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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
3519Resolution regarding Capt. Nathaniel G Richardson
  • Document, Resolution
  • Other, Death
  • Mason, William T
  • 1/3/1862
Resolution submitted by the Tremont Lodge F.A. Masons for publication regarding the death of Capt. Nathaniel G. Richardson. Consists of three handwritten scraps of paper.
3750Resolution of the MDI Historical Society Regarding Proposed Donation of Sanderson House
  • Document, Resolution
  • Other, Donation
  • Other, Houses
  • Other, Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Mount Desert Island Historical Society
Typewritten and handwritten resolution of the MDI Historical Society to decline the proposed donation of the Virginia Somes Sanderson house. Mrs. Sanderson appended her handwritten comments to the resolution at a later date.
3509Resolution by a Presbytery opposing slavery
  • Document, Resolution
  • Other, Slavery
  • nd
Document that relates to LaRue Spiker's book Elijah. Typewritten document of an 1835 resolution of the Presbytery (denomination not listed) opposing slavery Previously archived as object Id 012.FIC.023.5 and **1289
3530Resolution re death of Benjamin T. Atherton, Commander of Post
  • Document, Resolution
  • Other, Condolences
  • Other, Grand Army of the Republic
  • Other, Veterans
Handwritten resolution of sorrow upon the death of Benjamin T. Atherton, commander of GAR Post No. 105, after "a long and painful illness." Expresses sympathy to bereaved family and many other resolutions. "That we cherish his memory and strive to cultivate his virtues, and as comrade after comrade departs..." They are going to drape the charter and tools of the post for 60 days in mourning. Signed E C Partker, A.E. Comers, C.E. Southard Undated. [show more]