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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
  • Object, Writing, Envelope
Blue envelope addressed to LaRue Spiker from Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Palmer, Mount Desert, Maine. Isaac Reed written on envelope near return address. Envelope was sent August 17, 1973 from Southwest Harbor, ME Nothing in envelope
  • Object, Writing, Envelope
Envelope from Campfield's Maderia Camera Shop, Madiera Beach, Florida. Envelope is adressed to Grace H. Spiker Bay Pines Park
11240Sandra Gott Wedding
  • Object, Writing, Envelope
  • 1966
Envelope addressed to Mr. A Keith Glazier SLNTE ED. Press Herald Portland, Maine From La Rue Spiker Norwood written in pencil on front of envelope. Envelope was around 9 black and white photo negatives of Sandra Gott's Wedding
  • Object, Writing, Envelope
Small envelope stuck in with negatives in artifact number 998.1980.3085.331. Envelope reads: Marilyn Haf ANP Story
10624Two necklaces and two pins in a red velvet box
  • Object, Jewelry, Necklace
Collection of Order of the Eastern Star jewelry. Two necklaces and two pins in a red velvet box.
9197Raffle ticket for "centennial bustle"
  • Object, Ticket
  • Other, Advertising
Small raffle ticket: “Raffle - For a double-jointed, steam-heating, anti-corrosive, self acting, non-explosive, back-action CENTENNIAL BUSTLE. Warranted not to rip, ravel, or run down at the heel. For the benefits of a Young lady suffering from the pull-back. Tickets: 3 smacks and a squeeze.” Previously archived as 016.FIC.001.3.c
9186Name card with “Mary E. Gilley.” printed on it.
  • Object, Identification Card, Calling Card
  • People
Name card with “Mary E. Gilley.” printed on it. Previously archived as object id 016.FIC.011.6.h
9185Name card with “Albba M. Billings” printed on it.
  • Object, Identification Card, Calling Card
  • People
Name card with “Albba M. Billings” printed on it. Previously archived as 016.FIC.001.6.a
9184Name card with “Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo Higgins” printed on it
  • Object, Identification Card, Calling Card
  • People
Name card with “Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo Higgins” printed on it in the center of the card. Nettie B. Richards underneath to the left. Previously archived as object id 016.FIC.001.6.g
9183Envelope for a small name card with “Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Fernald”
  • Object, Writing, Envelope
  • People
Envelope for a small name card with “Mr. & Mrs. A.C. Fernald” printed on it. Previously archived as object Id 016.FIC.001.6.F
9182“Friendship” courtesy card with a poem about friendship printed on a scroll and framed by colored flowers
  • Object, Hand Card
  • Other, Summer Community
“Friendship” courtesy card with a poem about friendship printed on a scroll and framed by colored flowers Previously archived as object id 016.FIC.001.6.e
8493Swan's Island Ferry
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • Other, Ferries
  • Other, Swans Island
  • Ballard, W.H.
  • 1961
Postcard of the Swan's Island Ferry, underway, 1961. Published in 1965. Back of card: Operated by Maine State Ferry Service, carries 150 passengers and 8 cars between mcKinlye, in Acadia national Park, and Swans Island, Maine. A 5 mile trip in 35 minutes across beautfiul Blue Hill Bay. Note on original sleeve: Sold $6,000 to H.G. Reed, $103.00
5524High Seas, Restaurant for Mr. and Mrs. G. Edgar Morang
  • Object, Writing, Postcard
  • 1956
Postcard with photo of High Seas, restaurant built for Mr. and Mrs. G. Edgar Morang. Designed by Robert Patterson. Note gave date of 1956.
5503Black and gray child's dress
  • Object, Clothing, Dress
Full length dress. Victorian style, black and grey figured cotton with lace trim at neck and sleeve edge. Black ric-rack trim sewn to neck, wrist, bodice, and ruffle bottom of skirt. Attached sash in matching fabric. Machine sewn with hand sewn trim and button holes. Small size, likely for a child.
5502Full length black taffeta dress
  • Object, Clothing, Dress
Full length dress. Black taffetta. Two rows of covered black buttons on the bodice. One short row of covered buttons on the skirt of the dress. Pleated waistband. Decorative pleated sash hanging from the waistband on the back of the dress.
5501Full length white linen dress
  • Object, Clothing, Dress
Full length dress. White linen. Metal snaps and hook-n-eye closures in the front. Gauze embroidered fabric in front, collar, and on sleeve cuffs. Machine stitching throughout. May be a replica of 1800's style schoolgirl's dress.
5500Cream petticoat
  • Object, Clothing, Underskirt, Petticoat
Cream petticoat: tiered, flounce, cutwork
5498Cotton and lace petticoat, muslin color.
  • Object, Clothing, Underskirt, Petticoat
Cotton and lace petticoat, muslin color. Some torn lace trim.
5499Cotton and lace petticoat
  • Object, Clothing, Underskirt, Petticoat
Cotton and lace petticoat. Adult sized.
5497Child's dress balloon and flower print
  • Object, Clothing, Dress
Child's dress balloon and flower print on thin muslin
5496Blue 1930's cocktail dress with embroidered bodice
  • Object, Clothing, Dress
Blue 1930's cocktail dress with embroidered bodice
5495Blue 1930's cocktail dress with beaded bodice
  • Object, Clothing, Dress
Pink long sleeved dress with buttoned cuffs
54941950's lace blouse,black and white patchwork skirt, and black fabric sash.
  • Object, Clothing, Dress
1950's lace blouse,black and white patchwork skirt, and black fabric sash. Three pieces in dress outfit. Blouse: 001-56.29b Skirt: 001-56.29a Sash: 001-56.29c
5493Black lace jacket
  • Object, Clothing, Jacket
Black lace jacket. No buttons. Shawl collar. Long sleeves.
54921950s brown velvet hat, tam style.
  • Object, Clothing, Hat
1950s brown velvet hat, tam style. Brown taffeta lining. Label: Made in England expressly for Macy's New York.