Description: Two unknown children, possibly Virginia Somes Sanderson and brother Arthur. Girl wearing hair on top of head held by ribbon, white knee-length dress with short puffy sleeves and bare legs. Boy wears cap with striped shirt and black bow tie, knee pants, dark socks and white shoes. Large cottage with covered porch in background. Marked on back, “July 1900 Catawba Island, O.”
Description: Girl standing in shallow water of lake or pond in bathing suit. Hair pulled up in ribbon. Man in bathing suit next to her; both are making Victory sign. Marked on back, “Catawba Island, O. July 1900." Little girl identified possibly as Virginia Somes Sanderson, per 2011 "Mystery Photographs" Exhibit (AB).
Description: Children standing on steps of Somesville School House. Front door open. Teachers standing in back row to the left. Thirty nine in photo including at least two teachers. Boys dressed in knee pants, some with sweaters and caps, others in jackets. Boots of children in front row very dirty. One boy stands between posts. Edges of photo very worn, peeling away from mat.
Description: Somesville School Class photograph, October 1909. Twenty-one students, none identified. Marked Somesville, Me, Oct 1909 in lower left corner. Students gathered on grass, trees in background. Teacher in center wears hair pulled back with white blouse and dark skirt which buttons down center. Dark tie at neck. Copy of original
Description: Car amid trailer parked on grass with mountains in distance. Furniture in back of trailer. Two unknown women standing behind trailer talking, man looks over trailer from behind. Long wooden bench with pile of [books?] on end. Mast of boat rise from behind bank. Bottom of photo creased. Location appears to be Somes Sound.
Description: Students on step of Somesville school house, ages 13-18. Teacher in middle of back row. Girls standing in back row, second row, girls seated on step, first row boys seated on ground.
Description: Virginia Somes Sanderson, wavy hair pulled loosely to back in bow. Wearing sun suit with feathers or similar shape throughout. Holding saw towards tree, hatchet in hand. Marked on back, “Sheep Island, 1949.”
Description: Virginia Somes Sanderson wearing long dress or robe, holding saw in her hand, about to limb evergreens. Two dogs paw in the grass behind her.
Description: Unknown man, perhaps Arthur Sanderson, father of Virginia Somes Sanderson, wearing pin striped suit, white shirt and tie. Watch fob visible under coat. Holding bowler type hat in hand. Standing in front of lawn of Victorian house. Marked on back, “1904 351 W 7th Ave Columbus, O.
Description: Unknown woman in white dress, mid-calf length , and apron standing outside stucco building with trellis near window. Hands folded in front. No date.
Description: Carrie Mabel Moore age 90. Seated in upholstered chair with wood arms. Window with venetian blinds. Mantel to the right. She wears polka dot dress, short sleeve which buttons up front. Marked on back, “Born Carrie Mabel Moore 11-18-1864, Sea Wall - Maine, Tremont Maine. Father - Joshua S. Moore, Tremont. Mother Caroline Frances Somes Somesville, Mt. Desert, Maine. Mrs. Frank W. Cadwell, Mabel Carrie Moore Cadwell Died Nov. 29, 1954. Daniel Somes branch. Photo taken age 80 years 1954, age 90 years.” (Although the inscription on the back indicates both 80 years old and 90, the birth date given is 1864 and the death date as 1954. [AB]) [show more]
Description: Keith MacKane leaning on sail in small sailing dory at float on Sheep Island. Woman on the left bending down to lines, may be Virginia Sanderson. Marked on back, “Dr. MacKane Sheep Island, Maine." No date.
Description: Harriet Somes Sanderson standing outside electric car. Small car, seats two. Door open, inside and door lined with ticking type material. Woman inside car wears wire rim glasses, black wide-brimmed hat with dark dress. Sanderson wears hat with large feather covering crown. One side of brim turns up. Carries fur coat or stole over hands. Wears long velvet skirt with shorter dress or coat of a lighter color over skirt. Small trees in meadow in the background. Marked on back, “Mama and her electric car.” [show more]
Description: Emilie Clarissa Meynell Somes standing on lawn of historic Abraham Somes III house (later owned by Marion and Richard Cobb). She wears long white dress with v-shaped trim on bodice, decorative black sash or scarf around neck, and small black hat.
Description: Virginia Somes Sanderson dressed for costume party in monk's robe holding small animal, maybe rabbit, in hands. Standing near bushes and trellis. This is similar to accession #997-488-654, which is the object ID for this. These numbers all need to be fixed. (AB)
Description: Ethel Somes wearing heavy dark cardigan sweater, with knee pants, boots laced up to knee. Small cabin in background among small evergreens and bare decidous trees. Marked on bottom, “[Necatous?] Ethel Somes.”
Description: Group of people in woods outside small cabin. Decorative border around image. Marked on bottom, “Camp No. 8. Uncle Mell, Ethel Haynes, Jim Allen, Georgia, Bill, Harry, [Ernest?], Hollis. Man in middle row to the right holidng small dog.
Description: Ethel Somes and unknown woman on left in white dresses seated on steps of covered porch on Sheep Island. Wide steps, dark trim around door and windows. Chair on porch with peeling paint. Small white dog looking up a woman on the right. Names marked at bottom illegible. Identified at 2011 "Mystery Photographs" Exhibit.
Description: Group picnicking on rocks. From left to right, back row, Mother Somes, Daniel Somes Smith, Georgia Somes Smith, mother of Dan, Hollis, June Smith, brother of Dan, and [?]. Boys dressed in knee pants high black socks, v-neck sweaters and caps. Women in white dresses. Mother Somes wears black hat and sweater or jacket. Georgia Smith has chef's hat on. Black dog next to June Smith.
Description: Unknown woman age 99 seated on sofa with crocheted throw on back. Christmas tree to right. Wall paper patterned with ships and men on horse. Mirror behind couch reflect woman wearing short sleeve black dress, glasses with hands on hips. Older woman holds gift on lap, wearing floral print dress. Marked on bottom, “Gram Brown 99 yrs.” Snapshot.
Description: Virginia Somes Sanderson standing on sidewalk near bushes and trellis. Wearing hair parted in middle and pulled back with white peasant type blouse, sleeves pulled up, black skirt, calf length, wide black belt and dark shoes. Standing with hands on hips.
Description: Virginia Somes Sanderson dressed for costume party in monk's robe holding small animal, maybe rabbit, in hands. Standing near bushes and trellis. Marked on back, “How I looked at the feté.”
Description: Unknown woman holding lead on halter of horse. Horse has three white socks with one leg dark, white blaze from middle of nose to nostrils and star on forehead. Woman wears hair pulled back with tailored jacket of light shade with black men’s style tie and straight long dark skirt. Small trees and meadow in background. Marked on back, “August, 1892 - Old ‘Dick’.”
Description: Thaddeus Shepley Somes with Virginia Somes Sanderson on his knee, Emilie Clarissa Meynell Somes in back. "Lion" the dog in front. Thaddeus seated in chair under tree wearing dark suit and derby. Virginia in corkscrew curls with white dress, dark stockings and boots. Emilie behind Thaddeus with gray hair and print dress. Trees and barn in background.
Description: Thaddeus Shepley Somes reading paper, holding garden hoe. Broom leaning on tree. Appears to be working on flower beds near roadside. Wearing derby, dark pants and vest, and white shirt. Location unknown, buildings and telephone poles line street.