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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
14708Channel 7: Video from the restoration of the Somes Sound Schoolhouse, 1998
  • Object, Photographic, Videotape
  • Westphal, David
  • 1998
Videotape title: Channel 7 in Beta Cam SP video cassette format. One of ten videos assembled by David Westphal during the restoration of the Somes Sound Schoolhouse, 1995-2000.
14707School H: Video from the restoration of the Somes Sound Schoolhouse, 1998
  • Object, Photographic, Videotape
  • Westphal, David
  • 1998
Videotape title: School H, in Sony U-matic SSp (KSP-520) cassette format. One of ten videos assembled by David Westphal during the restoration of the Somes Sound Schoolhouse, 1995-2000.
  • Object, Clothing, Shirt, Blouse
White cotton blouse with lace top and pink details, ruffles and glass buttons.
14653Envelope with postmark Mount Desert July 12, 1887
  • Object, Writing, Envelope
  • 1887
Addressed to Dunn & Elliot, Thomaston, Maine Return address: Parsons & Loud, Ship Brokers, 50 South St., New York Envelope is encased in plastic; nothing inside.
14652Parade of Amphibicons
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Augustus D. Phillips & Son
12 photographic postcards showing this class of sailboat at entrance to Somes Sound, Mount Desert Island, Maine. Some of these Compact Craft, first built at Mount Desert Yact Yard, and designed by Farnum Butler, were towed 1000 miles overland for the race.
14363Post Card Request for Tourism Information
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • 1917
From G. A. Vertins Los Gatos Ca.
14300Somesville Maine, Settled 1762
  • Object, Art, Needlework, Embroidery, Sampler
Hand stitched sampler showing scenes around Somesville; designed by Lillian P, Somes, 1944. From home of Barbara Ninfi, Hall Quarry, via her daughter, Debie Ninfi Williams, wife of Jock Williams, boat-builder.
14191Birchbark Frame with Photo of Lucie Pray
  • Object, Furnishings, Frame, Picture Frame
Rectangular birchbark picture frame, with glass window 3 1/2” by 4”, framing photo of Lucie Pray, age 12 to 16 (photo #001.59.297. )Rough texture, edges of frame bound with some sort of slim wood binding. Thin metal rods attached to back as prop. Glass is coated with dirt and grime.
  • Object, Personal, Eyeglasses
  • Other, Seal Harbor
  • Other, Stores & shops
Gold wire-framed glasses in (slightly mildewed) case marked Brown Optical Co., 1101 5th St., San Diego, California. Includes pink cleaning cloth. Found in old general store building in Seal Harbor.
14162Guide to Historic Homes of America: Part 1: The Northeast
  • Object, Photographic, Videotape
  • unknown
A home recorded videotape of several television programs, including several hosted by Bob Vila. These Vila shows are part of a Historic Homes of America Series, probably distributed on Public Television. Those included on the tape are home in New York and Hancock Shaker Village, Massachusetts. This tape needs serious editing as it also includes other television programming that is unrelated to the historic homes series.
14161Television News Segment, Interview with Jaylene Roths re: opening of MDIHS Yellow Building
  • Object, Photographic, Videotape
  • Unknown
A home recorded videotape of a television news segment, WLBZ-Bangor, of an interview with Jaylene Roths, EDirector of MDIHS. Date Unknown. Video is embedded in other programming and needs further work to be shared with the public or archived.
14160Town Meeting, Mount Desert, February, 2000: MDIHS presentation
  • Object, Photographic, Videotape
  • Unknown
  • 2000
A home recorded videotape that includes video footage of a presentation by Ralph Stanley and Jaylene Roths at a public meeting, probably in 2000. Tape label indicates that the tape is the "Property of Mary Jones".
14015Bridge Street Improvement Bond, Bucksport
  • Object, Pay Order, Bond
  • 1957
Letter from Eaton, Peabody, Bradford & Veague to Merrill Trust Co. re Bond for $210,000.
