Description: Group of people standing on lawn of historic Mt. Desert Tavern. White clapboard house with black shutters. Drive on right side of house, barn or shed attached to back of house. Two tall treees shade the hosue. From left to right, John Allen Somes (Allie), wearing dark suit and cap, holding Mark Somes, Ada (Richardson) Somes, wearing white dress, John William Somes, father of John Allen Somes, wearing derby, long coat. long white beard and carrying walking stick, Sarah Somes, sister of John William wearing white apron, blouse with full puffed sleeves and hat, Kate Heath Pray, wife of Lester Pray, wearing black skirt, full puffed blouse and hat. [show more]
Description: Saw mill in Somesville. View from across mill pond. Logs floating in pond. Lumber piled along banks. Masts of schooner appear in back of lumber. Men standing on banks. Horse with lumber cart on bank. Looking across Somes Cove.
Description: Group of high school students on steps of brick school. Predominately female students, group of men to the right. Marked, W.H.S. in lower righthand corner, also marked Mr. Palmer Principal. Morrell Photo Hallowell, Me.
Description: Unknown Man standing on steps of clapboard house with dark shutters and porch. Flower pots on steps. Man has hands in pocket. Hair parted on one side and brushed to the other. Wears dark coat unbuttoned and light colored vest . White shirt with dark bow tie. Dark trousers.
Description: Unknown Young Boy (age 5-7), older man (age 60 - 70), young woman (age 30 -40). Group standing in front of lilac tree. Boy wears white hat with sailor type shirt. Man wears light jacket with dark pants. Large, bushy beard and disshelved hair. Woman wears white blouse and skirt. Hair worn on top of head. Shingled building in background.
Description: Woodbury Tracy? age 60 -70 holding hand of girl age 3-4. Standing outside James Richardson homestead (Fair Oakes Farm) a white clapboard house. Man wears dark coat and trousers with dark shirt underneath. Gray hair, balding, mustache. Girl wears knee length whte dress with buttons down bodice. White flower in hair.
Description: Julia, Mrs. Cushman, Kate. Three women. Photo blurred. Woman on left wears light colored dress, woman in middle wears light colored dress with pattern on hem and bodice, black stockings and shoes. Woman on right wears checked dress or jumper with black stockings and shoes. To right 1915-1920 style car passes, to left is white house with black shutters and covered porch.
Description: Unknown Boy age 10-12 dressed in white sailor style shirt and knickers with black socks and “sneakers”. Standing on dirt road in front of grassy embankment. Above cape house with with attachment, another two story house next door. Tree on bank.
Description: Somesville School Class photograph, October 1909. Twenty one students, none identified. Marked Somesville, Me, Oct 1909 in lower left corner. Students gathered on grass, trees in background. Teacher in center wears hair pulled back with white blouse and dark skirt which buttons down cneter. Dark tie at neck. Photo attached to glass. Glass cracked in several places. Caution-this photo is on glass. glass is broken into four pieces. Needs conservation. note made 2004 Old scotch tape removed. Temporary mat frame and “package” created in order to keep pieces from sliding apart 7/2004. [show more]
Description: Portraits of Somesville Grade School Grade five and six mounted on single matte. Marked, “School Life 1958 - 1959” top center. Marked, “Grade five-six, Somesville School, Somesville, Maine, Jura Studio.” on bottom. Marked “Teacher Ruby Higgins” at top. Students from top row, left to right; Emerson, unmarked, Judy Gaudet, Mady Allen; row two, Arthur Lawson, Nancy Merchant, John Butler, Joane Smith; row three, Philip Gaudet, Hazel Merchant, Terry Blanchard, Freda Hibbard, George Gray; row four, Linda Tracy, Billy Richardson, Dora Lawson, George Grant, jr., Sharon Kelley. [show more]
Description: Portraits of Somesville Grade School Grade five and six mounted on single mattte. Marked, “Happy School Days, Recalled by Jura Studio” top center. Marked, “Grade V-VI, Somesville School, Somesville, Maine, 1957-58.” on bottom. Students from top row, left to rigth; Richard Kelly, Eleanor Lurvey; row two, Bobby Emerson, Ruby Higgins, teacher, George Gray, Jean Butler; row three, Pat Hibbard, Jimmy Greenlaw, unmarked, Ted Stanley, Ann Tracy (photo detached); row four, Charlie Carter, Mary Emerson, Tony Merchant, Hazel Merchant, Tom Fernald. [show more]
Description: Portraits of students Mt. Desert Elementary School, no date marked. Students from top row, left to right; Edna Gaudet, Deborah Gray, Virginia Richardson, Nancy Kelley, Caleb Tracy; Row Two, Raymond Lawson, Mary Emerson, Albert Merchant, Malcolm Gilley, Ruby Higgins, teacher; bottom row, Joanne Smith, Billy Grossnickle, Milton Gilley, Mary Brown.
