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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
  • Object, Furnishings, Bed, Child's Bed, Crib
Crib has one open side so that it could be pushed against mother’s bed. Turned wood posts. Wooden peg construction. Rope lattice for mattress.Donor info - made by Dr. Kendall Kittredge for his daughter. Seven generations of the family slept in it. From Fred Wiggin house in Town Hill. Dimensions: 25" w 39"h 46"l
13427Postal Desk
  • Object, Furnishings, Desk
Dark wood with heavy legs. Two drawers in middle. Two doors above desk open to reveal compartments - 6 in right and 13 in left. Wooden wedge nailed to right compartment which may be an ink holder. Wire coil attached to board inside compartment. Several “cubbies” above doors. Space in back of desk to hand mail through. Desk may have had a leather desk top attached that has left black marks on surface.
13267unidientified envelope
  • Object, Writing, Envelope
unidentified envelope
  • Object, Sign
Georgia Somes Smith Dry and Fancy Goods. Thin layer of white paint with black lettering. Four nails intact. Georgia Somes Smith was postmistress for Somesville. She also ran the dry and fancy good business in the Post Office.
  • Object, Sound Signaling Device, Bell
Brass with silver tone finish. Handle wood with circles at various points. Iron clapper. Donor info -from Eugene Merchant house (donor’s father) former Dr. Kendall Kittredge house outside historic district. Believed to belong to Dr. Kittredge. Was used by Elizabeth Kittredge - granddaughter of Dr. Kendall Kittredge.
13229Real Estate Sign
  • Object, Sign
Two pieces of wood pieced together with molding around the edges. Carved lettering, “George B. Cooksey and George L. Stebbins Real Estate Building Insurance.” Lettering faded red on black background. Two iron hooks on top.
13228Child's High-Button Shoes
  • Object, Clothing, Shoe
Pair of child's black leather shoes with decorative stitching on toes. Scalloped edge at top and along button holes. Five buttons. Leather sole, fabric lined. Sole stamped - Sollers and Co Phila. “F” National exhibition seal. Shoes marked "504a" and "504b"
  • Object, Clothing, Shoe
  • c 1900
Men’s square toed leather shoes. Manure and shavings in crack of sole. Leather cut from opening towards center of toe. 4.5” flaps fold over opening on either side with four holes for laces. Both shoes have remnants of laces. Some sign of mildew in past. Wooden pegs in sole, nails in heal. 12 printed on right shoe. 9 1/2 stamped in heal. Donor info - from Heath house in Seal Cove.
13194Under Shirt
  • Object, Clothing, Undershirt
Child’s cream colored undershirt. Three buttons on front. Made by Carter’s. Size 22.
  • Object, Clothing, Pinafore
Baby’s cream color pinafore with scalloped hem. Loops attached to button holes to let dress out.
  • Object, Furnishings, Bed, Child's Bed, Cradle
  • 1858
Made of walnut; shaped like a small boat. Sits in frame and rocks. Cradle has swan head and end like a ship’s stern. Frame is carved with flowers on each end and underneath. Donor info - made for Olive Perkins (Mrs. S.W. Smith, Jr.) of Warren, Ohio born August 17, 1858. Mattress made in 1924 for Samuel Smith Wilson. Following info from Samuel Smith Wilson who visited Museum in 1997. Olive Perkins married Judge Smith who rented the house between the Mount Desert Tavern and the Abraham Somes III house in Somesville. This house is no longer standing. She died near 1930. Her grandfather was Brig. General Simon Perkins, an Ohio land surveyor and speculator. [show more]
13101Souvenir Letter, Southwest Harbor, ME, booklet of pictures
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
This 4 x 6 inch booklet of postcard-size black and white pictures is entitled "Souvenir Letter", Southwest Harbor, ME. It is addressed to Mrs. Mary E. Mayo, Blue Hill, Maine and has a postal stamp marked "Southwest Harbor, Me. Dec. 24, 1969". Inside there are 9 black and white images of landmarks or scenes on the "quietside of MDI", as well as, Bear Island.
  • Object, Clothing, Shoe
  • 1866 ca.
