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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
12562The Ladies' Note-Book and Calendar
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • 1881
3" X 5.5" 24-page booklet that includes "receipts" (recipes), blank pages for notes, home remedies for various ailments, and a calendar.
12561Turkish Rug Patterns
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • 1879c.
3" X 5.5" unpaginated pamphlet offering work for those who are"out of employment" opportunity to sell Turkish rug patterns. Cover has words written in pencil including what appears to be "BN Higgins."
12559Confession of Faith and Covenant adopted by the 1st Congregational Church, Mount Desert, Maine
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • 1834
Small pamphlet with Confession of Faith: Christ is God, The Holy Spirit is God, Sacred Trinity, and other Articles including Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
12547The Harbor Club, Seal Harbor, Maine, 1995
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, Seal Harbor
  • 1995
Unpaginated booklet listing members, Board of Governors, Rules, and other information.
12280Sight Seeing and Ferry Schedules, Beal & Bunker Inc.
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Beal & Bunker Ferry
  • Other, History - Cranberry Islands
  • Other, History - Northeast Harbor
  • Other, Tourism
Sight Seeing and Ferry Schedules, Beal & Bunker Inc. Cranberry Isles, Maine The old Mail Boat Srervice aboard the Island Ferry, Islesford Historical Cruise aboard the Sea Princess Mail Boat and Ferry Service aboard the Sea Queen
12278The Asticou Azalea Garden
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, History - Cranberry Islands
  • Other, History - Southwest Harbor
  • Other, Tourism
The Asticou Azalea Garden Northeast Harbor, Maine location, hours, seasons, map, plant types, date, green ink on cream paper
12275Paths and Trails of Northeast Harbor, Seal Harbor and Vicinity
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • 1958
9-page pamphlet; includes School House Ledge, Hadlock Pond, Upper Hadlock Pond, Browns [sic] Mt., Little Browns Mt. and Bald Peak, Asticou Hill, Jordan's Pond path, Sargent Mountain, Jordan Mountain. Trails in vicinity of Seal Harbor: Seaside Inn to Jordan Pond, Jordan Stream to Jordan Pond, Seaside Inn over Barr and Redfield Hills, Blueberry Hill trail, Shore Trail, Hun ters Beach to Turtle Lake, Day Mountain from Camplain monument, Mitchell Hill. Describes walks; give directions. [show more]
12270150th Maine Anniversary Brochure
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, History - Maine
  • Other, History - Mount Desert Island
  • Other, Tourism
  • 1970
Dawn of America with Cadillac Sunrise photograph on cover for the 150th Anniversay of Maine 1820 -1970. Includes a map of MDI with Pioneer names and dates and chronological events from 1604 - 1928. Includes map with points of interest.
12208Edward Kellogg Dunham 1860-1922
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Bacteria
  • Other, Cholera
  • Other, Histology
  • Other, Meningitis
  • Other, Obituary
  • Other, Physicians
  • Other, Seal Harbor
  • Taylor, Henry Osborn
  • 1922
Tributes to Dr. Edward Kellogg Dunham, summer resident of Seal Harbor, written by Henry Osborn Taylor and read before the Tavern Club of Boston and published in the New York Evening Post, by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. read in person before the Village Improvement Society of Seal Harbor, Maine; and by Simon Flexner. Includes reprint from The Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. LII, May 1923 by H.D. Dakin. Includes "An Ode composed by Edward K. Dunham, Jr. on the occasion of the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hoe, January 15, 1923." [show more]
119821930-36 Red Books
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Red Book
  • Other, Social classes
1935 is missing. Gift of Northeast Harbor Library 1930 to 1936 Directory and Hand Book, known as Red Books 1936 is missing its cover. 1st page is a Greeting in poem form Each year has a greeting by a different writer
119811944, 53,57,59 Red Book
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Red Book
  • Other, Social classes
Gift of Northeast Harbor Library. 1944, 53,57,59 known as Red Book, Directory and Hand Book 1944 book is dogeared Contains a lot of advertising as well as names addresses of summer cottagers along with their permanent address In NY, IL, etc Elmer Cousins name on front of 1953 and 1959 booklets
7756Philadelphia in Spring
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Writers
Tourist pamphlet for Philadelphia. Research for LaRue Spiker's article about the city. Previously accessioned as **1935, object Id 2001.1935
7748Metropolitan Philadelphia: tourist pamphlet about Philadelphia, showing a map and some points of interest
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Writers
Tourist pamphlet about Philadelphia, showing a map and some points of interest. Research for an article by LaRue Spiker.
