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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
19183Letter to M.L. Allen from P.L. Aiken
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Politics
  • 3/23/1908
Letter to M.L. Allen from P.L. Aiken. March 23, 1908. In reference to Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. He cannot support him at this time. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0965
19182Letter to M.L. Allen from O.W. Albee
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Politics
  • 5/5/1908
Letter to M.L. Allen from O.W. Albee May 5, 1908. In reference to Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0965
19181Letter to M.L. Allen from P.L. Aiken
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Politics
  • 4/29/1907
Letter to M.L. Allen from P.L. Aiken April 29, 1907. In reference to Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Will not support him at this time. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0965
19180Letter from F.R. Bunker to M.L. Allen.
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Politics
  • 4/25/1907
Letter from F.R. Bunker of Winter Harbor, Maine to M.L. Allen. J April 25, 1907. In reference to his support for Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0973
19179Letter from E.B.Leland to M.L. Allen.
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Politics
  • 4/22/1907
Letter from E.B. Leland to M.L. Allen. April 22, 1907. In reference to his support for Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0973
19178Letter from J.B. Clark to M.L. Allen.
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Politics
  • 1907
Letter from J.B. Clark to M.L. Allen. 1907. In reference to his support for Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0977
9309Letter from Chas. F. Paine of Bar Harbor to M.L. Allen. April 19, 1907.
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Politics
Letter from Chas. F. Paine of Bar Harbor to M.L. Allen. April 19, 1907. In reference to his support for Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0984
19177Letter from F.E. Weston to M.L. Allen
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Politics
  • 4/24/1907
Letter from F.E. Weston of Winter Harbor to M.L. Allen. April 24, 1907. In reference to his support for Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0984
19176Letter from Ward W. Wescot, to M.L. Allen
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Politics
  • 3/27/1907
Letter from Ward W. Wescot to M.L. Allen. March 27, 1907. In reference to his support for Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0986
19175Letter from H.E. Savage, to M.L. Allen
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Politics
  • 5/3/1907
Letter from H.E. Savage to M.L. Allen. May 3, 1907. In reference to his support for Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0986
19174Letter from L.W. Runmill to M.L. Allen.
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Politics
  • 4/23/1907
Letter from L.W. Runmill to M.L. Allen. April 23, 1907. In reference to his support for Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0992
19173Letter from Guy H. Parker to M.L. Allen.
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Politics
  • 4/24/1907
Letter from Guy H. Parker to M.L. Allen. April 24, 1907. In reference to his support for Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0992
19172Letter to M.L. Allen from W.H. Ober
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Allen, M.L.
  • 4/29/1907
Letter to M.L. Allen from W.H. Ober. April 29, 1907. In reference to his support for Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.0450, old accession **0450
19171Letter to M.L. Allen from Frank W. Lunt
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Allen, M.L.
  • ND
Letter to M.L. Allen from Frank W. Lunt. In reference to his support for Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object id 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0440
19170Letter to M.L. Allen from James A. Hill
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Allen, M.L.
  • 4/25/1907
Letter to M.L. Allen from James A. Hill. April 25, 1907. In reference to his support for Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously Archived as 011.FIC.41.1, old accession **0427
19169Letter to M.L. Allen from H.N. Dority
  • Document, Correspondence, Letter
  • Other, Allen, M.L.
  • 4/24/1907
Letter to M.L. Allen from H.N. Dority. April 24, 1907. In reference to his support Allen’s Republican Party nomination for County Commissioner. Previously archived as object Id 011.FIC.41.1, Old accession **0416
2290Advertising brochure for the Continental Tobacco Company
  • Document, Advertising, Advertisement
  • Other, Advertising
  • 1900
Advertising brochure for the “Continental Tobacco Company”. Explains items one can obtain by collecting tags from their various tobacco products. The offer expired November 30, 1900 Previously archived as 016.001.2.B, old accession # 1534
9192Advertisment card for Ayer’s Pills
  • Document, Advertising, Advertising Card
  • Other, Advertising
  • Other, Medicine
Advertisment card for “Ayer’s Pills.” A color picture on the front depicts a soldier on a white horse slaying his adversary with a sword in his right hand (although he has a rifle on his hip), while valiantly holding high the red, white, and blue “Ayer’s Pills” flag in his left. Two fallen warriors lie on the ground. The gold helmet and body army, and spear, scattered about are reminiscent of medievil knights. They contrast the revolutionary uniforms of the soldiers. The flag looks french, but the pole sports a golden eagle. Below is written, “The Fight for the Standard.” On the back is a description of the pills and a list of the various illnesses they cure. Previously archived as 016.FIC.001.3.c, Old accession # **1541 [show more]
9193New Year’s card from Morey Churchill & Morey of Boston, “Crockery, Lamps, Gas Fixtures.”
  • Document, Advertising, Advertising Card
  • Other, Advertising
  • 1888
New Year’s card from “Morey Churchill & Morey” of Boston, “Crockery, Lamps, Gas Fixtures.” It includes a monthly calendar on the back, “in convenient form”, for January, 1888. On the front is a color picture of a big snow-covered log cabin with smoking chimneys, a frozen pond, and a man and a woman outside near a wagon. It says, “With the Seasons Compliments; Wishing You a Prosperous New Year; We Subscribe Ourselves: yours to Command. Morey, Churchill and Morey.” Previously archived as object id 016.FIC.001.3.b, old accession number **1540 [show more]
19166Whaling on MDI
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Spiker, LaRue
Manuscript by LaRue Spiker and edited in her hand titled Youth's Stake in the Wilderness Act. 3 typed pages Previously archived as Object Id 013.FIC.30.1
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Spiker, LaRue
Typed and annotated in pencil drafts of article written by LaRue Spiker unknown date and publication. Title Wetlands 8 pages Preiously archived as object Id 013.FIC.30.2
19164The Vapid Seasons
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Spiker, LaRue
Typed and annotated in pencil drafts of article written by LaRue Spiker unknown date and publication. Title The Vapid Seasons, 9 typed pages Preiously archived as object Id 013.FIC.30.2
19163Seal Research
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Spiker, LaRue
Typed and annotated manuscript. Seal Research, an incomplete manuscript outlining the views expressed by marine biologist David T. Richardson about MDI Bio. Lab. research on seals. A Richardson letter of concern is included as is an undated article about the 73rd annual meeting of the Bio. Lab. Previously archived as Object Id 013.FIC.30.6
19162Stephen and the Thirsty Sparrows
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Spiker, LaRue
Typed and annotated manuscript. Stephen and the Thirsty Sparrows, an apparent fictionalized account of a 15th century Stepen Talivelli who put out water on his window ledge for the birds to drink. Previously archived as Object Id 013.FIC.30.6
19161Wendell Gilley
  • Document, Manuscript
  • Spiker, La Rue
Typed and annotated draft of an article by LaRue Spiker unknown publication and date. Wendell Gilley 3 pages. Previously archived as object id 013.FIC.30.3