Description: Working the weir. Man inside pen hauling net into dory. Man observes from edge of pen. This is a slide version of a photo in the collection
Description: Dragger Tipsy Parson built by Sim Davis of Bass Harbor. Smaller boat in foreground. Three larger boats in background tied to wharf, Hornert, Sandi and Jean, Sunbeam.. Negative in possession of donor.
Description: Franz Karban, owner of Echo Vista on Echo Lake. Standing in front of pine tree. Wearing double breasted suit, tie, hands in pockets. Gift of M.L. Hughes.
Description: 9.25 X 13.75 black and white photograph of lobsterman Richard Butler taking lobsters from trap off Mt. Desert Island. Gift of George Daniell
Description: Betty Moore, daughter-in-law of Edith Moore, neé Pulitzer, of Baymeath, Hulls Cove. Mrs. Moore is picking daffodils in garden of Greenwich estate. Large house in background. Gift of George Daniell Deaccessioned because replaced by 008.122.1
Description: Robert La Hotan, artist on Great Cranberry Island, 1984. Lover, life partner, of artist John Heliker. Age 40+ standing next to large still life. Wearing Long sleeve tailored shirt, white shorts and white sneakers. Hold cigarette in hand. Circular staircase to right. Gift of George Daniell.
Description: Artist John Heliker in his studio. Man age 65+ seated in wicker chair in front of large painting of hills and village. Wears glasses, short sleeved plaid shirt unbuttoned at top. Gift of George Daniell. Written on the back of the photo: "John Heliker in his studio on Cranberry Island. 1984"
Description: Art show on Village Green in Bar Harbor. Paintings displayed near sidewalk. Woman walks past paintings. Four people seated in lawn chairs in facing away from paintings. Congregational Church in background. Cars parked along street and in church parking lot. Gift of George Daniell.
Description: Aurelia Brown in Wingspread Gallery, Northeast Harbor. Brown seated in caned chair on left, elbow on table. Wears turtle neck, stretch pants and white sneakers. Woman acroos the table, long hair parted in middle. Man in background with long poney tail walks through curtain into another room. Dog asleep at Brown’s feet. Gift of George Daniell.
Description: Quarry workers pose for photograph with three yoke of oxen. Somes Sound in background. Photo shows men with tools of trade near blocks of granite.
Description: Man on mowing machine. Team of oxen stand in front of machine, not harnessed. Large shingled barn behind man and oxen. man wears short buttoned jacket, dark pants and boots and cap. Marked on back, “Some of the first oxen in Somesville.”
Description: Men harvesting ice on Somes Pond winter of 1947. In foreground two men use large wooden “scoop/plow” to scrape snow of ice. Another man to right pushes ice along open water. Large saw in back of men plowing snow. Other men in background near Oak Hill Road. Truck on ice near shore.
Description: Clara Emilie Meynell Somes(1842-1920) and Thaddeus Shepley Somes(1839-1913) seated on front step of their home on corner of Oak Hill Road and Main Street. Clara wears hair in bun on back of head. Striped blouse with full sleeves, black placket down center of bodice, white lace around collar. Decorative white flower plackets descend from shoulders along each side on center. Black skirt with indistinguishable design. Thaddeus wears straw hat, dark suit, white shirt and black tie. Marked on back Garm and Gapa, 1905. Photo cut to fit frame or album. Pieces of a letter appear on back. [show more]
Description: Steamboat "Lewiston" at Bar Harbor. Bar Island in background. Passengers boarding paddle steamer. In foreground, log fence. Women standing on land holding umbrellas. Well dressed ladies in full skirts and gentlemen stand on crowded pier.
Description: Two masted-schooner in back of Fernald’s store (formerly A.J. Whiting’s Store) later Port-in-a-Storm bookstore, still later, an art gallery. Houses on Main street from left to right: Abraham Somes III house; John Somes house, known as “Old Homestead”; Thaddeus Somes Store; in front of store, Blacksmith’s shop; Fernald’s Store; Mount Desert Tavern. Flags flying on main mast, American Flag and Kate Pray pennant. Five men sit on top of cabin house. One man standing between masts. Photo is black and white. [show more]
Description: Brig under construction in Somes Cove. Looking across Somes Cove to Somes Meadow and landing. Six men standing on deck looking toward camera. Hull near completion. Lumber scattered around ship. Two masted lay on the ground in back of ship. Schooner to the right. Marked on back, “One of the boat builders was William Smith husband of Addie Smith of Somesville” Brief outline of family tree. “Ship builder, William married Cynthia?, children Pearl - Blacksmith and Bloomfield, Storekeeper. Child of Pearl, Fred who married Addie. Children of Fred and Addie, Don and Stuart.” Don Smith still living in Somesville. Photo could not be located 02/03/2022 [show more]
Description: Group of women and two men gathered on steps of unidentified brick building. Names marked on back, “Carmen Harper, Lucy Murphy, Abbie Buck, Abbie Hanna, Evelyn McPheaters, Edna Miller, Gladys Sweetsen, Ellis [Daieu], Adria Pratt, Elise Buck, Marjorie Harvey, Inez Folsom, Louis Hutchings, Jessie Flye, Maurice Brown, Flora V.E. Ames, Elizabeth Parker, Gracia Hooper, Francis Larrabee, Mildred Look, Calista Andrews, Mabel Ridley, Ida M. Folsom, Hattie Wiggin, Dr. Edward E. Philbrook, Kate M. Russell. [show more]