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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
19281Annual Report
  • Document, Report, Annual Report
  • 8/11/1960
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Seal Harbor Village Improvement Society annual report listing the officers and directors, Financial Statement, President's Report, Comtributors- 1959, six typed quarter pages.
19280Timeline of the Development of the Society
  • Document, List
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Seal Harbor Village Improvement Society timeline of development from 1901-1932
19279Creation of a trail by Mr. Stebbins
  • Publication, Literary, Essay
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Essay about the beauty of Seal Harbor and the creation of an unnamed trail which was created by Mr. Stebbins.
19278History of Seal Harbor and Mount Desert Island
  • Publication, Literary, History
  • 1933
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Written by Dora Atwood and read at the Woman's Club back in 1933. Three typed pages. There are multiple copies of this in the Seal Harbor Documents.
19277History of Seal Harbor Village Improment Society
  • Publication, Literary, History
  • Aug 20, 1980
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Four page history of the early years of the Seal Harbor Village Improvement Society. Covers; date of first meeting, origional bylaws, first act of the Society, introduction of cars to Mount Desert Island, work of the Roads and Paths Committee, Brown Tail Moths detected and spruce-bud moth, the takeover of various works of the society by various governmental groups. Signed Edward K. Dunham August 20, 1980. Two Copies [show more]
19276Seal Harbor Village Improment Society Concert
  • Document, Program, Concert Program
  • Aug 25, 1900
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Program for the Kindersymphonie Concert under the direction of Mr. Frank Damrosch at the residence of Dr. E.K. Dunham, Seal Harbor. Shows the music preformed at this concert.
19275Seal Harbor Village Improment Society
  • Document, Financial, Bookkeeping Record, Payroll Record
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. There is a letter from Elmer (?) Hogertly (?) to Mrs. Dunham talking about the work that he has been doing and the condition of the trails created by the Society. He includes time sheets for three workers which is noted at the bottom This bill is also paid. There is one type written page which is dated 1925 titled Money sent Mrs. Dunham for the Village Green and turned over by her to Mr. Stebbins showing dates in September 1925. [show more]
19274The Rock (a play)
  • Image, Photograph, Black-and-White Photograph
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Photocopy of a photograph of a performance of the play The Rock Life of Peter. Shows six persons on stage. Copy of the back of the photograph reads; "The Rock Life of Peter- a play produced in Seal Harbor in the 30s, from Lyda Cater Noyes. Lists the persons in the picture. Eliphaset Potty (beard) Hilda Dodge Lyda Carter Lauren Young E.C. Dean Morton Petty Minnie MacKenzie Paul Simpson [show more]
19273Journeys West Exhibit
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • 2007
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Phamphlet from the Abbe Museum exhibit titled Journeys West: The David and Peggy Rockefeller American Indian Art Collection. Gives information about the Rockefellers and their personal collection as well as the artwork in the exhibit. [show more]
19272The Eyrie
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Jan 31, 1963
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Article from the Bar Harbor Times on the demolition of The Eyrie the estate of John D. Rockefeller.
19271John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
  • Publication, Literary, History
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Booklet titled John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Godfather to Acadia National Park by Alice Stewart Eno. Showing the work he did to create roads and his securing land for the creation of what would later be called Acadia National Park. [show more]
19270The Eyrie
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Postcard of The Eyrie John D. Rockefeller, Jr. estate in Seal Harbor.
19269Abby Aldrich Rockefeller
  • Document, Pamphlet
  • 2007
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Phamphlet from the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Garden: A Meeting of East and West. Gives a overview of the garden and the different areas in it and shows a map of the garden.
19268Martha Stewart
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • Jan 16, 2001
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Article in the Bangor Daily News about Martha Stewart and her time at her estate in Seal Harbor, Maine.
19267Edsel B. Ford Estate
  • Document, Advertising, Print Ad
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Photocopy of a booklet possibly created by Fred C. Lyman & CO. and given to perspective buyers of Edsel B. Fords estate in Seal Harbor when it went up for sale. There is no date on the document, but it gives a layout of the house and grounds, decription of the different buildings on the estate, shows interior pictures of prominent features inside the house. [show more]
19266Letter from Fredrick C. Burrill to Dow Estates, Inc
  • Document, Correspondence
  • May 22, 1969
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Letter from the lawyer Fredrick C. Burrill to Dow Estates, Inc discussing the stock share held relating to the Seal Harbor Neighborhood Hall Association. and Mr. Edward K. Dunham shares. The letter also addresses the possible selling of the land and building which the Association own the need to know how many shares of stock are still owned, what the value of the property is before they can determine how much money is owed to the heirs of the Dunham estate. This letter is three typed pages and is stamped copy in big red letters. [show more]
19265Seal Harbor Neighborhood Hall Association
  • Object, Punishment Device, Stocks
  • 10/20/1949
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Stock certificate for shares of Seal Harbor Neighborhood Hall Association purchased by the Seal Harbor Community Hall Association. Signed by George L. Stebbins
19264Seal Harbor Neighborhood Hall Association
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
  • 11/20/1969
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Newspaper clipping talking about the opening of the new neighborhood hall in Seal Harbor and the first concert that was held in the hall.
19263Seal Harbor Neighborhood Hall Association
  • Document, Correspondence
  • December 6, 1968
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Letter from William Fenton to Edgar Walls discussing how to dispose of the land and the building owned by the Seal Harbor Neighborhood Association. The letter is two typed pages and appears to be a photocopy. [show more]
19262Seal Harbor Neighborhood Hall Association
  • Document, Legal, Affidavit
  • December 22, 1969
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. An affidavit filed with the State of Maine Hancock from Margurerite Bryant, clerk of the the Seal Harbor Neighborhood Hall Association, submitting the notice sent to all stock holders of the Association at their last known addresses. Two typed pages one marked in pen Exhibit A. [show more]
19261Seal Harbor Neighborhood Hall Association
  • Document, List
  • December 10, 1969
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. List of all stock holders and their addresses as of December 10, 1969. Two Typed pages.
19260Seal Harbor Neighborhood Hall Association
  • Document, Document File
  • December 10, 1969
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. A collection of documents pertaining to the calling of a special meeting of owners of stock in the Neighborhood Hall Association. One letter from Edgar Walls to Marguerite Bryant asking her to call the special meeting and to contact the shareholders. Letter from Marguerite Bryant to the shareholders calling the meeting and an adgenda for the meeting. Proxy paper allowing for nominated individuals to to make decisions during the meeting. There is also a set of photocopies of the above origional documents. [show more]
19259Union Congregational Church
  • Document, Request, Invitation
  • August 11, 2022
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. An invitation from the Union Congregational Church of Seal Harbor to celebrate their 100th anniversary at the Village Green. Speaker: The Rev. Dr. Kenneth C. Brookes Reception at the Stone Church
19258Union Congregational Church
  • Document, Program
  • August 30-31, 1902
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Program from the dedication service of the Union Congregational Church August 31-31, 1902.
19257Union Congregational Church
  • Publication, Clipping, Newspaper Clipping
Collection consists of three boxes of archival files donated by the Seal Harbor Library pertaining to the history of Seal Harbor village and Acadia National Park. An itemized summary of each boxes' contents is enclosed in each box. Photograph showing a number of adults and children which made up choirs from a number of area churches all standing in front of the stone arch of the Seal Harbor Stone Church in 1932. There's a request for help from the public in identifying others in the photograph. The caption lists the names of those who are already known. [show more]

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