Object, Maintenance, Laundry Container, Laundry Bag
Description: Cotton laundry bag made into doll with embroidered face and flowery fabric feet, pockets and head scarf. Found in apartment over old Seal Harbor store.
Description: White Wedding Dress with ruffles and polka dotted pleats and bodice. Worn by Eunice Catherine Palmer (1887-1987) on 6/11/21 for her wedding to Dr. PFM. Gilley, dentist and resident of Southwest Harbor (parents of donor). More info in file
Description: Sign indicating that on the order of the Board of Governors of the Northeast Harbor Golf Club, play is not permitted at the Club without a membership or paying a greens fee. Undated.
Description: Samuel de Champlain April 1882 - Information about Samuel de Champlain Compiled/Written 1882 A copy of whole paper on Champlain by C. Eliot for Nathan Price (in 11 pages)
Description: Sleigh for two people which had been in attic of Anne Mazlish's garage. Iron runners will need black paint. Floor of sleigh has paint which chips easily.
Description: Seal Harbor Cemetery Key (marked Emma H. Whitmore Seal Harbor), Silver buckles, button hook, long hatpin, Key ring and keys to Island Lodge (Odd Fellows marked WH Whitmore, Seal Harbor, 1908), little box of black straight pins, Bundle of needles (for machine?) wrapped in thread