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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
19247Summer Cottages
  • Document, Reprographic Copy, Photocopy
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Photocopy of two pages from a photo album showing four different houses. Three are identified above the photos: E.C. Bodman Cottage, By Grosvenor Atterbury , 1902, E.C. Bodman built 1901
19245Seal Harbor Survey
  • Document, List
  • 1986
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. List titled Seal Harbor Survey 1986 showing name of Summer Cottage, the client it was built for, date the house was built, and Architect. Two photocopied pages.
19240Seal Harbor Library Job Description
  • Document, Report
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Seal Harbor librarian job description. Date unknown. One typed page.
19234Sieur de Monts National Monument Dedication
  • Document, Program
  • August 22, 1916
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Small half page booklet with copies of the speeches given at the opening of Sieur de Monts National Mounment on August 22, 1916. Addresses by Charles W. Eliot, Hon. John E. Bunker, Hon. L.B. Deasy, Right Rev. William Lawrence, D.D., George B. Door, Dr. Alfred G. Mayer. These speeches were delivered at a meeting held at the Building of the Arts, Bar Harbor, Maine. 22 pages with a faded green cover with black printing. [show more]
19223Final Report of the Anti-Automobile Committee Town of Mount Desert Maine.
  • Document, Correspondence
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Final report of the committee detailing the recent vote in the Maine State Legislature to allow automobiles to Mount Desert Island. Discusses even though they knew they they would loose they continued to campaign againt the autos. [show more]
19220An Appeal for the Protectionof the Town of Mount Desert Against Automobiles
  • Document, Correspondence
  • 1915
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Photocopy of an appeal to those in favor of keeping automobiles off the roads to send money to help offset the costs of those committie members traveling to Augusta to argue against automobiles infront of the State Legislature ahead of the vote. [show more]
19218Pastime Movies
  • Document, Program
  • 7/11/NY
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. 5x3.5 inch book showing the upcomming movies which will be playing at the Pastime the week of July 11 (year unknown). Movies which will be shown include; We're Going to Be Rich, Old Mil, Why not Live, White Magic Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Three Comrades, Always Goodbye, Stupor Visor. [show more]
19215Bar Harbor Playhouse
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Flyer for the Bar Harbor Playhouse showing the performance for August 25-30 (year unknown.) The performance will be Petticoat Feaver staring John Ireland and Joanne Dru. Lists the price of tickets and how to make reservations. [show more]
19214Bar Harbor Playhouse
  • Document, Program, Theater Program
  • 1953
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Playbill for the Bar Harbor Playhouse and the Surry Playhouse. Contains mostly advertisements of local businesses. One pages is an advertisement for the next play showing August 5-7, 1953; Wayne Morris in Mister Roberts by Thomas Heggen and Joshua Logan. The performance for August 10-15 will be Gentlemen Prefer Blondes with Special Broadway Company. [show more]
19213Bar Harbor Playhouse
  • Document, Program, Theater Program
  • 1952
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Playbill for the Bar Harbor Playhouse and the Surry Playhouse. Contains mostly advertisements of local businesses. One pages is an advertisement for the next play showing July 1,1952 "Born Yesterday with Eileen Ryan and William Gohl. [show more]
19212Bar Harbor Playhouse
  • Document, Program, Theater Program
  • 1948
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Playbill for the Bar Harbor Playhouse and the Surry Playhouse. Contains mostly advertisements of local businesses. One pages is an advertisement for the next play showing July 19,1948 "The Voice of The Turtle with Jean Casto. [show more]
19211Moonlight on the Levee
  • Document, Program, Theater Program
  • 11/9/1951
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Playbill for the Casino in Bar Harbor. Contains mostly advertisements of local businesses. The musical performance will be "Moonlight on the Levee"
19209Casino Carousel
  • Document, Program, Theater Program
  • 1950
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Playbill for the Casino Carousel. Contains mostly advertisements of local businesses. Inserted pages gives the performances for that year: "The Shrew", "Fair adn Warmer", "East Lynne", "The Importance of Being Earnest". [show more]
19208Somes Carding Mill Records
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Account Book, Ledger
  • 1868
1867 Record of Weight and Cost of Carded Wool
12011History of Northeast Harbor, Maine by Abram Gilpatrick
  • Document, Manuscript
  • 1929
History of Northeast Harbor, Maine written by Abram Gilpatrick, grandson of Samuel Gilpatrick in 1929. Earliest reference is to 1792. Includes ownership of properties, stories of cottages, inns and individuals and families.
19203Letter to Mrs. L.E. Holmes
  • Document, Correspondence
  • NEH Golf Club
  • 5/12/1918
Letter written to L.E. Holmes from Laurie Holmes. Laurie writting to his mother on American YMCA paper. Letter inclues an insert titled Mother's Day 1918 with poems and remberences created by the American YMCA.
