the election of Rev. Robert Codman, Jr. as Bishop of Maine. A comment about the Laides Aid Societys apron and necktie ball. [show more]
17163Newsletter of Mount Desert High School Alumni Association (1988)
  • Publication, Newsletter
  • Other, Alumni & alumnae
  • Other, Clubs
  • 1988
Newsletter of Mount Desert High School Alumni Association (1988). Annual newsletter; minutes by Beulah Lunt Dean; includes record of alumni deaths.
17162Newsletter of Mount Desert High School (1977)
  • Publication, Newsletter
  • Other, Alumni & alumnae
  • Other, Clubs
  • 1977
Newsletter of Mount Desert High School (1977) sent to Stuart Smith. Mentions their 1977 reunion, as well as the results of a questionnaire sent out to old alumni members (as far back as 1907).
16892The American Legion an Official History 1919-1989.
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History
  • Ruher, Thomas A.
  • M. Evans and Copmay
  • 1990.
13707Record of Official Visits by Eugene S. Robbins
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • 3/21/1952
Journal of official visits made by Eugene S. Robbins as Grand Senior Warden (1951-1952) and Grand HIgh Priest (1952-1953) for Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Includes meeting locations, mileage, attendence, and notes. Last entry 3/23/1953.
13706Record book for traveling crooks, Watson Robbins
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • 10/18/1963
Small journal kept by Watson Robbins containing records of his traveling crooks including dates, locations, mileage, and new members. Last emtry 4/28/1964.
13645Willing Workers Record Book
  • Publication, Book, Journal
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • 3/2/1953
Record book started by Constance Robbins, secretary for the Willing Workers Club, formed on 3/2/1953 to raise money for “the mortgage and carpet”. A group of Odd Fellows and Rebekahs comprised the club membership. The record book contains minutes from various meetings, loose reciepts, bank statements, and notes. Last entry made 12/30/1970.
12894The American Legion: An Official History 1919-1989
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Clubs
  • Rumer, Thomas A.
  • M. Evans
  • 1990
12797Mt. Desert Reading Room 1909
  • Publication, Yearbook
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History - Bar Harbor
  • Other, History - Mount Desert Island
  • Other, Reading Room
  • 1909
Book of the Mt. Desert Reading Room club for men: includes act of incorporation, by-laws, club rules, membership, yacht club, deceased members
12667The Maine Masonic Text Book
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, Fraternal organizations
  • Other, Maine
  • Drummond, Josiah H.
  • Stephen Berry Co.
  • 1910
"for the use of lodges." Sixth Ed. Contains index.
12666The Odd Fellows Gem
  • Publication, Book
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, Handbook
  • Henry A. Brown
  • 1846
"Sentiments of Friendship, Love, and Truth," edited by a lady.
11317Somesville VIS Names Goal of Creating Somesville HIstoric District
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, Historic Preservation
News Clipping - Bar Harbor Times “Somesville VIS Names Goal of Creating Somesville Historic District” October 10, 1974. Previously accessioned as **0631, Object Id 011.FIC.57.2
10607Newsclipping: “Somesville Woman Elected President of AAUW Monday” April 27, 1967.
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • People
  • 1967
Newsclipping: “Somesville Woman Elected President of AAUW Monday” April 27, 1967. Virginia Somes Sanderson. Previously accessioned as **0746, Object ID 011.FIC.77.3
9303History of Mount Desert Lodge, No. 140, February 14, 1867 - February 14, 1871
  • Publication, Book
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History - Mount Desert
  • 1871
History of Mount Desert Lodge, No.140, or Free and Accepted Masons, Mt. Desert, Maine, February 14, 1867 - February 14, 1871. By E.M. Hamor. Portland 1871. Two Copies Previously archived as object id **1576.a-b, 016.FIC.001.13
9302History of Mount Desert Lodge, No. 140, February 14, 1871 - February 14, 1892
  • Publication, Book
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History - Mount Desert
  • Other, Masonic
History of Mount Desert Lodge, No.140, or Free and Accepted Masons, Mt. Desert, Maine, February 14, 1871 - February 14, 1892. By James E.. Hamor. 1892. Previously archived as object id **1578, 016.FIC.001.13
9301History of Mount Desert Lodge, No. 140, February 14, 1871 - February 14, 1892
  • Publication, Book
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History - Mount Desert
History of Mount Desert Lodge, No.140, or Free and Accepted Masons, Mt. Desert, Maine, February 14, 1871 - February 14, 1892. By James E.. Hamor. 1892. Copy Previously archived as object id **1577, 016.FIC.001.13
4644Friday Club Mother Daughter Banguet Speech
  • Publication, Literary, Speech
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, History - Southwest Harbor
  • People
  • 4/27/1929
portion of speech given by Lillis P. Joy, Secretary of the Friday Club on the occassion of a Mother/Daughter Banquet.
3491Biography notes re: Constance Joy Robbins
  • Publication, Literary, Biography
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • People
-Notes regarding the participation of of Constance Robbins in the rebekah Assembly of maine written by Bill Skocpol. Interesting poem welcoming Connie Robbins as warden of RA 1963. Introduction of Connie Robbins by Adelma McFarland Richardson. May 1968 letter describing Past President's meting with mentiton of Eugene Robbins getting orders to go to Vietnam. Official photo of Rebekah officers 1964-1965
3085Year-Book, 1960, Green Mountain Pomona Grange, No. 26
  • Publication, Yearbook
  • Other, Advertisements
  • Other, Clubs
  • Green Mountain Pomona Grange, No. 26
  • 1960
Description of the objectives and history of the national Grange movement and of the Pomona Grange, which had members in Ellsworth and surrounding areas including Mount Desert Island. Granges in Town Hill, Salisbury Cove, Trenton, Islesford and Otter Creek were in the jurisdiction of the Pomona Grange. Includes advertisements from businesses on Mount Desert Island, including A.B. & J.R. Hodgkin, Pine Tree Market in Town Hill, Somes Store in Southwest Harbor, and many others. [show more]