Description: 5 X 7 black and white photograph mounted on heavy cardboard of Baker’s Island Light House. People sitting/standing on ledge outside chain link fence.
Description: Front entrance of Echo Vista restaurant. Lobster between Echo and Vista. Striped awnings over both windows. Screened door in center. Second door to right. Waitress, Muriel Trask stands under left window. Gift of M.L. Hughs.
Description: Unknown girl (Virginia Somes Sanderson?) standing at edge of lake or pond in bathing suit. Hair pulled up in ribbon. White scratches around edge of photo. Marked on back, “Catawba Island, O. July 1900.
Description: Sally Trask Somes holding Georgia N. Somes as baby. Sally Somes seated in chair; white hair wearing spectacles, leaning over baby, wears striped skirt with black bodice. Baby wearing long white dress. House in back ground with lattice work around foundation. Marked on back, “Sally Trask Somes wife of Daniel Somes, Jr., Georgia N. Somes, his grandaugter [sic] born Jan 24, 1890. Given by Daniel Somes Smith 1978.”
Description: Harriet Somes Sanderson standing outside electric car. Small car, seats two. Door open, inside and door lined with ticking type material. Woman inside care wears wire rim glasses, black wide brimmed hat with dark dress. Sanderson wears hat with large feater covering crown. One side of brim turns up. Carries fur coat or stole over hands. Wears long velvet skirt with shorter dress or coat of a lighter color over skirt. Small trees in meadow in the background. Marked on back, “Mama and her electric car.” [show more]
Description: Lumber Mill in Somesville. Lumber piled to left and in back of mill. To right, logs piled on bank of Mill pond. In background, A.J. Whiting’s Store, later Port-In-A-Storm bookstore. Three horses and three wagons wait for load of lumber. Men from left to right, R. Davis, J.A. Somes, J.W. Somes, Geo. Benson, B. Mitchell). Marked on back, “Last one Hulls Cove; the remainder Somesville.” Edges very worn. Small tear in lower left corner. (This description may refer to a different photograph; nothing marked on back and no wear or tear.) [show more]
Description: Mount Desert Post Office on Main Street, Somesville, next to former home of Daniel (Somes) and Rosemary Smith. Former Richard Donahoe house to the right. Post Office is a single story clapboard building with gable end facing the road. There is a sash window beside the front door. There is a small window high in the gable end. Chimney with stovepipe insert extends above roof line. Car to right with open door. Man stands in front of post office door watching a second man shovel snow. [show more]
Description: Mount Desert Island Historical Society Cemetery Tour October 31, 1995. Crowd standing under Brookside Cemetery Gate. Near right gate post. Jaylene Roths on left holding lantern , wearing black skirt, jacket and hat. Anne Mazlish on right wearing black skirt, white blouse with shawl holding torch. Eben Richardson, behind right gate post.
Description: Small group standing outside cemetery gates. Mount Desert Island Historical Society Cemetery Tour October 31, 1995. Two in costume, one holds candle lantern. Brookside Cemetery. Person on far right identified as Patty Ryan per 2011 "Mystery Photographs" Exhibit (AB).
Description: Mount Desert Island Historical Society Cemetery Tour October 31, 1995. Jaylene Roths on left holding lantern, wearing black skirt, jacket and hat. Anne Mazlish on right weaing black skirt, white blouse with shawl. Brookside Cemetery.
