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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
13916Dick Allen, Laura Allen, Gail Grandsent
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • 1995
June 8, 1995, Maine Museum Day, Mt. Desert Island Historical Society Museum. Gail Grandgent spinning wool, spectators, Richard and Laura Allen look on. Museum lawn. Marked on back: "Dick Allen, Laura Allen, Gail Grandsent. June 8, 1995." Could Gail actually be Gayle Grangent and simply misunderstood?
13915Gail Grandgent
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • 1995
June 8, 1995, Maine Museum Day, Mt. Desert Island Historical Society Museum. Gail Grandgent spinning wool, spectators look on. Museum lawn. Flower garden in background.
8982June 8, 1995, Maine Museum Day
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • unknown
  • 1995
June 8, 1995, Maine Museum Day, Mt. Desert Island Historical Society Museum. Gail Grandgent spinning wool, spectators look on. Museum lawn.
13928Jeanette Godrey, Jaylene Roth, Betsy Alexander
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Interior
  • People
  • 1995
June 8, 1995, Maine Museum Day, Mt. Desert Island Historical Society Museum. Museum interior. Far left, Jeannette Godfrey, far right, Betsy Alexander, center Jaylene Roths, museum director.
13944Joanne Whitney Edna Hysom
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Interior
  • People
  • 1995
June 8, 1995, Maine Museum Day, Mt. Desert Island Historical Society Museum. Museum interior. Bare wood shelves with china and glassware. Joanne Whitney to left, Edna Hysom to the right.
13948Jaylene Roth and Gayle Grangent
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Interior
  • People
  • 1995
China and glassware on bare wood shelves in background. Jaylene Roths, director on left, Gayle Grangent on right. June 8, 1995, Maine Museum Day, Mt. Desert Island Historical Society Museum. Museum interior.
13947Ralph Stanley and unknown people 1995
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Interior
  • People
  • 1995
Two unknown people with Ralph Stanley, center. Museum interior. June 8, 1995, Maine Museum Day, Mt. Desert Island Historical Society Museum.
13949Joanne Whitney, Edna Hysom, Lynn Gould, Gail Reiber
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • 1995
June 8, 1995, Maine Museum Day, Mt. Desert Island Historical Society Museum. In the background, museum building and spinning wheel. Group from left to right, Joanne Whitney, Edna Hysom, Linda Gould, Gail Reiber.
13950Jeannette Godfrey
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Interior
  • People
  • 1995
Jeannette Godfrey dressed in long skirt, white blouse, and cameo pin. Working on quilt for Maine Museum Day June 8, 1995 at the Mount Desert Island Historical Society. In background, early nineteenth century cradle.
13958Jaylene Roth 1995
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Interior
  • People
  • 1995
Jaylene Roths with arms crossed. Director
13680J.C. Hill with Buelah Atherton
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • 1902
Jason C. Hill with Buelah Atherton, age 23 months. Jason Hill harness maker, married to Mary Hill, lived in house next to present Allen Fernald House. Somes Pond in background. Cape Cod style house to the left. Hill looks down at child on sled in snow. Hill wears medium length black coat and pants with cap. Child wears puffy hat, scarf and coat. Marked on back, “J.C. Hill and Buelah Atherton, Feb 13, 1902, Age 23 months, 16 days.”
1639Mrs. James, Mrs Barry Smith, Mrs Marjory Hayward
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • 1958
Mount Desert Island Historical Society Selectmen’s Building Museum. Mount Desert Museum Sign hangs outside building. Flowers in window box, bench near road side. Three women on step. From left to right, Mrs. Ethel Mae James, Mrs. Barry Smith, Mrs. Marjory Hayward.
13678Buckboard Party
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Nature, Animals
  • Other, Buildings
  • People
Four horse team hitched to a buckboard outside two story cottage. Woman and man sit on driver's bench. At least ten other passengers in open buckboard. Ladies in elegant dress stand on covered porch. Vines growing up each side of porch and along front. Small peak in porch roof. Upstairs windows shuttered, center window closed.
9108Southwest Harbor Congregational Church
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • Other, Transportation
  • People
  • Unknown
Southwest Harbor Congregational Church, High Road Southwest Harbor. Congregation gathered in front of church. To the left white horse hitched to buggy. Rail fence in foreground, horse's head to the right. Stains throughout photo.
9117Schooner Kate L. Pray
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Nature, Animals
  • Other, Buildings
  • Other, Ships
  • People
  • Unknown
Two masted schooner at wharf in front of A.J. Whiting’s (later, 1887) Fernald’s Store (later Port-in-a-Storm Bookstore, then art gallery). Back of blacksmith shop visible on left. Small sailing dory tied to wharf. Anchor hangs from bow. Several men seated in the bow of schooner, one standing aft near main mast. Man driving wagon pulled by two white horses. Somes meadow in distance. Mark in lower left hand corner. Edges very worn. Stained and faded. Marked on back, “Schooner Kate L. Pray.” [show more]
9118Two men with large rock
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • Places, Landscape
  • Unknown
Two man leaning and sitting on large rock on mountain. Marked on back, “ Property of Philip M. Caughey.”
