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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
11659Old Mill at Seal Cove, Mt. Desert Island, ME
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • C. E. Cook, Bangor, ME
11658The Rock End, Northeast Harbor, ME
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
11656Yellow and White Roses
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Raphael Tuck andd Sons "Flower Offerings" Series #127
  • 1908
11657Unknown Stone Church
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
11655Hello, Central, Give Me 4-11-44, Keep Out The Line's Busy
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • 1906
11654No 701 To My Dear Aunt
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
11653Green's Nursery Co Advertisement
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Green's Nursery Co.
  • 1905
11651Kimball House, Northeast Harbor, ME
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Paul A. Knaut, Jr.
11650Eastern Steamship Company's steamer, "J.T.Morse," plying between Rockland and Bar Harbor, ME
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • W. H. Sherman, Bar Harbor, ME
11649"Faraway", Greenings Isle, Southwest Harbor, ME
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • A. I. Holmes
  • 1908
11629Postcard from Raymond Somes to Arthur Somes
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Raymond Somes
  • 12/12/1918
Postcard from Raymond "this will give you an idea of the way the towns look here"
11630Postcard of Otter Cliff in Acadia National Park
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • 1947
Postcard of Otter Cliff in Acadia National Park
11628Postcard from Raymond Somes to Athur Somes
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Raymond Somes
  • 12/13/1918
Postcard from Raymond depicting the town of St. Mihiel. "The place as it used to was, but not as it looks to-day."
11627Postcard from Raymond Somes to "Mrs. Athur Somes"
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Raymond Somes
  • 12/08/1918
Letter from Raymond Somes to Mrs. Arthur Somes: "Everything O.K. I am now Billeted in St. Mihiel."
11625Postcard from Raymond Somes to Lucy Somes (his mother).
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Raymond Somes
This postcard shows the city of Clermont-Ferrand in France. Raymond Somes writes: "Everything is fine here. You can see [illeg.] by this photo that I am in a fine town."
11626Postcard from Raymond Somes to Lucy Somes.
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Raymond Somes
  • 12/12/1918
This postcard depicts the Metz Cathedral in Metz, France. Raymond writes: "Some church?"
11624Postcard from Raymond Somes to his mother Lucy Somes.
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Raymond Somes
  • 09/21/1918
This postcard shows a petrified fountain in Clermont-Ferrand. Raymond writes: "Everything going O.K."
11623Blank postcard showing the tower of Charlemagne and teh Church of St. Martin
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
Blank Postcard.
11622Generic military postcard sent from Raymond Somes to his mother Lucy Somes
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Raymond Somes
  • August 1918
A military issued postcard containing a generic pre-typed message with a blank spot for the recipients name and the sender. "Dear [Mother] Safe at port of disembarkation. Nothing unusual to relate, and daily drills, physical excercises, games and music all added to the pleasures of the journey. Will send letter on arrival at head-quarters."
11621Soldier's Mail Red Cross postcard from Raymond Somes to Arthur Somes
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Raymond Somes
  • 1918
A military issued Soldier's Mail postcard from Raymond Somes to Arthur Somes. There is a printed message that simply says: "The ship on which I sailed has arrived safely overseas." It then has lines where Raymond wrote his name and military organization.
11620American Red Cross postcard signed by Raymond Somes.
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • American Red Cross
  • 1918
A generic Red Cross Soilder's Mail postcard with a printed message: "The ship on which I sailed has arrived safely overseas." Signed by Raymond Somes.
11618YMCA postcard written by Raymond Somes to Lucy Somes
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Raymond Somes
  • 04/26/1919
A YMCA troop issued post card with a message from Raymond to his mother: "Dear mother- Arrived O.K. today. Fine trip. Expect to be home soon. Love Raymond"
11604Masonic and Odd Fellows Block, Southwest Harbor, ME
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • C. E. Cook, Bangor Maine
  • 1908
11605#6017 Schooner Head Bar Harbor, Mt. Sesert Island, ME.
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Detroit Photographic Co.
  • 1902
11565Velvet Headpiece
  • Object, Clothing, Hat
Black velvet and sequined wire clip head piece. Four sequined circular decorations on one side; one smaller sequined circular decoration on the opposite side. Three velvet covred wire pieces across the top of the head piece.