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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
11495Governess Jacket
  • Object, Clothing, Jacket
Governess uniform jacket worn by Mary Fletcher Craig, governess to the Tyson family at Ledgelawn, who originally was from Philadelphia and later married Augustus Phillips of Asticou. The jacket is midnight blue in color; label inside reads "P.N. Degerberg, Ladies Tailor, Philadelphia." Three buttons in front; two slant pockets.
11494Black Woman's Hat
  • Object, Clothing, Hat
Hat recently purchased on Cape Cod to go with the dress of donor's grandmother. Hat is about 13" in diameter; brim is lacy crown covered in black "leaves".
11493Hoyt Richards and Sons Ashtray
  • Object, Furnishings, Ashtray
  • c.1953
Ashtray advertising Hoyt Richards and Sons Auto Service. Company mentioned in Pemetic High School yearbook for 1953.
11492Black Wooden Trunk
  • Object, Trunk
Black wooden trunk with leather exterior. Metal tacks along edges. Extended leather top. Interior paper with small print design affixed to wood.
11491Ceramic Butter Dish
  • Object, Serving Dish, Butter Dish
3-piece set of stoneware, like;ly a butter dish with lid and bottom. No mark on bottom. Provenance unknown.
11488Dry Card Compass
  • Object, Compass
Brass gimbal-mounted compass owned by Capt. Joseph H. Whitmore (Dec. 12 1860 - Mar. 18, 1917). Compass is contained within a stained, possibly pine, box stamped with "brass compass." The box is 6.5" high, 10" wide, and 10" deep. The 6 3/4" diameter compass face includes maker's name (S. Thaxter & Son, Boston), cardinal points, and a decorative marker at the north point. Unlike most othe existing examples from this firm with a fleur-de-lis, this compass's north point is ornamented by a political trophy containing crossed flags -- one with a flying bird and the other the United States stars and stripes flag -- along with a United States shield and fouled anchor. Properly balanced. [show more]
11471National Park Service Hat
  • Object, Clothing, Hat
National Park Service hat. Donated by Tim Garrity, retired park ranger and former MDIHS executive director.
11470Bayonet with Leather Sheath
  • Object, Armaments, Bayonet
Socket bayonet with leather sheath, found on the Higgins farm. Bayonet has triangular blade consistent with Revolutionary-era bayonets for use on Charleville or Brown Bess style muskets. Exact date unknown.
11467Woolen Coverlet
  • Object, Furnishings, Blanket
  • Lydia (Bartlett) Smith
Quilted wool coverlet filled with raw wool and dyed with fish net dye on side and indigo on the other.
11468Copper wash basin
  • Object, Maintenance, Washtub
Copper wash basin.
11466China Doll, c.1850s
  • Object, Doll
  • 1850c.
Blond short wavy hair painted on. China head, hands and legs. Blue eyes, rosy cheeks and small pursed lips. Legs white with painted black shoe. One leg replaced with leather boot. Pink ribbon painted around china leg. Dressed in mid-calf length dress of brown with white sprigs of flowers and triangles. Orange ribbon tied at waist. Pink ribbon at neck Wide lace collar. Dress sewn in place. Also wearing cotton petticoat with lace at bottom and middle. Wearing knee length underpants. [show more]
11465Mary King Halstead Quilt
  • Object, Art, Needlework, Quilt
  • Unknown
Crazy quilt belonging to Mary King Halstead of Somesville, who was closely associated with the Somesville Meeting House.
1587Child's petticoat
  • Object, Clothing, Underskirt, Petticoat
Child's cotton petticoat, with 2 rows of crochet at bottom and 4 holes for buttons.
  • Object, Clothing, Apron
White with star flower pattern crosstiched at hem and ends of ties. Mid-calf.
11445Dress Form, metal
  • Object, Dress Form
Adjustable dress form, metal, 54" high, on stand.
11444Pump Organ
  • Object, Musical, Keyboard Instrument, Organ, Reed Organ
Found in "The Cobblers" house in Somesville when Rose Dresser, aunt of donor, purchased it in 1946. "Was owned and played by daughter of Lewis Somes, Mrs. Brigham Fernald."
11439Cream skimmer
  • Object, Dairy Tool, Cream Skimmer
Cream skimmer, diamond pattern. 5/20/08 annotation by Michael Shook - Start This item has been cataloged 3 times: In chronological order: 001-102-597 (#1) 008.021.010 (#2 - with two other cream skimmers) 001-102.1 (#3 this is the number marked on the object) I'm not changing any of these: There may be references to #1 and #3. Removing #2 messes up the other objects in that Accession 5/20/08 annotation by Michael Shook - End
  • Object, Clothing, Skirt
  • Victorian era
Full black silk skirt, floor length; gathers just below waist; 3 hooks and eyes. Matching blouse. See relations tab.
11436Wool Shawl
  • Object, Clothing, Shawl
Hand crocheted cream-colored wool shawl.
11435Silk Blouse
  • Object, Clothing, Shirt, Blouse
  • Victorian era
Short-waisted deep green silk blouse with sash at waist and 6 buttons (I believe this is an incorrect description which fits similar blouse in Textile Box #24 001-103.7 -MF); This OID blouse is black silk, puffy sleeves and several hooks for fastening bodice. Has skirt to accompany.
11433Cream colored silk vest
  • Object, Clothing, Vest
  • Victorian era
man’s cream colored silk vest with 6 buttons down center and four pockets,striped pattern in cloth, tan interior and back
11434Silk Blouse
  • Object, Clothing, Shirt, Blouse
  • Victorian era
Short-waisted black silk blouse with eyehooks and puffy sleeves (may accompany the black skirt)
  • Object, Clothing, Necktie, Bow Tie
Man’s cream colored silk bowtie.
11431Prop Ax
  • Object, Prop
  • 1963
Tin-foil ax with blue-green wood handle used for a production of The Wizard of Oz on August 23, 1963 in Seal Harbor, Maine
  • Object, Personal, Eyeglasses
  • Early-mid 1900s
silver spectacles with oval-round frames. Belonged to R.Ruze’s father, Donald B. Perry Married to Cora May Phillips of Northeast Harbor, the daughter of Cora Justina Savage and Augustus Chase Savage.