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Item | Title | Type | Subject | Creator | Publisher | Date | |
4591 | Descendants of Abraham and Martha Somes |
| Description: Handwritten genealogical chart showing descendants of Abraham and Martha Somes. | |
4588 | Descendants of Abrahom Jacob Somes |
| Description: Handwritten genealogical chart showing descendants of Abraham Jacob Somes and updated copy of same chart. | |||
2505 | Family of Eben Babson and Judith Somes |
| Description: Photocopy of page from unknown publication with details of family of Eben Babson and his wife, Judith Somes. Judith was the daughter of John and Judith (Richardson) Somes, pioneers of Mt. Desert Island. | |||
3807 | Upper Canada Land Petition filed by Richard Somes |
| Description: Transcription supplied by Ontario Public Archives (Reel C2811 "S" Bundle 10) of petition (#175) by Richard Somes for one hundred acres of land in Township of Sophiasburgh in the Province of Upper Canada. | |
2905 | Account of Boat Accident resulting in death of Richard Solmes (sic) |
| Description: Copy of an account from Hallowell Free Press of Oct. 21, 1833, recounting a boat accident in which Richard Solmes (Somes) died. The accident occurred when a cargo boat capsized in the Bay of Quinte, Upper Gap, Lake Ontario, Canada. | |
4484 | Children and Grandchildren of Nathaniel Solmes |
| Description: Photocopy from unknown source describing family for two generations of Nathaniel Solmes. | |||
4483 | Biography of Joseph Somes (1787-1845) |
| Description: Biographical entry (2 pp.) of Joseph Somes who was born in England and died in New Zealand. | ||
16560 | Photographs of the Harbor of Gloucester, Mass. in 1892, and the home of J.J. Somes |
| Description: Published photographs from unknown source showing Gloucester, Mass., harbor in 1892, and the home of J.J. Somes on Washington Street, Gloucester. | |||
3806 | Census Records for Dutchess County, NY, and Hancock County, ME, |
| Description: Census records showing Soames in Fishkill, Dutchess Country, NY, in 1790 and census records showing Abraham Somes in Town of Mount Desert, Hancock County, ME. | ||
2904 | Somes Obituaries |
| Description: Obituaries, original and copies, of Elizabeth Somes Dodge, Andrew A. Somes and Lewis Somes. | |||
4482 | Death Notice of Lewis Somes Jr |
| Description: Death notice, typewritten, of Lewis Somes Jr (1832-1913). See bio material under people | ||
3805 | Archive Record of Family of Capt. John Somes of Gloucester, Mass. |
| Description: Archive record documenting the marriage of Capt. John Somes of Gloucester, Mass. to Nabby Saunders. Also included are the names and birth dates of 10 children born to the couple. | |
3592 | Baptismal Register |
| Description: Photocopy from unknown source showing that Richard Somes and his wife were witnesses at the baptism of a child onn July 23, 1775. | |||
2941 | Rev. Johathan Scott's Record of Marriages |
| Description: Photocopy from poorly documented source noting that Rev. Scott officiated at the marriage of Miss Sarah Somes and Nathan Brown on Jule 15, 1772. | |
3804 | Death Record for Jacob Richard Somes |
| Description: Record of death in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada, of Jacob Richard Somes on Februaru 15, 1913. | |
3591 | Calendar of Wills |
| Description: Photocopy from a Calendar of Wills showing that Samuel Somes was an executor of the will of Nathaniel Banker in 1772. | |||
4481 | Notes on the History of Gloucester, Mass., and Somes Family in this Town |
| Description: Handwritten notes ( 12 pp.) excerpted from "History of the Town and City of Gloucester, Cape Ann, Mass." by James Pringle, 1892. Notes focus on the involvement of the Morris Somes and family in this town and include Somes genealogy. | |||
4480 | Daughters of Abraham Somes |
| Description: Handwritten 2 pp. document excerpted from a poorly documented source labeled as "Sprague XIV, p.184-185. These notes list the daughters of Abraham Somes, 1st, and their children. | |||
4478 | Comment on the Canadian Somes and Discussion of Variant Spelling of Somes |
| Description: Photocopy of handwritten document discussing the genealogy of the Somes who emigrated to Canada and particularly the question of whether people with the surnames Somes and Solmes are of the same family. | |
4479 | Biographical Notes on Somes of Colonial Massachusetts |
| Description: Photocopy (2pp.) of handwritten notes pertaining to various members of the Somes family in colonial Mass. Notes were taken from the source: "Commerce and Culture, The Maritime Communities of Colonial Massachusetts, 1690-1750" by Christine Leigh Heyrman publ. by W.W. Norton Co., New York, 1984. | ||
4477 | Notes on Somes Genealogy |
| Description: Handwritten notes (10 pp.) written by various people on paper scraps. Notes give details of Somes genealogy. | |||
4476 | Notes on Somes Genealogy |
| Description: Typewritten notes (2 pp.) detailing Somes genealogy. One was written by Bernard Somes Mahon. | |
16476 | Letters Pertaining to Somes Genealogy |
| Description: Two letters pertaining to Somes genealogy. One letter mentions sources used to locate Somes genealogical information. | |
16474 | Letter Pertaining to Somes Genealogy |
| Description: Photocopy of letter to Virginia Somes Sanderson discussing Somes family genealogical research. Letter also describes attachments which are cataloged separately in this Somes folder. | |
16475 | Letter to the Editor of the "Bar Harbor Times" |
| Description: Photocopy of letter correcting facts on a previously written article on the subject of the history of Somesville, Maine. The letter includes biographical information about Somesville settler, Abraham Somes as well as Virginia Somes Sanderson's line of descent. |