9119Men and Women on edge of lake
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • Places, Landscape
  • Unknown
Men and women sitting and standing at the edge of a lake. Woman on left wears blanket over shoulder, man’s hat and holds stick near mouth. Ink smudge over man standing on rock in lake. Man crouching down tending fire. Next to him man holds bucket. Another man stands on small float, one stands on log holding onto mast of boat. Marked on back, “Property of Philip M. Caughey.
12399Hikers on Beech Cliff
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • Places, Landscape
  • Geo. H. Van Norman
Group of hikers on Beech Cliff. Three women in long dresses, two hold walking sticks. Four men, one on far rigth holds walking stick. Man in center holds binoculars. Group relaxes on rocks. Marked on back, “Geo. H. Van Norman, Photographer, 645 Main St. Waltham, Mass.” Also Marked, Property of Philip M. Caughey.
9122Echo Lake
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Boats
  • People
  • Places, Landscape
  • Geo. H. Van Norman
Echo Lake with mountains in the distance. In foreground, man dipping pail into lake. Small row boat in center. To right man stands on log holding onto sail of dory. Marked on back, “Geo. H. Van Norman, Photographer, 645 Main St. Waltham, Mass.” Also Marked, Property of Philip M. Caughey.
9124William A. Caughey, Joseph H. Caughey, William Caughey
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • Recreation
  • Geo. H. Van Norman
Group of men in camp. In background, tents, to right clothes drying, to left dog sitting on towel. Man on left sitting on rocks holding axe. Second from left, William A. Caughey, seated on ground, Jospeh H. Caughey, standing with fish net, third from right, William Caughey, gray beard, wearing dark suit. Man second from right, weraing brown or gray shirt, suspenders, dark pants seated on rock. Man on far right sits under laundry. Marked on back, “Geo. H. Van Norman, Photographer, 645 Main St. Waltham, Mass.” Also Marked, Property of Philip M. Caughey. [show more]
9126William A. Caughly, Joseph H. Caughey, William Caughey and others
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • Recreation
  • Geo. H. Van Norman
Group of men in camp. In background, tents, to right clothes drying, to left dog sitting on towel. Man on left sitting on rocks holding axe. Second from left, William A. Caughly, seated on ground, Jospeh H. Caughey, standing with fish net, third from right, William Caughey, gray beard, wearing dark suit. Man second from right, weraing brown or gray shirt, suspenders, dark pants seated on rock. Man on far right sits under laundry. Marked on back, “Geo. H. Van Norman, Photographer, 645 Main St. Waltham, Mass.” Also Marked, Property of Philip M. Caughey. [show more]
9130Mark W. Somes, Ada Somes and friends
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Boats
  • People
  • Unknown
Six people seated in chairs on deck of boat. Engine visible in lower right corner. Mark W. Somes on left wearing white shoes, cap and dark suit. His mother, Ada Somes in checked jacket. Man and woman sit behind Mark Somes. Two women sit in front of Ada Somes.
9132Fair Mount Cottage
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • Unknown
Group of people standing on front porch and in front of Fair Mount Cottage. Location unknown. Three story building with flat roof. Covered porch on front and side. Next door, three story building with sign above entrance, “ --- Cottage” Coverd porch with two stair cases. Man sits on railing next to woman holding a baby. Below, man leans on railing , child stands mext to him. Large group in front of Fairmount Cottage includes sevearl children, boy with bicycle, and dog. Also men and women. Other buildings in the background, laundry hanging on line. Marked on back, “From all to Frank Dec. 25, 1891.” Also marked, “ Given by Eleanor Wiggin, July 1958, unidentified place or people.” Stains throughout image. [show more]
9134Group of Men age 15-25
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • People
  • Structures, Institutional, School
  • Unknown
Group of well dressed young men age15-25. Threee seated in carved chairs in front of group. One holds large book, middle holds gavel. Man on far left holds tennis raquette. One African-American on far right. Standing utside brick building. May be private school or private men’s club.
9137View of Hall Quarry
  • Image, Photograph, Photographic Print
  • Other, Building
  • People
  • Places, Landscape
  • Unknown
Sepia-toned print mounted on black cardboard; 1" X 1/2" tear in upper left corner; print is wrinkled and foxed; shows apparent water damage. "Hall Quarry" written in pencil on back. Image shows Hall Quarry in operation; two large derricks in middle ground; rails in center of picture. Scene includes at least 15 men working in quarry; one pair of horses pulling wagon; various buildings in middle ground; large blocks of granite. Photograph taken from high vantage point, looking across Somes Sound. [show more]