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Item | Title | Type | Subject | Creator | Publisher | Date | |
3772 | Richardson Family Death Dates from McKinley Cemetery |
| Description: Single handwritten page detailing death date information on Richardsons and others, possibly taken from McKinley cemetery. | |||
3816 | Descendants of Sire William Herrick |
| Description: 6 handwritten notecards detailing dates of six discontinuous generations of Herricks. | |||
2509 | The Herricks of Mt. Desert |
| Description: 1 page photocopy of history of Herrick name and the Herricks of Mount Desert Island, apparently taken from "Old Hancock County Families" by William DcDuff Pierce. | |
3813 | Descendants of Robert Herrick of England |
| Description: 5 page photocopy of Herrick genealogy, based on material from the book "Gen. Reg. of Name and Family of Herrick" 1830, by Jedediah Herrick. | ||
3812 | Fernald Family Genealogy and History |
| Description: 4 typewritten pages including biography of Dr. Renald Fernald of England and a genealogical record of some of his descendants. | ||
3811 | Genealogy of descendants of John Smith of Scotland and Mercy Reed |
| Description: 6 typewritten pages detailing genealogies of John Smith and Mercy Reed's descendants. Smith settled in Maine. | ||
18820 | History of Mount Desert Plantation in 1776 |
| Description: Typed pages dealing wth the residents of Mount Desert and the Mount Desert Plantation | ||
4599 | Mayflower Descendancy Lines |
| Description: Radial genealogical chart detailing lines with connection to Mount Desert Island. | ||
16613 | Sprague's Journal of Maine History (excerpt) and Handwritten Notes |
| Description: Photocopied pages (4) from history magazine discussing Stephen Jones of Gouldsborough. Handwritten notes on reverse pertaining to Thomas Richardson of Bass Harbor and the partitioning of land on MDI. | ||
3815 | Life details and obituary copy of Fannie M. Brown |
| Description: Handwritten details of life of Mrs. Fannie M. Brown and a pasted on newspaper obituary of Mrs. Brown. Mrs. Brown was the oldest resident of Mount Desert Island at the time of her death in 1957 at age 99. She was holder of the gold-headed Boston Post Cane since 1954. | ||
16610 | Certification Letter Regarding Ezra Young, Jr. Family |
| Description: Photocopy of letter certifying the birth dates of the children of Ezra Young, Jr., and his wife Sarah. Letter also certifies the death dates of Ezra's father, Ezra Young and his consort, Constant Young. | |
4598 | Six Generation Chart of Ancestors of Joanne Lora Hysom |
| Description: Photocopy of chart detailing the ancestry of Joanne Lora Hysom, daughter of Edna L. Rumill and Roscoe H. Hysom. Edna Rumill was born in Pretty Marsh, ME, and died in Bar Harbor, ME. | ||
3809 | Somes background relative to the Emerson family |
| Description: Handwritten note describing relationship of Emerson family to Somes family. (Appears to be incomplete record on a partial sheet.) Accompanying photocopy from "Sprague's Journal of Maine History". | |||
4597 | Somes Family Genealogical Chart |
| Description: Handwritten genealogical chart, 2pp., of Somes family beginning with Morris Somes of England and including Abraham Somes, first settler on Mount Desert Island. | |||
4541 | Somes - Mount Desert |
| Description: Photocopy from unknown source documenting the genealogy of the Somes family of Mount Desert, beginning with Morris Somes, English immigrant to Gloucester, Mass. | |||
3590 | The Somes Family of Somes Cemetery, Bernard, Maine |
| Description: Handwritten notes, 3 pp., transcribing inscriptions from stones in Somes Cemetery, Bernard, Maine. | |||
4596 | Descendants of Abraham Somes |
| Description: One page handwritten genealogical chart showing descendants of Abraham Somes, originally of Gloucester, Mass. | |||
4595 | Genealogy of the Somes Family in New England |
| Description: Photocopy, single page, labeled as "Sheet 2", of genealogical chart beginning in 1673 with Timothy Somes through to 18th C. generation including Abraham Somes, first settler of Mount Desert Island. | |
4594 | Genealogy of the Somes family in Canada |
| Description: Photocopy of 2 p. genealogical chart beginning with Richard Somes, born in 1788, and ending with descendants born in the 1970's. | |
4540 | Abraham Somes Family History |
| Description: Handwritten pages (4) describing ancestry and descendants of Abraham Somes. | |||
4593 | Genealogical Chart of Samuel Solmes Descendants |
| Description: Genealogical chart (1 p.) showing descendants of Samuel Solmes who emigrated from Germany to the US in 1728. It is stated that the information is drawn from "Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte", (MIKA Pub) pp.791-795. | |||
2508 | First Permanent Settler: Abraham Somes |
| Description: Singe page photocopy of partial article from "Sprague's Journal of Maine History", Vol. 14. Text describes the settlement of Mount Desert Island by Abraham Somes. | |
2507 | History and genealogy of the Morris Somes family of Gloucester, Mass. |
| Description: Photocopy of 3 pages of text from a source probably titled "History of Gloucester". Text describes family of early Gloucester settler, Morris Somes, and his children. Abraham Somes, first permanent settler of Mount Desert Island, was a son of Morris Somes and his wife, Hannah. | |||
3808 | Colyer-Fergusson of Wombwell Hall and Ishtham Mote, co. Kent |
| Description: Two page photocpy of records taken from "Visitation of England and Wales:, Vol.4, P.127. Test documents the marriage of Mary Ann Somes to Thomas Colyer. It further documents three generations of their descendants. Graphic shows a Somes coat of arms. | |||
2506 | The Solmes Family |
| Description: Phocopied pages (3) from "Pioneer Life on the Bay of Quinte", MIKA Publishing, pp.791-793. (Pages were roughly cut and p.793 appears to be incomplete.) Text is a history and genealogy of Samuel Somes, who emigrated from Germany to the US in New York State. His son, Nathaniel, who was loyal to the English crown, emigrated to Canada . |