Description: Portraits of Mt. Desert Elementary, 1969-70 grade two mounted on single mattte. Ruby Higgins, teacher, in center. Students, from top row, left to right: Kim Wilson, Kathy Cousins; Row two, Kevin Smith, Lisa Richards, Ruby Higgins, teacher, Snadra Norwood, Billy Haynes; Row Three, Jean Mandell, Jay Henderson, Kelley Taylor, Harold Link, Beth Graves, David Dawson, Debra Durant; Bottom Row, Janice Smallidge, Ralph Walls, John Walls, Mark Burk, Norman Walls. [show more]
Description: Portraits of Mt. Desert Elementary, 1970 grade two mounted on single mattte. Ruby Higgins, teacher, in center. Only one student marked, top left, Mike Carter. Nineteen portraits.
Description: Portraits of Mt. Desert Elementary, 1972-1973 grade two mounted on singel mattte. Marked at top, “Last class that I taught. I had on a wig. Ruby.” Names of students not marked. Ruby Higgins, teacher, in center. Twenty students. One photo detached.
Description: Portraits of Somesville Grade School Grade five and six mounted on singel mattte. Marked School Life 1960 -1961 top center, Somesville Grade School Somesville Maine, Grade five-Six Jura Studio at bottom. Students from Left to right; top row; Laurabee Pepper, Edna Gaudet, Linda Smith, Virginia Richardson.Second row; Ruby Higgins, teacher, Terry Blanchard, Gloria Cunninham, George Grant, Jr., Dora Lawson, Albert Merchant, Mary Emerson. Bottom Row; Calab Tracy, Nancy Kelly, John Butler, Debbie Gray, Raymond Lawson, Freda Hibbard, Philip Gaudet. [show more]
Description: Mount Desert High School (in Somesville) Boys Basketball team 1934-35. Eight uniformed players, one boy in sweater, man in suit. Five seated, five standing. Players wear sleeveless uniform shirts and shorts with dark sneakers.
Description: Virginia Somes Sanderson, age 70-80 wears glasses with dark frames, blue dress with seagulls. Seated at table inside Mount Desert Island Historical Society Selectmen’s Building Museum. Collection of China displayed on shelf behind Sanderson. Portrait of Sarah Whiting Kittredge and William Thompson Memorial wreath on right.
Description: Ledge on sheep Island. Small evergreens on right side. Virginia Sanderson on ledge with dog Betsy. In ink on back of photo, “The ‘inside’ of the island. The old swimming pool would be in the foreground to the left of this picture, which shows the point down the old ledge. Betsy and I near the stump.”
Description: Unknown Woman wIth dark hair piled on top of head. White long sleeved blouse with v-neck, brooch at point of v. Long dark skirt with plaid sash over waist. Inside wood shop. Hand on miter saw. On left basket in progress. Tools hang on wall behind her. Photo cut into octagon. Backed with old advertisement for cameras.
Description: Two story white clapboard house with black shutter, attached barn. Large trees in front of house. One horse near shed/bard with no tack held by man. Second horse in front wearing harness held by boy. Man stands near horse.
Description: People gathered on library lawn. Somesville Library in background. Children holding flags to left. Nelson Leland in middle. Adults on right.
Description: Children waiting in line to add dirt to a hole where tree was planted. Two children holding flags. Four women in dresses, holding purses stand in background, dog on right. Somesville Library to left.