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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
7926Three elderly people in formal wear
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Three elderly people in formal wear. Woman holds flower bouquet.
7928Woman wearing smock
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Woman wearing a smock holding a spool of string reaching up to a spot light.
17855Woman wearing smock
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Woman wearing a smock holding a spool of string.
7930Man at helm of boat
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Man age 60 + at the helm of a working boat.
7929Man at helm of boat
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Man age 60 + at the helm of a working boat.
7950Man hanging cane to man in chair
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Man handing a cane to a man in a chair. Woman stands on the left.
7962Three girs in a row
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • Nature, Animals
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Three girls sitting in a row. Each girl holds a puppy.
7972Man wearing work clothes
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Man wearing work clothes seated in chair in front of shelves of Keystone Key-Tex house paint, Mayonnaise, canned milks and other good. Man appears to be splicing rope.
7974Man in suit handing seated man a cane
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Man dressed in a suit handing a man seated in a rocking chair a cane. Man and woman stand to the left. Television c 1950-1960 to the left.
7976Man at podium
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Man in suit standing at a podium in front of a large window. Another man in a suit sits at a table to the right.
7977Woman in antique shop
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Woman age 60+ in what appears to be an antique shop. The woman is standing next to several anitique clocks with painted glass.
7978Woman in formal dining room
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Woman age 70+ in formal dining room of an old house. Table covered with lace tablecloth. Fireplace and mantle in the background. Tall vases on the floor near the fireplace. Wallpaper has large floral print.
7980Balding man with beard wearing heavy sweater
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Balding man with beard wearing a heavy pullover sweater sitting in a chair in Louise Gilbert’s house on the Long Pond Road.
7981Balding man with beard wearing heavy sweater
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Balding man with beard wearing a heavy pullover sweater sitting in a chair in Louise Gilbert’s house on the Long Pond Road.
7982Balding man with beard wearing heavy sweater
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Balding man with beard wearing a heavy pullover sweater sitting in a chair in Louise Gilbert’s house on the Long Pond Road.
7979Balding man with beard wearing heavy sweater
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Balding man with beard wearing a heavy pullover sweater sitting in a chair in Louise Gilbert’s house on the Long Pond Road.
7990Two people and water tank
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Two people leaning over a large water tank outside a shingled builidng. May be the MDI Bio Lab.
7992Two people talking in grass near a small building
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Small building which may be a camp. Two people taking on the grass Bicycle leaning against the wall of the central building.
7993Gathering of small houses
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Gathering of small houses. Maybe camps. Two people taking in the driveway. Bicycles leaning against the wall of the central building.
8007Man reading Sporting News
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Man seated on a couch reading The Sporting News. Narrow window above the couch with open venitian blinds. Sign outside the window is difficult to read. It may say something about Long Pond. Also reads, “Moores”.
8015Man looking out window
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Man 50-60 years old looking out a window. Pan scale in back of him. Clock on the wall over the scale.
8017Man wearing reindeer sweater
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • Places, Landscape
  • LaRue Spiker
Man wearing reindeer sweater with woman sitting on the rocks near the shore. Other people in a large group near the shore.
8018Man walking through ferns
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • Places, Landscape
  • LaRue Spiker
Man walking through stand of ferns with basket over his arm. Evergreens all around.
8020Person near farm machinery
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • Other, Machinery
  • People
  • LaRue Spiker
Person near an unidentified piece of farm machinery.
8025Man carrying basket
  • Image, Photograph, Negative, Sheet Film Negative
  • People
  • Places, Landscape
  • LaRue Spiker
Man carring basket over his shoulder standing among a stand of ferns. Scrub trees on each side.