Description: Two cars parked along road side over looking lake and mountain beyound. Man stands with foot on running board of 1920s convertible. Woman near back, wears white shoes, print skirt, white sweater, and hat. Second car, man stands with foot on runningboard. Another man stands near front wheel. Third talks to woman in white sweater. Marked, “H.L. Bradley, Bar Harbor, Me.” H.L. Bradley was the son of photographer Bryant Bradley. 11/20/13: No marking HL Bradley on back; rather it is stamped LaRue Spiker (ABenson) [show more]
Description: Horses hitched to buckboards along street. Men sit in carriages or stand next to them. To the left are grass squares and saplings. Across street three large buildings. Middle building holds R.F. Suminsby, smaller builing next door, sign read [----] Stevens. Stamped on back with LaRue Spiker, P O Box 625, Southwest Harbor, Maine 04679. "Auto War" in red crayon
Description: Small album containing portraits of 5th grade students. Cover marked, “ A Teacher’s Memories, My Class in 1952-1953. In lower right hand corner, Alston Studios logo. First page, eight portraits. Written on top, “Teacher Ruby Higgins, Grades 5+6, Somesville School. Page two, eight portraits. Back page, three portraits. None identified. (3 Photographs)
Description: Portrait of Dunham School , Seal Harbor. Grade two, 1966-67. Marked in center, “Dunham School, Seal Harbor, Grade 2 1966-67.” Thirteen students, none identified. Printed in lower right hand corner, Alston Studios, Inc.
Description: Portraits of Dunham School grade two, 1966-67. Marked in center, “Dunham School, Seal Harbor, Grade 2 1966-67.” Students from top row, left to right; Ruby Higgin, teacher, Robert Suminsby, Lynn Carpenter, Bruce Smallidge, Beth Minotons; row two, Jay Vollmer, Allison Cochran, Dale Alley, Julie Allen, Alan Graves, Beverly Merchant; row three, Kenneth Norwood, Rossette Pottle, Martha Fields, Sandra Frost. Printed in lower right hand corner, Alston Studios, Inc. [show more]
Description: Portraits of Dunham School grade two, 1966-67. Marked in center, “Dunham School, Seal Harbor, Grade 2 1966-67.” Fourteen students, none identified. Top left corner, Ruby Higgins, teacher. Printed in lower right hand corner, Alston Studios, Inc.
Description: Dunham School grade one, 1966-67. Marked in center, “Dunham School, Seal Harbor, Grade 1 1966-67.” Sixteen students, three identified. Top left corner, Doris Freman, teacher. Third from left. top row, Joyce Robinson, fourth from left, top row, Richard Bracy. Second row, first picture, Mary Lyny. Printed in lower right hand corner, Alston Studios, Inc.
Description: Portraits of Dunham School grade one, 1966-67. Marked in center, “Dunham School, Seal Harbor, Grade 1 1966-67.” Fourteen students, none identified. Printed in lower right hand corner, Alston Studios, Inc.
Description: Portraits of Dunham School Kindergarten, 1966-67. Marked in center, “Dunham School, Seal Harbor, Kindergarten 1966-67.” Students not identified. Written at top, Teacher Mrs. Savage. Printed in lower right hand corner, Alston Studios, Inc.
Description: Portraits of Dunham School grade two, 1964. Students not identified. Written next to Dunham School at top, “Seal Harbor.” Also marked then erased in lower right hand corner, “Judy Walton didn’t come out.” See also 997-80-242
Description: Portraits of Mt. Desert Elementary, 1972-1973 grade two.Marked at top, “Last class for Ruby.” Students from top row, let to right; John Allen, Scott Parady; row two, Leanne Lilli, Paul Durset, Ruby Higgins, teacher, Tim Allen, Scott Graves; row three, John Volhmer, Amy Smith, Todd Brophy, Ardis Menzietti, Donny Lynk, Wnedy Preston, Julie Lisont; row four, Laurie Branch, Charles Murphy, Lane Waters, Kevin Richards, Herbert Gray, Ricahrd Graves, Ernest Gilley. [show more]
Description: Portraits of Mt. Desert Elementary School grade two, 1969-70. Marked at top, “Mt. Desert Elementary School, 1969-1970, Grade two:. No names on photo. Ruby Higgins teacher in center.
Description: Portraits of Mt. Desert Elementary School kindergarten, 1969-70. Marked at top, “Mt. Desert Elementary School, 1969-1970, Kindergarten. One name marked out of 19 portraits. Mrs. Savage teacher in center.