Description: Target Brownie Six - 20. Made in the USA. Red vinyl handle on top, otherwise black. In front three holes. Lenses (square) on top and side.
Description: Cornsilk hair, cornhusk sunbonnet, dress and apron around corn cob. Eye, brows and lips drawn on face. String tied around neck and waist. Bonnet sewn together. Hair falling out. Donor info - found in Wasgatt house at Beech Hill.
Description: Reuben W. Carter to pay Bloomfield R. Smith $10,000.00 for c.40 acres of land on Beech Hill in Mt. Desert. Land described by who owns other land to north, south and west and by the county road to the east. (However, there is some confusion about who is the seller and who the buyer.)
Description: 9" long; part unscrews to insert battery; date (ca. 1899) suggested by donor. Metal loop perhaps for hanging or affixing to belt. Found in apartment over old store in Seal Harbor. Marked patent pending.
Description: Metal tips on each end. Hinge opens. Clasp holds spindle inside case. Donor info - came from woolen mill owned and run by Abraham Somes II and later his sons Isaac and Lyman. Lyman was the father of Mrs. Lethiecq.
Description: Round box with checkerboard pattern on top. Sides striped green, maroon and yellow. Contains button and shoe button. Also contains “Erin Go Bragh” pin. Provenance not known. Deed of gift not found.
Description: Yellow wood box with hinged lid and small oval shell medallion in center. Appears to hold dried, caked make-up. Wood may be maple. Compact for face powder.
Description: Box covered with flowered paper. Made of cardboard. Lid has red cushion top Embroidered design on top. Number 239 is written on tape on the side of the box. Inside the box are trinkets: 3 miniature pewter spoons; 1 Lilac Sweets perfume bottle; one hair pin with glass flower; one brooch with with two leaves and a flower with glass inset; 10 miscellaneous buttons, one sewn on cloth; and one unknown piece of wood or ivory that would screw into another object. [show more]