19202Survey of Southwest Harbor, Manset, Sea Wall
  • Document, Report, Administrative Report
  • January 1942
A survey of Manset, Southwest Harbor, Sea Wall, Maine done in January 1942. Unclear what the purpose of this report is, but it lists residents of all three towns and a list of critera on which data was collected on: Number of wells Number of cots and beds Available Blankets cotton and wool Bed Linnens available Large Cooking utensils available for Canteen Motor Trucks Pleasure Cars Firearms/ammunition on hand Horses/horse drawn vehicles [show more]
19201Email from Lynne Birlem to Meredith Hutchins
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Depressions
  • 1934
Email from Lynne Birlem to Meredith Hutchins about letters written to Perry Smith at the church. Also information on various genealogies of; Leroy Gilbert Stoddard, Mark Reed, Florence Whelpley, Alsice Edna Rowe, Alice Orr, Hary Greenlaw,
4655Friday Club Papers
  • Document, Minutes
  • Organizations
  • Other, Clubs
  • Other, Friday Club
  • Other, History - Southwest Harbor
  • Other, Literary Circle
4 pages of notes taken from the Friday Club and Literary Circle legders Begins 25 cents charged for dress Topics in notes Asked to circulate a petition for a State Women's Reformatory Urge from Mrs. Hill of Northeast Harbor to become federated with other clubs Recital of poems by High School at Methodist church Migrating birds Women's suffrage
19199Fiday Club By-Laws and Consitution
  • Document, Bylaws
  • Other, Hotels
  • Other, Menus
  • Other, West End Hotel
  • Shaw, G. M.
  • 8/15/1880
Four pages of hand written notes titled Constitution and By-laws. Also one page listing the members who have paid their dues.
19197Complete Instructions in Photography
  • Document, Instructional, Instruction Book
  • Needham, F.M.
No date. 112 pps.] Published by Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago Includes sections on Lenses and Shutters, Adjustments of Cameras, The Dark Room, Dry Plate and Plate Holder, and more.
19195Fred and Grace Spiker Documents
  • Document, Government, Death Record, Death Certificate
  • 4/15/1980
Envelope from McDonough District Hospotal in Macomb, Il. addressed to Grace Spiker containing a number of items: Copy of Fred Spikers death certificate 10/15/1959 A two page medical bill for Grace Spiker. Laminated bookmark of J. Fred Spiker's obituary Two bills for Grace Spiker from K.T. Pawlias and Richard Franck These Items are inside a leather accodian file.
19194LaRue Spiker Family Document
  • Document, Document File
  • 4/15/1980
Leather accordian file owned by a member of LaRue Spiker's family containing two envelopes one addressed to Grace Spiker and one to Frank Spiker.
19193LaRue Spiker Documents
  • Document, Document File
  • 4/15/1980
Paper accordian file labled LaRue Spiker Memorabilia, Birth Cert., Baptismal Cert. This file contains: An envelope from the First United Presbyterian Church to Mrs. Fred Spiker Written on the outside is High School Grade 12 LaRue Spiker Report cards for Polytechnic High School in Long Beach, CA. 2 pink cards saying Merit Record for June 15, 1928, and Feb 3, 1928 1 Honor Speech Card for recognition of abilities as Speaker in oral english. Notice from David Burcham, Principal Polytechnic High School about fraternities and soororities in senior high school and junior college. 2 LaRue Spiker report cards from Bushnell High Scool for her freshman and senior years. A card from Bushnell Public Schhol First Primary showing that LaRue will be promoted to grade two. A document showing that LaRue Spiker attended Bushnell High School from Spet 7, 1926-May 27, 1927, shows her grades and has hand witten notes about LaRue as an excelent student. Envelope labled Miss Spiker Credits containing: 1/17/1944 Memo from Edna Zimmerman to LaRue Spiker showing her record of appointments with the Division of Child Welfare. Transcripts from the University of Chicago Note from the Regristar of the Univeristy of Chicago explaining grading system. Transcrips from the University of Minnesota White Envelope containing listing of Cash Account from 7/16/1957-2/4/1958 Uninion membership card frothe American Federation of Gain Millers August 25, 1954 for LaRue Spiker Agreement between Louise Gilbert and LaRue Spiker for the repayment of a loan of $1,000 dollars at 6% intrest. Reciept for the purchase of tires in Florida by LaRue Spiker Letter from LaRue to The Ken Wolf Agency telling them that she would like to transfer her old automobile insurance to her new car and camper. Reciept for payment of deposit of $500 reciept from Southern Optical Co. for $34.00 LaRue Spiker's Social Security Card note showing amount of money on hand Large white envelope containing two copies of Mary Coate's Obituary Document showing Mary Coate giving the town of Southwest Harbor, Maine land to be used to create the Charlotte Rhoades Park. 10/7/1970 Letter from LaRue to Mr. Dana Little asking him if the Nature Conservancy would have any interest in her property in Southwest Harbor, Maine as she is in the process of writting a will. 4/13/1976 6 letters from Farmers & Merchants State Bank detailing investments and disposition of property after the death of LaRue Spiker's family members. Certficate of Appointment of LaRue Spiker to the Conservation Commision of Southwest Harbor, Maine for two years. Odometer reciept for a car LaRue sold to Tom Landers Ford Two lease agreements for her property in Bushnell, IL. Buisness card from Mohawk Motor Lodge in Palatine Bridge, NY Letter from the First United Presbyterian Church of Bushnell, IL along with a copy of her baptismal Certificate. Copy of LaRue Spiker's Birth Certificate. [show more]
  • Document, Specification
Specifications/additions Devilstone-Newbold