Description: Pair of black beaded decorative items, likely sewn to garment at one time; perhaps epaulettes. Found in apartment over old store in Seal Harbor.
Description: Small glass ink holder. Date is unkown. There is a crack on the inside of the holder and the inside is murky. Marked on the outside: "Woods Black Ink. Portland"
Description: 8*6.5" notebook used for school work and then used for Friday Club minutes Says 1926 on outside. Inside cover lists subjects beginning with Physiology and ending with Rhetoric. Seems to have some grades As and Bs but others check marks. Next pages are geometry theoremsMinutes begin in 1924, possible spelling list, poetry, stanzas of Lord Ullin's Daughter written by a Scottish poet Thomas Campbell, heaven is not reached on a single bound by J.G. Holland Could be book of child of Maud Trask Mentions waiting list 1/28/27 minutes [show more]
Description: Wooden sign designed to be hung, "Ice:One Block To Right."12" x 29." Background of the sign is white, and letters are painted in bold black. There flaking throughout much of the white paint.
Description: Brown leather ice skates with laces and leather straps that run under and across toe, under heel and back across toe. Marked size 11.5 and name Ray (Roy?) Salisbury on label on side of blade. Length of blade is 16".
Description: 1921 Sanborn Maps of Southwest Harbor and Manset showing dwellings, businesses, churches, roads. Key indicates building construction material, location of automatic sprinklers, number of stories, etc. Prominent businesses shown are John L. Stanley & Son, Fish Curing & Packing; John A. Hopkins, Fish Curing & Packing; Manset Coal Co., Addison Packing Co. Sardine Factory, Freeman Coal Co., Park Theatre Moving Pictures & Vaudeville, Dirigo and Claremont Hotels. Maps have been scanned and the image files are linked to this record. [show more]
Description: Notice of Classification from the Local Board No. 1, Ellsworth, Maine and from the War Department to Cpl. Stuart J. Smith of the 67th T.C. Sq. Company and the 433d T.C. GP Regiment.
Description: a. letter, names Mrs. H. Hartwell and E.A. Francis, not dated b. letter, 1863, Edward to his sister c. letter, 1862 SHK to Lou sent from Boston d. receipt Col.Hoper to Janet B. Small e. bill for board for H.G. Hartwell, no date f. bill for board 1829 g. invoice materials for Brig Beaver 1829 h. ship carpenter, invoice 1829 i. invoice materials for Brig Beaver 1829 j. account of bills for Brig Beaver 1830 k. account of bills for Brig Beaver 1827 l. bill for moving the brig 1829, New York m. bill for supplies, paid to John Nesbit 1829, New York n. bill to Tellon Cutting 1829 o. bill to John Aymar 1829 p. bill for sundries by order of Cat. Samuel Stapels q.bill for kitchen supplies 1829 r. bill Dec.15, 1829 s.bill to John Cole 1829 t. bil to John cole 1829 u. bill for lamp oil 1829 v. bill for wharfage 1829 [show more]
Description: Certificate (1Fighter Command) and two letters commending and thanking Elmer Cousins for volunteering with the Aircraft Warning Service, "to take part in the gradual transition from the defensive the offensive..." "A small scale sneak raid" is still possible...maintain safeguard military information." (The War Dept. had announced the discontinuance of the Ground Observer Corps and the Aircraft Warning Corps.) [show more]
Description: Handwritten list in pencil of doctors' bills and funeral expenses [for John William Somes], written by John Allen Somes, estate administrator. Doctors are Dr. Wakfield and Dr. JS Grindle and RS Grindle. Funeral cost fo AC Fernald was $303.00. On other side of this listing are amounts written to Somesville School House, Seal Harbor and Otter Creek road notes, and Mountain Road No. 2 notes. Also amounts received from various people for sewer permits, as well as other entries. [show more]
Description: Dark blue taffeta peplum jacket, collar is missing and has been cut off. Covered buttons down the front. Probably hand tailored but also machine stitched. Lined with tan cotton fabric.
Description: Tiered net lace v necked short sleeve dress. Lined. Very light beige or apricot color. Appears to have been altered and shortened. Hook and eye closures in the back.