One black leather shoe. Worn on top. No laces. Some wear throughout shoe. Square toe. Stamped on sole. A.S. and Co Warranted. A.D. 1866. Wooden pegs in sole - some nails. Nails in heal. Six holes for laces. Donor info - came from store of Tobias Roberts in Bar Harbor. Made by Abraham Somes. Found in counter sold to C.C. Ladd.
  • Object, Clothing, Shoe
  • c 1920
Pair of black leather made by J and T Cousins New York. Sold by Read and Nichols Bangor. Soft leather, very creased. 2” heel flared at end. Pointed flap over foot. Left shoe leather badly cracked on right toe. Heels worn.
  • Object, Clothing, Shoe
  • Other, Children
  • Other, Shoes
One boy's black leather shoe. Shoe pegs in heel. Lined with fabric and leather. Shoe slips on foot as there are slits on each side which help the leather stretch. Laces pull shoe together. Ribbon used as shoelace.
12897Child's slippers with rosettes
  • Object, Clothing, Shoe, Slipper
Child's slippers with small fabric rosettes (black) on the toe. Ankle straps stiff. Leather button attached to strap with metal eye. Closes with “elastic” loop. Fabric lined. Leather soles.
  • Object, Art, Needlework, Embroidery, Sampler
  • 1806
Blue linen (?) sampler, approx. 10" x 12" done in 1806. Stitches are in red and yellow thread, but colors may have faded; red stitches remain most true. The fabric is faded and there are holes at the corners. Made by Judith Somes in 1806. She was born September 16, 1796, married Capt. Eben Babson Sept. 11, 1815, and died Nov. 4, 1880. She is buried in Brookside Cemetery.
  • Object, Pocket Knife, Jackknife
Some slight rust on blade. Right side of handle cracked around nail. Both sides of handle have small cracks. All metal tarnished. Very old knife. Donor info - knife was found in 1930s outside Selectmen’s Building in Somesville. Donor’s uncle purchased it from finder. See object file.
12869Tinder Box
  • Object, Furnishings, Fuel Container, Tinderbox
Small tin box for keeping pieces of oiled rag. Hinged lid.
  • Object, Spindle
Spindle from shuttle used in the woolen mill in Somesville. Dark wood.
  • Object, Containers, Basket
Tiny oval basket with rings on each side for handles. Green woven into band around middle. Weave around top damaged.
12792Knife and Fork
  • Object, Eating Knife, Luncheon Knife
Steel knife and fork with bone handles. Knife has no seration and is very blunt. Fork has three tines. Both patented March 6, 1860 by Lamson and Goodnow Mfg. Co. Donor info - belonged to donor’s grandmother, Sally DeLaittre who was the youngest daughter of Louis Duparre Des Isles and Mary Googins Des Isles.
12791Desk Bell
  • Object, Sound Signaling Device, Bell, Service Bell
Simple desk bell with button on top to ring bell.
12789Shuttle on Frame / Pastel of Woolen Mill
  • Object, Shuttle
  • Other, commerce
  • Other, important family
  • Howe D. Higgins (1894-1974)
  • 1972c.
Wooden shuttle mounted on board and framed. Also a framed bill from Isaac Somes to Sylvanus Higgins, Mt. Desert, May 29, 1862, for carding and oiling 17 3/4 lbs of wool at 6 cts per lb. In print below shuttle and bill, “From Old Woolen Mill in Somesville owned by Isaac Somes”. On back a pastel of woolen mill by Howe D. Higgins, grandson of Sylvanus. Done on April 21, 1972. Caption on back describes the mill. Note: The pastel painting of the woolen mill has been removed from the back and is located in Flat File #2, Drawer #8 with two other Howe Higgins paintings. [show more]
  • Object, Shaving Product, Razor
  • Other, Razor blades
  • Other, Shaving
Single blade razor in black case. Yellow transparent handle with a gold eagle decoration. Marked, “The American Razor” on handle. Similar design with different eagle on blade. Blade also marked, “Superior Razor, Sheffield, England”. Case marked, “Bigelow and Dowse, Boston”. Print faded. Green fabric inside case. Donor info - found at Somesville yard sale. Belonged to Ernest Richardson.