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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
54911950's black fabric tam hat, beanie style.
  • Object, Clothing, Hat
1950's black fabric tam hat, beanie style. Lined with black taffeta.
5489Taupe colored lace gloves with flower design at cuff.
  • Object, Clothing, Glove
Taupe colored lace gloves with flower design at cuff.
5490Ivory colored gloves
  • Object, Clothing, Glove
Ivory colored gloves. Open fret work and fabric.
1592Quilt Square
  • Object, Quilt Block
  • October 1, 1862
Red and white cotton basket pattern square from “Friendship Quilt”. Made by May E. Read for a bride’s quilt. Inscription reads, “Please accept my best wishes for your future happiness.” In wooden frame under glass. Donor info - It was the custom at that time to present a bride with a “Friendship Quilt” made up of squares designed and made by friends. Then quilting parties were held and the quilt put together. Repaired and washed by Mrs. Barry Smith. May Read was from Swans Island. [show more]
1578Quilt Square: Appliqued basket on floral cotton
  • Object, Quilt Block
8.5" x 9" pink floral square with appliqued and embroiderd basket. Pauline (J?) Smith hand-written on basket.
1577Purple Quilt Square
  • Object, Quilt Block
21" x 21" four-part quilt square, purple floral print and plain purple, hand-stitched on muslin with plain purple backing. Done by Gail Reiber's grandmother, Letty Anna Smith.
1582Quilt Square
  • Object, Quilt Block
13" x 13"quilt square made by Gail Reiber's great aunt, Linda Florence Smith Foote, in Pretty Marsh. Series of small floral triangles on deep pink printed background.
5336Taupe colored lace gloves with single bead for clasping at wrist.
  • Object, Clothing, Glove
Taupe colored lace gloves with single bead for clasping at wrist.
5335Ivory colored gloves with beaded decorations.
  • Object, Clothing, Glove
Ivory colored gloves with beaded decorations.
5333Crocheted ivory colored lace purse
  • Object, Carrying Bag, Purse
Crocheted ivory colored lace purse with drawstring at top.
5334Ivory colored lace gloves.
  • Object, Clothing, Glove
Ivory colored lace gloves.
5322Wooden trunk, covered in animal hide, with inititals "J G R" on top
  • Object, Trunk
Wooden trunk. Covered in animal hide. Metal nail/tack decoration on edges and top of trunk body. Metal handles on each end. Inititals "J G R" on top of trunk made with metal tacks. Interior paper liner with black pola dot pattern, ripped.
5321White leather/kidskin women's gloves with black trim, marked as a and b
  • Object, Clothing, Glove
White leather/kidskin women's gloves with black trim, marked as a and b. Ivory colored button on each labelled "Ireland Glove." Small metal grommet at wrist opening.
5320Fringed large silk shawl with pulled thread design
  • Object, Clothing, Shawl
Fringed large silk shawl with pulled thread design.Appears to be machine-made fabric.
5319Cream silk scarf
  • Object, Clothing, Scarf
Cream silk scarf
5317Man's cream colored small patterned silk waistcoat.
  • Object, Clothing, Vest
Man's cream colored small patterned silk waistcoat. Edging of a striped silk fabric. Four button holes in front. No buttons. Large tear down the center seam in the back and extension of closure rigged at bottom of tear. Attached belt in back. Lined with solid cream colored fabric, probably cotton.
5318Cutwork and metal bead attachable woman's collar
  • Object, Clothing, Collar
Cutwork and metal bead attachable woman's collar
5316Cream silk stockings (a+b). Probably womens
  • Object, Clothing, Hosiery, Stocking
Cream silk stockings (a+b). Probably womens. Full length. Seams down the back. Silk or cotton.
5315Silk drawstring bag
  • Object, Containers, Bag
Silk drawstring bag for knitting or other purpose. May have been used as bag for use with a formal dress. Eggshell color. Fabric has embellished floral pattern with handstitched crewel embroidery trim. Two small metal fabric covered wheels complete the drawn bag.
5314White cotton cutwork shift
  • Object, Clothing, Dress
White cotton cutwork shift. Probably worn over a slip.
5313Cotton bloomers, c. 1858.
  • Object, Clothing, Underpants, Drawers, Bloomers
Cotton bloomers,1858 or 1859. Name written on bloomers apppears to be Marion M _________.
5302Uncashed Check from Maine Forestry District
  • Object, Pay Order, Bank Check
  • 1947
Uncashed check from Maine Forestry District, Fire Fighting Account to L.W. Libby
5270CD-R of photos from Edward Dana's Family
  • Object, Data Processing, Compact Disc
CD-R of photos from the Edward Dana's family albums of Seal Harbor circa 1905 to 1912, the Dana house on Cooksey Drive in Seal Harbor. Contains 159 high quality JPG files, all unlabelled. Photographer unknown.
5266Army Boots
  • Object, Clothing, Boot
Pair of Army boots. Brown. Labeled "Miller Z156" and "A+"
5265Running Shoes
  • Object, Clothing, Shoe
Pair of Innov8 running shoes. Black, royal blue, and lime green.