Description: Farnsworth family in living room. Man in work clothes sits on couch with four children. Woman sits in chair. Coffee table in front of couch.
Description: 3 1/2 X 3 1/2 black and white photograph of the Farnsworth family in living room. A man is on end of couch with three children. A woman sits in chair.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of John Malbry writing on chalk board. Unknown students sit and stand on porch. Some have notebooks in hand.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of three unknown children (ages 4-6) standing in line near Park Street. Child in center wearing Park Street Playground t-shirt.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of MDI Sheltered Workshop members in a parade on Main Street Southwest Harbor. Alley’s Restaurant is in background. Unknown man and two unknown children carry MDI Sheltered Workshop sign. Behind two boys carry Hancock County Special Olympics Sign.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of a view from upper town dock Southwest Harbor. Jay Wellington and friend rowing punt. Dicky Beal’s lobster boat in middle ground.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of unknown runners in a foot race down Main Street Southwest Harbor. Lawrence Robinson Real Estate and Insurance and McEachern and Hutchins in the background.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of young girl Bonny Whitener holding white cat. Unknown young girl standing next to her holds a Guniea Pig. Paper towel dispenser and sink in background.
Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph of unknown children watching Story King caulk seams of an upturned row boat on float. Trees and house in back ground.
Description: Somesville School Class photograph, October 1909. Twenty one students, none identified. Marked Somesville, Me, Oct 1909 in lower left corner. Students gathered on grass, trees in background. Teacher in center wears hair pulled back with white blouse and dark skirt which buttons down center. Dark tie at neck.
Description: Mrs. Calvin Austin of Boston who christened the new S.S. Acadia at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company on February 13 1932 on board the Acadia during the christening.
Description: Men seated on banks of mill pond (probably not Main Street Mill) near logs. Lumber floating on barge in pond. Three buildings on opposite bank.