7744Historic Sites of Old Philadelphia
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Writers
Tourist pamphlet. "A Condensed Guide For a Leisurely Walk Through the Independence Square Neighborhood." LaRue Spiker's research for an article on Philadelphia. Previously accessioned as 1947, Object Id 2001.1947
5521United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Products and Functions research for an article by LaRue Spiker
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Writers
  • 1961
The Coast and Geodetic Survey Products and Functions organization, gives a report on its purpose and achievements. Annotated throughout by LaRue Spiker. Research for an article about Mount Desert, 1961. Previously accessioned as **2001, object Id 2001.2001
5520Booklet about the Coast and Geodetic Survey, giving some facts about the organization, and encouraging people to join
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Writers
Booklet about the Coast and Geodetic Survey, giving some facts about the organization, and encouraging people to join. Research for an article about Mount Desert by LaRue Spiker. Previously accessioned as **2002, object Id 2001.2002
5519Engineering Responsibilities, booklet by Coast and Geodetic Survey.
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Writers
Booklet by Coast and Geodetic Survey.Research for LaRue Spiker’s article about Mount Desert. Previously accessioned as **2003, Object Id 2001.2003
5518Record of Triangulation Station in Mount Desert,1856
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Writers
  • 1856
Card detailing geographic position of a triangulation station in Mount Desert, 1856. Research for an article by LaRue Spiker. Previously accessioned as **2004, object Id 2001.2004
5326The Ask Mr. Foster Travel Service
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Ask Mr. Foster
  • 1920 ca.
4404Harbor Head at Asticou
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Asticou Gardens
  • 1956
Pamphlet Harbor Head At Astico ND but Tel number is Northeast Harbor 40 G.A. Savage and Sons
3438Souvenir of Mt. Desert Island
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Hotel des Isles
  • Other, Newport House
  • Other, The Grand Central
  • Other, The Malvern
  • Other, The St Sauveur
  • Other, West End Hotel
  • 1893
Small booklet with glossy plate prints from buildings and sights of Mount Desert Island, c.1893. Brown cover. Similar to 001-99-2352, but pages are uncut.
3147Price List of the Appleton Manufacturing Co.
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, Agriculture
  • Other, Farms
“Price List of the Appleton Manufacturing Co. Appleton Wisconsin, Manufacturers of Twenty-Seven sizes American Grinding MIlls, Badger Seeders, etc., etc.” c. 1870-1900.
3145Acadia National Park, Maine Brochure
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Other, History - Mount Desert Island
  • Other, Tourism
  • Recreation
  • 1933
Acadia National Park, Maine. General Information regarding Acadia National Park, Maine, written by the United States Department of the Interior National Park Service, distrubuted at the Mount Desert Chamber of Commerce. Published by The United States Government Printing Office. Washington, 1933. 20 pages. Previously archived as 016.FIC.001.1
3134Campaign for the Bass Harbor Memorial Library
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Bass Harbor Memorial Library
describing the project of renovating the Bass Harbor Memorial Library. Includes information on the mission of the organization, what community needs they hope to address, and how the plan will be completed. Appendices describe the services offered by the library and the history. Undated, but mentions that the project began in 2014.
3032This is Mount Desert Island
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, Government - Municipal
  • Other, Women's History
  • 4/1/1971
League of Women Voters informational pamphlet about MDI history, government, community services, etc. (Hamabe print on cover) Two Copies