13999The House at Lobster Cove
  • Object, Photographic, Videotape
  • Other, Architects
  • Other, Architectural drawings
  • Other, Architectural photographs
  • Holden, Wheaton Arnold
  • Northeastern University
  • 1980
This videotape is a history of the home "Cragsyde", aka Kragsyde, a design of Robert Swain Peabody. The video includes historic photographs and commentary, by Wheaton Arnold Holden. This home was built at Manchester-by-the Sea, Massachusetts in 1884 for George Nixon Black, the same owner of Woodlawn House, Ellsworth, Maine. The house was torn down in 1929. The house was also reproduced during the years 2005-6, using original plans, by a family on Swans Island. Other house in video is "La Tourelle", built ca 1930, destroyed 1947. See Roz Rea for more information about this home and tape - 01/30/2013 [show more]
13982Booklet of Postcards, Acadia National Park
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
Fold-out booklet; includes 18 color pictures inside. Pictorial cover; map of MDI printed in blue on inside cover. Produced by the Curt Teich & Co. Printed with ART-COLORTONE method originiated in 1931. D-4266 may indicate 1936 as year of printing. Curt Teich Co. was one of two major postcard publishers in the USA. Gift of Rosamond S. Rea; found in parents' possessions (and information furnished by her). Images are: Bubbles Pond and Pemetic Mountain Bar Harbor, Porcupine Islands and Frenchmen's Bay from Cadillac Mountain Thunder Hole Lobster Fishermen at Otter Creek Balance Rock and Frenchmen's Bay Entrance to Somes Sound and Northeast Harbor Airplane View of Bar Harbor and Cadillac Mountain Rock Cut Ascending Cadillac Mountain Road The Ovens, Bar Harbor Ranger and Boys Looking Westward Eagle Lake and Frenchmen's Bay from Cadillac Summit Road Viaduct over Otter Creek showing top of Champlain Mountain Gorham Mountain and Great Head from Otter Cliff Eagle Lake from Cadillac Mountain Road "The Eyrie"--Summer Home of John D. Rockefeller Jr. Rock Cut on Cadillac Mountain Road Parking Space and Lookout Area on Summit of Cadillac Mountain [show more]
13871R.W. Patterson Architectural Drawings at the Mount Desert Island Historical Society
  • Object, Writing, Notebook
  • Hewlett, Betsy
Drawings, arranged by groups; list of clients and projects from surviving account books, dated 1985. For complete catalog of Patterson holdings at the MDI Historical Society, search in Past Perfect. They are located in designated flat files in the archival storage area.
  • Object, Writing, Notebook
  • Hadley, Dora
Small notebook (4" x 6") with mottoes written in pencil, e.g., "We make our fortunes but we call them fate." Name on cover: Dora Hadley, Mount Desert, Maine. Cover has drawing of girl in hat, coat, boots, carrying a crutch and pulling a red wagon piled with furniture.
138151880 Champlain Society. | Report of the Meteorolical. Department by Samuel A. Eliot | Cambridge | 1881.
  • Object, Writing, Notebook
  • Eliot, Samuel A.
  • 1881
Three pages cut off the back of the notebook.
  • Object, Grain Processing Tool, Millstone
  • circa 1791
Rough grinding stones. Furrows cut in each stone. Hole in center.
  • Object, Armaments, Sword
  • 1776c.
Handle wrapped in black leather.
  • Object, Containers, Tray
  • unknown
Rectangular tray with black background of white flowers and green leaves, light blue forget-me-nots. Large flowers outlined in red or yellow with yellow centers. Paint chipped.
  • Object, Serving Tray
  • unknown
Rectangular tray with black background and gold stripe around border. Gold scrolls, gold leaves and pale yellow flowers in center.
13682Somesville Homes
  • Object, Writing, Notebook
  • 2007
Black binder containing background information about Somesville Homes for 2007 Walking Tour, Brochure, Historic District Status. Includes maps, descriptions of homes and owners (Richardson, Somes) and copy of newspaper article (no source or date) about razing Somesville Post Office.
13670Shifting Gears: 2013 Summer Exhibit
  • Object, Writing, Notebook
  • Other, Automobiles
  • 2013
Binder containing information about Mount Desert Island gas stations, automobile dealerships, or automotive-related businesses; visitors were asked to add their own comments or information. Small pamphlet about exhibit inside pocket.
  • Object, Armaments, Rifle
  • c 1840
Marked William Read Boston. Ramrod intact. Lock by Read & Son probably a replacement, it does not match drum. Full stock. Brass buttplate, iron furniture. Ignition: caplock Wood: walnut fullstock Caliber: 12 gage Donor info - property of John Somes son of Abraham Somes.