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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
11538Portable cabinet for bees
  • Object, Furnishings, Cabinet
Roughly finished cabinet with two doors, handles on sides, and small containers inside; may be a portable device to move around fields for bees to form hives and make honey: a "pollinator."
11537Fred Savage's Desk
  • Object, Furnishings, Desk
  • Other, Architects' offices
  • Other, Architecture
  • Other, Desks
Large desk/drafting table that belonged to Fred L. Savage
11535Ice Skate
  • Object, Skating Gear, Ice Skate
One ice skate. Made of metal, wood, and leather straps. Poor condition. No mate.
11536History of the Sound School
  • Object, Furnishings, Frame, Picture Frame
Framed, typewritten history of the Sound School, which was buillt in 1892. Notes teacher Mrs. Wiggin and student Bud Bordeaux, who graduated in 1926, the year the school closed. Then the building was used as a community center and then owned by the Sound Village Improvement Association; it was later owned by the Town of Mount Desert. The building was given to the MDI Historical Society in 1998; restoration was begun in 1999 and completed in 2000. This framed history hung in the school room or entry way until the exhibit about the village of Sound and schools on MDI was hung in 2015. [show more]
11534Ice Skate
  • Object, Skating Gear, Ice Skate
Single ice skate. Made of metal, wood, and leather straps. Curved tip on metal runner. Poor condition, Old number affixed on tape, #298.
11533Ice Skates
  • Object, Skating Gear, Ice Skate
Pair of ice skates, made of metal and wood, with leather straps.In poor condition. Old number on tape, 275a and 275b.
11532Santa Claus Suit
  • Object, Clothing, Suit
Santa Claus suit including pair of boots, belt, jacket, pants, hair/wig, mustache, hat. Hat, belt, boots, hair/wig, mustache are inside red sack; pants and jacket are on mannequin.
11530Seal Harbor Sign
  • Object, Sign
Black capital lettering (SEAL HARBOR) on 6" X 48" grey sign.
  • Object, Carrying Bag, Purse
  • 1938c.
Black fabric flower-embroidered purse with handles and gold fabric lining. Measures 9" X 10." Belonged to Mrs. Isaac Roberts, Sydney Roberts Rockefeller's grandmother. Note with purse says it was from Aunt Rebecca's collection and handmade by a Mrs. Stanley when she was in her 90's.
11529Civil War Folding Mirror
  • Object, Furnishings, Mirror
Mirror is in three parts, hinged together. Small knob at top of each panel; mirrors are beveled. Dimensions: Each part is 5" X 7." Far right panel is very scratched. Donor purchased home in Bar Harbor at 17 Wayman Lane; house built c. 1890-1912. Mirror found in one of the pantry cabinets. House formerly belonged to a school teacher, Mrs. Moon. Donor had seen same kind of mirror at the Underground Railway Museum in Cincinnati, Ohio. May or may not have a connection to Mt. Desert Island. [show more]
  • Object, Towel, Fingertip Towel
Linen tea or guest towel, stamped "Mrs. Isaac Roberts, Cottage 1917." Dimensions: 20" long, 14" wide.
11526Military American Flag
  • Object, Flag
American flag folded into triangle; likely given to relative of Dave Stanley at his burial service. In protective, plastic cover; don't know if this is of archival quality. Also inside cover: 3 bullet shells. Item stored on shelf until room can be found in a textile box (and box can be taken down from shelf).
11525Five American Legion Hats
  • Object, Fraternal Hat
Five American Legion Hats: two have pins that say "103," two have "103" embroidered on hat, one indicates Past Commander and says "Hancock Cty., ME, another says Northeast Harbor, ME. All in very good condition.
11524Khaki Service Cap
  • Object, Clothing, Cap, Military Cap, Service Cap
Khaki service cap; hole in rim.
11523Kebo Valley Club Trophy
  • Object, Prize, Trophy
  • 1967
Golf trophy awarded to Dave Stanley, Class C Club Champ, Runner-Up. Trophy is about 11" high.
11522Kebo Valley Club Golf Trophy
  • Object, Prize, Trophy
  • 1972
Trophy awarded to Dave Stanley, Sr. Champion Runner-up. About 12" high, eagles on either side, statue of man swinging golf club on top.
11521Republican State [Maine] Convention Button, 1992.
  • Object, Political Symbol, Political Button
  • 1992
Round, silver colored button with elephant in middle and Republican State Convention written around outside in circle. About 1.25" in diameter. Badge for Mr. David Stanley, Mount Desert for 1992 Maine Republican Convention; blue ribbon attached denoting Delegate.
11519Two Masons' Pins
  • Object, Insignia Pin, Fraternal Pin
  • 1999
Two Masons' pins, one marked 1999 for 50 years of service and attached to a blue ribbon; the other was attached to a paper card, covered with plastic and tape, which I (AB) removed.
11520Five Military-style Patches
  • Object, Insignia Patch, Military Patch
Five military-style patches.
11518American Legion Uniform
  • Object, Clothing, Uniform
American Legion Uniform consisting of jacket, trousers, belt.
11517Cash Register, Stanley Fish Market, NEH
  • Object, Merchandising, Cash Register
Cash register from Stanley Fish Market in Northeast Harbor, Maine. 15" high by 20" deep.
11515Three sleigh bells on leather strap
  • Object, Crotal Bell, Sleigh Bell
Three brass sleigh bells on 12" leather strap; bells are rusty, strap worn. Strap incomplete and one bell appears to be missing from what is left of the strap. Each bell has three small round clappers inside.
11516Cow Bell and strap
  • Object, Animal Bell
Cow bell, 4" high X 5" in diameter; attached to leather strap and buckle about 17" long.
11497Black Jacket made by Cora Justine Savage
  • Object, Clothing, Jacket
  • Savage, Cora Justine
Cora Justine Savage is the grandmother of donor Mary Jane Smith. Cora was sent to Boston to learn to sew and sewed at the Asticou. Donor wore this short black lace jacket (and a skirt) in about 1986 (see photo in 1989 Union Church, Northeast Harbor, Celebration Album).
11496Skirt made by Cora Justine Savage
  • Object, Clothing, Skirt
This skirt, along with a black lace jacket, was made by Cora Justine Savage, who was sent to Boston to learn to sew and who sewed at the Asticou. The donor, Cora's granddaughter, worn the skirt and jacket in the c. 1986 photo which is in the Union Church, Northeast Harbor's 1989 Celebration Album.